6 Things to Do to Your Natural Hair Before Sleeping

  • Posted on 29 December, 2021
  • Hot Topic
  • By Martha O

What's my nighttime routine like? I usually wash my face and throw my hair into a satin bonnet. But there has to be more to this right?  Especially, if you have thick afro-textured hair and don't want to end up with a tangled mess of hair the next morning.

Well, there are ways to avoid looking like a hot mess of hair every morning. These simple tips can help you protect your hair while you sleep and also prevent tangles and dryness. JonellSequiraXO shares 5 lazy ways you can protect your natural hair before sleeping.

Here's a breakdown of the tips she shared in her video.

1. Use a satin bonnet

For JonellSequiraXO, a satin bonnet is her go-to for nights when she is feeling super lazy and doesn't feel like doing extra with her hair. She likes to use an extra-large satin bonnet to protect her hair at night. She recommends buying your preferred bonnet size at a local beauty store or any online store.

However, putting her hair into a bonnet for a course of the week doesn't give her the stretch she likes and sometimes this could possibly lead to tangles. Of course, she prefers not to do this every single night, instead, she tries other methods to get those stretched curls.

2. Do the pineapple method

The pineapple method is another lazy way JonellSequiraXO protects her hair at night. This is a pretty easy and common hairstyle. To do the pineapple, she starts by pushing all her hair to the front, wraps a scarf around it to hold the hair in place, and then ties the two tail ends of the scarf at the back.

After she is done, she puts a bonnet over her hair to ensure that the rest of her hair doesn't rub against her cotton pillowcases. While this method helps to preserve your styles overnight, she does not use this often unless she is going to wear a high puff the next day.

3. Do the low ponytail method

This method works for her because it keeps the back of her hair short and stretches the top and the middle of her hair. To do this, she leaves out her bangs and some hair at the sides, then ties the rest into a low ponytail using an elastic hairband. She only ties the hairband once and not twice - this helps to reduce tension on the hair - and finally she puts a bonnet over her hair. Remember, the key is to make a loose ponytail so you can sleep easy.

4. Do the 2 low ponytail method

This is one of her favorite methods to protect her natural hair before bedtime. If the low ponytail doesn't work for you because you sleep on your back, the 2 low ponytail method might work for you. For this method, she takes out her front bangs and some side hairs and divides the rest into 2 sections. She then bands down the length of both sections with an elastic hairband and puts a bonnet over it.

5. Use the banding method

The banding method helps to give her the most stretched curls, the perfect shape she likes and keeps her hair tangle-free. This method basically involves banding her hair into 4 sections. To do this method, she leaves out the hair around the perimeter of her head and splits the rest into 4 sections. She then bands the length of each section with an elastic hairband and wears a bonnet over it. You can always skip the bonnet part if you sleep with a satin pillowcase.

Also, before you tie up your hair at night try to re-moisturize with your favorite refresher spray, an oil and water mixture or just spray with water. JonellSequiraXO typically needs to re-moisturize every 2-3 days.

6. Brush your hair out before bedtime

Here's an extra tip to include in your nighttime routine. Before you sleep, brush your hair out with a wide-tooth comb or bristle brush. Ensure you brush from root to tip for some minutes as this helps to circulate the scalp's natural oil through your hair and also prevent tangles the next day.


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