Natural Hair Habits That I’Ll Be Taking To 2022‼️| Natural Hair Treatments & Styles

Natural hair trends that I will be taking into 2022!

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Questions you may have:

What do I use to film? Sony ZV-1

What do I use to edit? Final Cut Pro

How old am I? 20

What college do you go to? I attend The University of South Florida

How long have I been Natural? All of my life, however, I started my hair growth journey in 2014

It'S gon na be a day where my hair will be gray. My hair will be thin, my hair will be strangly and i have to grow to love. It. Hey guys. Welcome to my natural academia in today's video we're gon na be talking about a few things that i'd like to start doing in 2022.. I recently did a video speaking of a few things that i no longer want to keep doing or want to even take into 2022, and this video is just a spin off of that video. So the first thing that i would like to start doing more. In 2022 is hair treatments this year 2022. I don't think i did not one single treatment. I think i did a clay mash treatment. I don't think i did not one single treatment on my hair. I am a big advocate for the lazy naturals. I speak on behalf of most lazy naturals on this channel. I'M a big fan of leaving your hair alone and if you don't need to do something, don't do it if you don't have to don't do it, but i feel, like i've been lacking in the health department a little bit, i'm growing a bald spot because, because Of this part that i've been having that i've been retracing over for the past for the past five years now, and i just like to overall increase the health of my hair by doing a little bit more treatments, and that includes doing clay, masks, treatments and protein Treatments and such so i'm probably going to go back to trying to do hot oil treatments because i actually enjoy doing those things, and i feel, like my hair kind of needs, one right about now. I try i used to try to do a protein treatment. Every time i wash my hair or every other time i wash my hair, i try to typically wash my hair every four to six weeks and i used to try to do a protein treatment within that time or every other time. I washed my hair, but this year 2021, i didn't do not one protein treatment and i didn't even realize i didn't do any until a couple weeks ago, so so this next coming year. I would like to do a lot more treatments on my hair, because i genuinely feel like some of them increase the health of my hair stands and your girl needs it really bad. Another thing that i briefly spoke on in the previous video is um the fact that i don't really wear my hair out at all and next year 2022. I would like to wear my hair out at least once a month or for a couple days a month. I came up with this point because i realized i let my hair out for the public to see or out in public this year two times and i just feel like that is not that much time, because there are 365 days of the year and girl. You only let your hair out twice it's like. Sometimes i feel like i'm hiding my hair from people and at this point in my natural hair growth journey, i'm satisfied with the growth. I don't really care to grow my hair any longer. I don't want to say that and then my hair never grows again. But i feel like i'm very content with the amount of length that my scalp has been able to push out these past couple years and the amount of length that i've been able to retain. And i just like to wear my hair out a little bit more. Even if it's just wearing it in a ponytail or doing a braid out or doing a twist out, just like at least once a month, i'd like to do that because i just i don't really do it as much as i would like to. I did a video a couple months ago. I don't remember when exactly but speaking about why i don't like to wear my hair out and um. Part of the reason that i remember speaking about is the fact that it kind of makes me feel uncomfortable when people look at me, but i just need to get over the fear of people judging me, and hopefully nobody tries to touch my hair when it's out, Because, sometimes that happens when i'm walking in public and my hair is out people just people just be touching what doesn't belong to them? It'S like girl, keep your hands to yourself. Please just ask and be like hey natural academia. Can i touch your hair and i'll be like no and then you can go about your life and i can go about mine, but let me stop, i probably won't say no. If somebody asks to touch my hair, i'm not that mean now, but all in all, i just like to wear my hair a little bit more in 2022, just mainly because like who knows how long my hair is going to stay like this? Who knows how much time i even have left on this earth, so i may as well just you know, wear the hair out, so that is a goal that i have set for 2022. Just try to wear my hair out a little bit more often in addition to wearing my hair out a little bit more often, i like to also try doing different styles um. I do my own hair, so there are a lot of times where i can get a little bit lazy and i just don't feel like doing it because i understand it does take me a lot of time to do my hair. So i try to avoid doing it, because i it just takes me a lot of time, but this year i'm going to make a better effort into looking into different styles or just creating my own different styles to do on my hair because um these mini braids And mini twists, i mean they're cute, but i feel like there's so much more that i could be doing on my head and i just don't make an effort to do it and i don't like you know i don't wear weave or anything. So i just have to try to be creative with the things that i could do on my hair. That doesn't necessarily require me to have to wear it out all the time, so just different types of protective styling, because in the last video i'm sorry i keep referring to the previous video, because i kind of use the reasons that i wrote in that video to Kind of create the reasons for this video and in the last video i spoke about, i spoke about not wearing my chunky braids as much anymore, i mean my chunky. Braids are cute and i probably will still wear them in 2022, but i'd like to not wear them as much anymore. I'D like to try something else, they're a very easy protective style for me, because they're only eight big braids on my head, but i'd like to try to do something different. I like to try different styles. That kind of give me a different look. Hopefully, i'm able to find one by next year i'll do some soul searching on pinterest as well as google, which is very unhelpful a lot of times because their search engine is trash. But i'm going to try to make a better effort and to wear my hair into different styles, because who knows how much longer i have on this earth? I may as well just wear it out. You know what i mean and another thing that i'd like to try to do in 2022 is stick to a consistent wash day routine. If you guys are familiar with my videos, you know that i wash my hair before to six weeks and sometimes i go even longer like months without washing my hair, because i get very complacent and i get very lazy, but we're not doing that in 2022. We are washing our hair every four weeks or i'm washing i'm gon na try to wash my hair every four weeks every month, every i'm gon na. I think i'm gon na pick a specific day, but then again i'm in school, so that probably won't work. I can't pick a specific day, but i'm gon na try my best to wash my hair every 30 to 35 days so every month i need to be washing my hair. It'S a goal that i have set for myself. I'M gon na try to do it because sometimes i go months without washing my hair and yes, my hair does grow in the process. I feel like that feeds into why i wear my big braids so much because it's like kind of a safe zone for me. I don't know i feel, like my hair can handle it in the big braids. But if i force myself to do different styles, essentially, what i'm trying to say is that i'm just going to try to force myself to wash my hair on a consistent basis and just be consistent overall with my entire natural hair regimen, and i do understand as Well, i've also um kind of reflected on the fact that i'm, a human being and life happens and they'll probably be something throughout the year 2022 that inhibits or comes in the way of me washing my hair, as often as i would like. But that doesn't really stop me from trying to do it throughout the rest of the year. If that makes any sense, it's just a goal that i have set for myself. I'M gon na stick to it and try to do it because i feel like if i wash my hair more often, i feel, like i just be a little bit more motivated to try different styles and such so. So that's part of the reason as to why i want to wash my hair on a consistent basis and to piggyback off the washing my hair on a consistent basis. I'D also like to start moisturizing my hair on a consistent basis as well. Back in the day. I used to re-moisturize my hair once a week and then, as my hair has gone longer, it's gotten a little bit more resilient. So i don't. I don't really have to re-moisturize it as often but next year, i'd like to try to stick to a consistent basis of re-moisturizing, my hair every week and a half to two weeks. So i like two to three times a month. I know my hair can go a long time without being moisturized, because when i do moisturize my hair girl, i take my strands with product, but besides that i don't even care for growth next year. I just want healthy hair. I want when people think healthy hair. I want people to think natural academia, you know what i mean, because my hair looks good right now, but it could look better is what i'm trying to say. I mean you can never be too good with your hair. The next thing i'd like to start doing or do a little bit more of, is taking pictures of my hair out. I don't feel like i do that as often as i'd like to i just keep thinking about how my hair is not going to be like this forever there's going to be a day where my hair will be gray, my hair will be thin. My hair will be strangly and i have to grow to love it i mean not to you know, throw shade on the people that have you know, gray, hair. I love gray hair, but i can't i kind of came to the realization that i am getting a little bit older, um, i'm only 20 years old, but the other day i was doing my hair and i found a gray hair and it scared the bejesus out Of me i was i was like. Is this what it feels like to be an adult finding gray hairs in your head? What'S going on so yeah? I came to the conclusion that maybe i do need to take more pictures of my hair, because one day it'll all be gray one day, it'll all be silver. I'M gon na be wishing that i took more pictures of my hair, so that is the goal for 2022: just make an effort to try to take pictures of my hair out and just and just embrace the overall beauty and art that grows out of my head. My hair is so beautiful and i just i don't see it as much as i'd like, and sometimes i forget how my hair even looks out. That is one of the biggest goals for me next year, just to make an effort to just take more pictures of my hair, and i don't mean like sitting in my bed with my hair. I'M talking like photo shoots. Girl, like i need to go outside and take a picture of my hair, that's if we can even go outside next year. Hopefully, the last thing that i'd like to do more of next year with my hair, is to just let it be i'd like to not be so focused on growth. I said in the previous video that i don't want to do. Hair growth challenges anymore, i'm just i'm content and i'm happy and grateful for the amount of hair that my scalp has been able to push out or my roots have been able to push out of my head. I feel very grateful for the fact that my hair has even gotten this long, because there was a time in my life where i felt like my hair was the shortest in every building that i walked in like i was very insecure about it, because, because you Know i had a scalp illness or whatever, so it wasn't even something that i could um do anything about. I was just it was just you know my head, but i never really thought my hair could get to the length that it is right now. So i'm just gon na let my hair do what it wants to do. I'M not gon na be so focused on growth. I'M not gon na be so focused on measuring i'm just gon na. Let my hair do it as it wants and if it decides to stay at a certain length for a certain amount of time, i'm not going to be like. Oh my gosh. I need to buy 75 different oils. I already don't do that, but there was a point in time where i was like. I have to see how much longer my hair can grow. Let me see how much longer my hair can grow and i do feel like my natural hair growth challenges have been able to help a lot of people on on my channel or the people that have tried it. At least i get a few comments a day of people saying how beneficial it is for them, but i mean if it helps you and you want to continue doing it, don't don't stop doing it because i'm not going to keep doing i might i may i May even do it next year, who knows like i'm, a very indecisive person um, but as for right now, i'd like to just let my hair, be, i don't really care for any more growth. If that makes any sense, i don't i don't want to say i don't care for any more growth, but i don't really care if my hair grows or not. I don't know i feel like what i'm saying is just sounds very uh ungrateful. I don't want to sound like that. I just i'm content and i'm happy i'm happy with what my hair has been able to do these past couple years, i'm going to embrace it and i'm going to cherish it and overall just appreciate it a lot more than i did these past couple of years. So yeah, that's pretty much all i wanted to say in regards to that, if you guys have any new year's hair resolutions or just new year's resolutions in general. Definitely let me know down in the comment section if you have any comments, questions or concerns regarding anything that i said throughout this video definitely leave a comment down below and i'll be happy to answer. Um and i'll see you guys next time.

Keisha charm: Feel like sometimes as naturals we can get carry away with growth and not really enjoying our hair in general. I feel like your last three videos speak to me a lot because I’m the type of natural that is lazy give me a protective style for 2 or 3 months and I’m good. I love my hair but I already tired of having to do it regular and I’m not obsessed with growth but to me leaving my hair alone grows it a lot and you can find me with big twist or big braids all the time. And it has cause me to take a big hit to my self esteem cause I feel less pretty went if it’s not done or in big braids and twist I feel less attractive. I’m coming to terms with just letting it be and enjoying having healthy hair on my head and trying different styles etc.

Daughter of the Lord, God Almighty: I actually stopped protective styling a while ago because it took a huge hit to my self esteem. Now that I wear my hair out I feel so confident and no longer obsess over length. I do still retain length, but I definitely support other naturals who mainly protective style like I used too because it yields the best results for length retention. This is a great video and I love that you’re uploading more :)

Lindsey Montague: Amen to the "there was a time when my hair was the shortest"!!! I have to remember that too when I look at my hair and wish it was longer. I used to be some insecure about my barely shoulder length hair and now I am past boob length. Taking time to reflect on that journey while setting goals is key even when you get set backs.

Mary Kagiri: I was a lazy natural for 2 to 3 years cause I was always in twists but I realized I had all this length and wasn’t having fun with it. So in Sept 2021 I dyed it & have been wearing it out consistently since then. I wash it every week. (Even though my scalp can go 2 to 3 weeks) What I’ve realized is as I do my hair more, it has become more manageable because it gets wet every week. Detangling is quicker because of less shed hair & less tangles and washing & styling are easier. So my routine shortens every week. So if anyone isn’t wearing their hair out cause they’re put off by the long wash day routine, just remember doing it consistently shortens the time & eventually it won’t be such a hustle. For reference, my hair is just a bit shorter than hers (just above waist length) but the same type and density.

July Jones: I'm a lazy natural too. And I also have been slacking on treatments and a consistent wash routine and would like to get better. I straightened my hair with a tymo hot comb like a week ago and I've been enjoying myself. I have missed transforming myself into different living works of art is what I've realized. I have been wearing large braids and twists for so long I have forgotten how fun it is to change my look. Not saying chunky braids and twists aren't a good look. There was a time where I would switch up my hairstyle every other month for years so when I used my rev air and tymo hot comb last week I saw different plans and shapes to my face I haven't seen in years. Familiar yet different. It's re-energizing me and I'm getting excited about my hair and what I'm going to do with it next. When I'm going to wash and deep conditioning it because I used a hot comb and blew it out. I haven't even worn a high bun once in 5 years y'all! Shoot I even wanna to do a big floppy stylized afro. Right now, I'm not longer concerned with length retention but with the health of my scalp and strains through washing and conditioning and my mental health by giving myself the grace to wear it differently cause I'm young and should flaunt what I got cause it's fleeting. Anyways, I hope you have fun finding a new rhythm as I am so far. Hope you enjoy the holidays and happy New Year!

Player456: I'm a lazy natural as well and though I do notice more growth when I don't wear my hair out, it feels good to have it open and styled sometimes. It just takes so much effort and the after treatment always makes me regret it

🌻Sunshine🌻: I'm loving the frequent uploads. I've been protective styling(with my own hair) since August 2020 and retained a lot of lenght. I'm between brastrap and waist lenght now and I'm slowly getting used to wearing my hair out more, recently.

A.M.B.: It is not being mean to not allow people to touch your hair. It is rude for people to think that it is okay to be that familiar with someone. It use to happen to me a lot when I was a teenager and it's not okay. People wouldn't like it if it was happening to them. Our hair is delicate and must be handled with respect. You respect your hair that's why it is thriving. It's not your job to be a novelty to others. My son was a beautiful child and people use to just walk up to him when my back was turned in a store and try to interact with him or touch him. I found myself correcting many because they wouldn't have allowed their child to be handled without their permission. Some people do not respect boundaries, but it is definitely okay to create them. I would never touch someone's hair without permission, actually I wouldn't even ask. Keep taking great care of your beautiful crown because you inspire us all. I finally bought TGIN and I love it! Happy 2022!

Mel Zumba: For me the problem is not making protective styles (I had a good experience and my hair has grown a lot, i have 4c hair) The problem is that our hair is not prepared to be out for very long (on a wash and go, flexi rods or braid out) and we end up in a vicious cycle of washing, moisturizing and styling protectively. And what's the fun of having long hair and not being able to enjoy it out for too long??? Sorry for my English

Felicia Dunn: I’m so grateful to you for letting us know about your goals. I’m a lazy natural too. I find myself not washing my hair until every month. I don’t have as much hair as you do either. I’m going to try and do better this new year.

vibedoodle: This is honestly such a helpful video for me and you are such an inspiration. I decided to take care of my natural hair last month and I'm so glad I found your channel before I found the natural community lol But for real, you're my motivation to keep going on this journey❤️

Ashley McNeill: I loved watching these past 2 videos from you because we’re seeing you grow and evolve throughout your natural hair journey. Love to see your goals change as you achieve them! That’s life ❤️ would love to see you in some braided Bantu knots. Idk if you can cornrow but that would be so cute.

Life Of A Christian NursingStudent: Since I decided to no longer depend on added hair, I've been loving doing mini twists on the back and cool flat twists on the front and I'm loving the confidence I'm getting by just being me and comfortable with my hair and appearance.

E O: So glad u reached this point of ur journey. For inspo, flexi rod sets, braid/twist outs, or a shaped fro r things I’d love to see.

mcaeln: If you’d like some tips on leaving your hair out, you can mix your TGIN daily moisturizer with Carol’s daughter coco crème. I have really kinky hair like yours and it helps it stay put when doing braid outs and twist outs and there is definition as well

Bryanna Dawson: leaving my hair alone is what I'm gonna do more next year (with the exception of moisturizing and washing it)

D Mars: I'm the opposite of where you are in my journey. At one point I used to "show" my hair as much as possible. I have big, thick hair and I hated that every time I wore my hair out, I get comments like "do you ever straighten it?" I hate that comment sooo much . I instantly get an attitude because I read it as... "If you straighten it, it would be long instead of big and take up less space" why does straightening my hair have to be the goal? After watching your videos I have been more into putting my hair up in protective styles and wearing head wraps. I'm satisfied with appreciating my length in private.

Aqualindane: Not wanting a stranger to touch your lovely hair with their grubby hands is not mean! No is good! . Looking forward to more content from you.

ENO AFIA: I'm also no longer concerned about length. I am glad my hair, scalp and body are healthy. WE MOVE!

SAKAM: I felt that way around August lol I mean our hair is beautiful we might as well enjoy it and wear it out. Protective styling is great for length retention but I'm at a length where I'm satisfied I don't mind people asking to touch my hair at all I let them of they ask but don't just touch my hair without permission I actually enjoy when someone ask to touch this beautiful gift of hair god have us like yes ma'am this is all mines!

M C: There’s also the busy naturals but I hear you. I often don’t feel like doing with it on top of being pressed for time and energy for it. Great video!

ainka11: I did oil rinsing the last 3 wash days and I have definitely felt a difference!!! Maybe I'll try clays in 2022. Trial and error time lol

Royal Rayne: Sis, there is such a thing as PERSONAL SPACE & No one would even entertain invading that space of mine!!! Without my permission, this is ASSAULT!!!

Kueen Wallace: #NaturalAcademia I love the lazy part. I don't think it is so much of being lazy it's just keeping the hands-off more lol Hot oil treatments are amazing for the hair. Some of us are at the stage of wanting to show our hair that is great and then you have some of us that want to cover it up and that is great too. People are scared of what they don't know. It is okay to have boundaries and not allow everybody to be all up in your head that is okay too. There is a lot of styles out there you can try if that is what you want and you can really be creative. I think we need to be consistent as we can be but if not it is okay. I am with you striving for just healthy hair. It isn't a fact that it's gone be thin and grey speak life over your hair mine gone be the color it's supposed to be, long and flowing down my back. Take pictures to see have much you have grown. Yes get out in the heart of nature baby like #ralphsmart says. I am with you I was like that thank God I am over it. Yes, let it be hun.

Sylvia Levy: Do Not let ANYBODY Touch your Crown. Your hair carry energy, and you don't need NOBODY"s energy in your Natural Beautiful Crown. I wish somebody would touch my hair.

Krissy Fizzle: Yesssss, love the amount of videos from you ❤

154angel154: Bring these vids Young Lady! I am Thoroughly Enjoying them!!!

Thembelihle Fortunate: I enjoy your content so much, please upload more regularly

Yuana Audu: I don’t think it’s mean to politely decline a complete stranger from touching your hair America just seems so different. I would like a random person to just try touching my Afro while I’m walking down the streets of London they will really learn that day.

Krissy Fizzle: My 2022 goal is to learn how to cornrow (neatly), by name grace of God ❤ I know how to do it but I want to perfect it and be able to do it neatly bc I just know it will take my styles up to ✨

Boemo Mapetla: Hey @Natural Academia would you get your hair professionally straightened? That would be dope to see on your channel ❣️

Tina Amenimak: Soo switching things up for next year. Staying consistent and enjoying the journey to tailbone which is my goal

Sara Sara: My advice would be to use extensions when you do braids with pearls. Just a mini portion that you will add at the end like knotless braids, otherwise there will be a lot of tension on your ends and they will be fragile and will break

Almaz Yohannes: one thing i want to say about versatility is that although its great I recommend that you don't over do it. My old regimen was similar to the one you mentioned which was wearing my hair out a couple days a month and just wear it braided other days but the regimen that I started in 2021 was wearing my hair out more and that basically broke my hair, and my hair just wasn't the same. Now it may just the products and styles I was doing to it that caused this. Versatility is fun and your allowed to show your hair and be confident in it but I just wanted to tell you my experience as a way of showing how wearing your hair out may go sideways if not done right.

Simply Shev - Grow Natural Hair: Hey just today I put this on my list of videos for January. Great minds.

Sally Davidston: There is life and death in your tongue. Speak positivity when it comes to your life. Speak long life. Prosperity, joy and happiness.

Jazmine: I wish i had a natural hair friend who i could meet up with and we could take 100s of hair pictures outside for each other. I just want a natural hair friend!

SpookieLips FatHips: I'm stuck with protective styles lol i just cannot cope with my hair otherwise . I don't wanna touch it at all ! I'm always so paranoid leaving it out caz I'm constantly thinking about it breaking off

🌻Christi Holt🌻: Im a lazy natural this time around I just don't want to be in my hair all the time it works for me and my lifestyle I do try to wear my hair out every so often for me being natural isn't that serious anymore

blahface: I know you said you want to do more with your HAIR but it'd be cool if you did more head wraps with pretty fabrics and head wrap designs. I can give you some tutorial's on YouTube that are my favorite. (And some hairstyles with no added hair for you to try out)

Tee-Ahh-na: One of the reasons I don’t wear my hair out is it’s at an awkward length and I’m afraid of the stare

Sarita: I cant be a "leave your hair alone" but I know it's a game changer

QueenLizzie: Never have someone you don't know touch your hair/head. Don't do it.

Daja Blount and Tristan: You should try a salon at least one time in 2022 and get it straighten or curls

Stan Fatou: I wish i more more lazier. My hair is actually really healthy but i always doing something with it and so it just breaks off ugh.

askella A: I watched your natural hair videos with my girl and she still doesn’t want to stop wearing weaves and figs

Elise Maxwell: I love your vibe and videos!

Jennifer C: You guyss this sounds like we getting more content purrrrrrr

T J: I would wear my hair out but it’s at an awkward length so I can’t really do anything with it and the fact that I can’t braid doesn’t help.

Emelda Natural: I always wondered why some people are willing to touch my hair it's really disrespectful

Stacie Greene: •I’m a lazy natural •I’m obsessed with maintaining THICK hair. •I trim my hair too much

Angela Badger: Wow that happens to me a lot with the people touching my hair

Danielle Miller: It was the grey hair part for me

Sonile Jere: More hair treatments 2022.

ENO AFIA: Try teas ☕ Health 1st always.

Mariah Thomas: The book of 2 Samuel 9:11 says, “Then said Ziba unto the king, According to all that my Lord the king hath commanded his servant, so shall thy servant do. As for Mephibosheth, said the king, he shall eat at my table, as one of the king's sons.” ‭‭Mephibosheth saw himself as a “dead dog” unworthy of favor (2 Samuel 9:8). Being lame in both feet due to an accident, he was dependent on others to protect and provide for him (2 Samuel 4:4). In addition, after the death of his grandfather, King Saul, he probably feared that King David, the new king, would order all enemies to the throne to be killed, as that was the common practice of the time. But instead, because of the love he had for his friend Jonathan, King David ensured that Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth would always be safe and cared for as his own son (2 Samuel 9:7). Likewise, we who were once God’s enemies, marked for death, have been saved by Jesus Christ and given a place with Him in heaven forever, as it says in Luke 12:32: “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” This means that we can eat at the banquet in the kingdom of God, as it says in Luke 14:15: “When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” and Revelation 19:9: “Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.” For as many as have received Jesus Christ as our personal Lord, Savior, and Redeemer, we are the sons and daughters of a King. The King of kings! What extravagant, undeserved kindness and unmerited favor we have received from God. I encourage all of us to draw near to God day by day with a heart of gratitude and joy. Prayer - Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You also for saving me and giving me a place at Your table forever. Please, remind me that I am Your dear child and help me to always praise and trust You, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.

Kat Natural: How do you normally wear your hair?

Sylvia Levy: Your not an animal to have people petting, and touching your crown.

ItsMizuki: what ethnicity are u? love ur vids!!

Alliyah J.: You maybe can experiment with updos

joe1258ful: No sound

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