Hair Trend 2022 Haircut Live


Good evening, how is everybody hope we are all very well born bruno, that's wendy, wendy, oh bruno must have commented on facebook um. Let'S just have a little look um but yeah are you? Are you a good mate? Oh yeah, i'm absolutely smashing it loving it. How are you yeah mate? Well, yeah good, i mean paul's out of drama today. Tell him about your drama mate. Well, it's been a week, isn't it it's been a week, long yeah? So why we didn't come on last week is: i lost all electric and water in the salon that i do the lives from like the studio, kettering salon, and then i thought i'd be back tonight in the studio doing the haircut. But we've got like an old fuse that needs to be replaced in the ketchum salon to get all the electrics back and uh. We still haven't got it so message james, because i thought it was gon na be done even this morning or yesterday, but it hasn't been done yet we haven't been able to get the fuse. So that's why i messaged james and i said mate. I i've got no electric or lights um in the studio, so i couldn't do it. So james is doing something pretty nice tonight anyway. Well yeah good, try! My best. You know i mean uh, we'll just uh hello to everybody, so uh pia, as always hello, uh we've got wendy hi wendy, christos hello, uh we've got my mum, hi mum, my mom's just doing her bathroom. My mom is like oh man. If did you feel left out yeah picking up picking up little libby so yeah? I hope you feel better mum, uh, here's, the wendy one of sarah bruno um, i don't know if bruno is, is he's in the chat. I don't know, but if he is hey bruno uh, debbie haywood, hey debbie, um, wendy, hi, all good karen jay hile hi, karen uh wendy again good evening, uh trees, that is um wendy's mum is watching um because you know the video where i was on the The dutch tv yeah so uh trees and uh wendy's, dad seen it. I was on it for like a second and she was like. Oh, that was paul and uh sent it to wait. Oh said to wendy, then wendy filmed it and then that's how i found out about it. So yeah yeah, hello, hippopotamus, hello, everyone. I love what hippopotamus has done, because she was on the video on sunday. She'S put no autographs talked to my agent, so there's trees uh. I pull well talk about shock and awe hi, sherry yeah. That'S. She said that when uh, when talking about uh the the studio - oh oh yeah - yes, it's a nightmare! Hopefully by next week, uh we'll we'll be back up and running um we've got monica valerie ramos. Aker. You'Ve probably mentioned that paul. You'Ve absolutely bashed that one straight out there there's another one: here's another one yeah clara de la juana. That'S it right! That'S it wendy mum's your biggest fan. I can't say that kochie casa del wala, that's it there. We go hi uh marilyn is from georgia. Europe. You will meet marilyn because she'll be the one with all the food she she does more than that she does a lot more than that we met, we met, we met last night. Well, we've met digitally, hasn't he yeah, oh yeah, yeah yeah. Um. Is your salon closed? No, it's not closed. So it was closed last wednesday um, but because we've got all the studio lights. We'Ve took all the studio lights up into the salon, so they're running, which means i've got nothing downstairs and when i left tonight the guys were still working on clients so yeah a bit of a nightmare, uh james thin ice, wendy's mum's. Your only fan yeah right. It'S all about the banter wendy. Do you know what i mean yeah so uh? What have we been up to on monday? Matt? Oh, no, can we no. We can't well, i think we can sort of say can't we that joycon's coming no, no, we can't mate. You can't say that no, no, we can, what we can say is we've got a big event happening me and james are doing it. I'M sure i've already met. I'M sure. I'Ve already mentioned it paul to be honest, yeah, but not the name. No, not the name. No, no, no, we can't mess in the name. The name is being uh revealed. I think i think there's a few being bashed about, but yeah there's a big name first of december. I think it's being released and uh uh. You can come out it's free, so registration will be what it is paul. They don't know what it is yeah. So it's a it's a big education event, ed online education event with joyco yeah. So it's completely free uh. There is like uh, there's lives, there's a different breakout rooms, there's tables that you can reserve a seat at and you can speak to all the artists me and james are doing a social savvy. So if you want to know more about um yeah how to get social like instagram youtube mainly, but we we, we know a little bit about everything, um haircuts, colors, so me and james on monday we did um a really cool shoot. Video short video shoot, yeah, we'll we we can't tell we can't talk about it, but what we can say is it will be give you a good insight into a fantastic new product that you've definitely already heard of probably leave me 10, but uh we'll also be Doing another video segment on the day, um bringing you some color work, uh and we've got a really great concept for that. So please uh, yeah, beginning of december, says wendy um so yeah when when when you can sign up for that, please make sure that you get yourself involved. It'S a whole day event. So it's going to be a big one, so you can get your popcorn and get all your guys from your salon. If you're closed on a monday and just sit around and have a tea house, it's a sunday is it i don't know sunday. I don't know the 31st of january. No, it's a monday. It'S a monday monday, the 31st of january, so yeah get get there. We go january, the 31st yeah. I thought it was a sunday, but it's a monday yeah there we go. So it's going to be huge, absolutely huge! So if you want a full day of education um by all the joyco european design teams, we're gon na have like uh alberto from italy, septa from belgium, daniela from sweden, we've got uh some more guys from belgium. We'Ve got the mark, anthony team. We'Ve got the guys from ireland and and ian who you've seen on here with james the other week. Uh you've we've got absolutely loads happening, so uh, i'm buzzing for it. Yeah, it's gon na be great um lewis from nyc hello, hello, lewis, uh, oh i've flicked this out when i um. When i want to look at the comments it keeps uh keeps picking up anyway, good stuff. Well, we can't say too much more because you know what i'm like with uh, revealing things when i shouldn't so uh. Let'S stop talking about that before i put my foot right in it now um a few weeks ago. This is a haircut that i did um kind of a sort of sassoon-esque shape, um that drops away in a sort of perdiesque style, and then it's got a very long a-line shape coming around the back here and we we put a little bit of graduation in It just well, we just got carried away actually, really, i think more than anything it was actually a layer, but it looks like graduation just because of the occipital bone um. But ultimately, what i want to do is now enhance this color with uh a bit of uh enhance this haircut with a bit of color. What is wendy saying paul so when he said the entire team yeah, so i was i was alluding. I was trying to name all the countries that we all come from, but yeah it's the entire team all across europe, we're all going to be there you're going to be able to reserve chats with us or just pop in for a chat with us, um there's. There'S loads like we, we got a little sneak peek of it monday night. Didn'T we mate and the the platform looks unreal. It looks so cool that um you're gon na be able to like dip into different areas of of a virtual sort of event. Uh, how you can reserve a table, so you can go and speak to whoever you want to speak to really and then there's going to be live studio, content with some guys doing, live, live hair and chats and all that so i've just put it in the Chat so make sure you keep monday the 31st of january free in your diary to join us and uh yeah, be massive, lovely, perfect right then. So i'm going to crack on with this technique so that we uh try and keep it to the hour that you will hopefully spend with us um now. What i'm going to do is i'm going to do the pre-lightening phase of this particular look today, um and then i want to know whether you want me to do the post coloring phase, because i've got an idea uh a creative idea for the after the lightning Part uh: do you want me to do that in another live or do you want me to do that and then post a little video, so you can see um another day. You know like a uh, a youtube show or a story. So let me know in the comments: do you want me to do the lightning technique today and then finish it off camera tomorrow and then post a little short showing you the finished result, or do you want me to reserve finishing it for one of the lives Going forward because we're not sending heads backwards and forwards to one another for any of you that remember how we started, we just basically got our own looks ongoing. So i'm evolving this one and i think it you know, being it's a nice way to work. Obviously, change this haircut at some stage as well and to cut it into something else that way, it's better for the mannequin heads as well bless them. You know they're loved, but we use them more. That way, you know and they get uh they're, not such heavy waste items. I always worry about the waste of mannequin um, so i'm gon na bleach, underneath this inside of this this long panel um and what i wan na do. Is i wan na talk to you about um placement. It'S the primary thing that i want to talk to. You about and then what i'm going to do with the hair, underneath once it's um bleached, and this is why i want to know whether you want to see it afterwards or not. Is that i'm going to do a red and black polka dot underneath um, so that you'll see the red and black polka dot just through the edges here, but you'll also be able to see it there i'd like to see that right, yeah. I think we should do it live, but i i want i want to. I want to talk to you about placement of block color yeah as well, so i didn't want to just put that bleach in without really kind of going over what you need to think about when you're doing a block colour and in terms of placement, because i See a lot of block colours, um and i think, like i saw one the other day on san vias channel and um. It was great when they messed the hair up like texturally, but then, when it was just smooth, it was almost completely hidden and that wasn't really uh when they were talking about it that wasn't the vibe that they were talking about yeah um. So i thought it would be good to talk about placement of panel color and stuff, and it was actually chris williams uh. If anybody knows of chris who, unfortunately recently passed away, put something on my youtube and instagram taught me all about panel placement when i was working with him um so and it's very simple, but it's also very much overlooked now. What i want to be able to do, i want to be able to see um some of my polka dot pattern through my perimeter at the bottom um. So what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick up a slice of hair, so i've gone from about a centimeter back from the front hairline there across the top of the parietal ridge, and then what you do is lay that hair onto my hand and See if we would be able to see the polka dot effect, if that was the section that we took and the answer is we probably wouldn't it would shadow it too much? There'S too much hair here just tilt that down a little there's too much hair here for us to be able to see. So we need to now work out how far back along the parting that the hair's going to be worn in. We need to go so. I'M going to go back about i've gone back about an inch and a half. We'Re now going to lay this over again, and i think at that point we're probably just about getting into the into the position in which we'll be able to see the polka dot through the hair beneath. So i'm going to take that as my section through to towards the towards the um top of the occipital bone in between the occipital bone and the crown, and i'm going to take that section and i'm gon na. Take it all the way down the center back. What we need to do is just make sure we clip as we go. Okay live mate, yeah, good! Okay! I'M up for that. I'M up for that. I thought you would say that, and that's partly why i did it this way around really um and i think it's nice just to kind of see the progression of the technique as well. You know the journey um, so we've got our section now. It runs pretty much down straight down behind the into the bottom right hand, corner of the uh hairline at the back there. So, let's pop a clip in there just keep that out of the way right. So we'll start with our foiling pattern. Now, when you foil a slab section, um, obviously don't make it wider than your foil, because that you know makes it more difficult to do. But i'm going to give you a few tips and tricks here on what i would call best practice for slab foiling and again this was all learnt from chris, so i can't own any of this. I'M simply just passing the message on um so get a section. Probably a little bit too big. Actually that section, i'm gon na go for like half a centimeter in depth, approximately take our foil and then come in and while we've been talking, my 1 to 1.5 mixing ratio has turned to concrete we're using blood life, long life yeah and a 1 to 1.5 Ratio with 20 volume, nice um, so let's just have you got before damage there mate at hand. I'Ve got some defy damage yeah. I absolutely have right finally show the guys yeah. Let'S get that on there, shall we, because this hair this actually, this hair is not in the greatest nick, and if i want this to look uh. If i want this to look 10 out of 10, when we actually do the old polka dot i'll, probably need to yeah, i probably need to save the condition a little bit, i'm going to use a slightly different brush as well, because um give it a bit Of defined damage, i love the application and stuff. I really do. I think it's so good, so that's defined damage, guys. That'S uh, joyco's, bonding treatment, uh step one of the old uh under there and just give this another stir and just yeah another good. Another good thing with the fire damage is, if you, google, um the fly damage before after or justify damage, really there's a picture on google of it being used and not being used on on a head, and you can actually see the levels of lift that you're Going to achieve more with the fire damage on the hair because it shifts the h level, yeah shifts the ph level and um it gives you a much higher cleaner, lift. You know what i will say and i didn't know it was anything to do with defy damage. I will say that i'm really happily surprised with how much lift i'm getting with joyco's bleach yeah, like you know, i've always used. I very i very rarely use redkins bleach in the salon. Really when i use when i was working with them yeah, i actually used swat squash bleach a lot and um. I just really liked it. You know in this: in a commercial environment and um, there was anything wrong with red king's bleach. Of course you know did i did use it from time to time, and i, when i was working and trying to get things done quickly, but i will say that schwarzkopf bleach performs just as good as the schwarzkopf bleach, the joyco one, the joyco one does a Wonderful job, yeah blonde life is just great yeah condition as well, i'm all over it, i'm all over it, so we're gon na saturate like crazy, guys yeah. You want to apply this like you've, never applied it before you. Just don't want to be able to see any of the hair that you want lightened. So we're then going to take every two sections: we're going to take another foil and we're going to cover the section and then we're going to paint over the lip of our foil. Now it's not often we we encourage that is it, but we want the scalp. We want it to lift from root to tip yeah, so we're going to take another section of about a centimeter. This is also like called the platinum card. Isn'T it sort of yes like a platinum card? Uh? We we it's just a platinum card with two back-to-back foils yeah um, so instead of having the each one absolutely stacked on top of the other one yeah we've got a couple of sections and then a foil, and it's a lot quicker. It'S a lot lot quicker doing it this way than it is any other and um question that is it okay to section with your clip and uh? Yes, it is providing your section with your clip is as clean as it would be with your comb yeah. You know yes, it's fine to use your clip just as long as the sections they're, not a mess. You know, yeah, you see that a lot, then people start sectioning with their clips and their sections turn to garbage all over the place. All over the place. You know so section with the clip be my guest, but don't section with the clip if it's not going to be as good as if you've used your code yeah. So that is my general rule of thumb on that one. Yes, thanks be honest, mate and we've had a lot of the joyco team join us tonight. Oh hello, guys so um i did bring them up on screen. Um we've got sophie from uh belgium, uh, obviously wendy's in the house, and we've had daniella daniels from sweden. So these are all the guys guys that are going to be on um. I got a big big event on the 31st of january, so you, you can uh click on their yeah click on their account and go and follow them as well. Yeah go and check these guys out, they're great educators. I mean i've been slowly getting to know these guys and seeing the stuff that they produce on instagram and stuff. I'M a bit rubbish instagram. I don't go on a lot, but i get the old notifications that ping up yeah and you know and um i've really enjoyed watching these guys work and there's some really uber talented people in the joycone network. I'M really impressed with some of the quality that i've seen yeah and like what we were talking about on monday. Mate, with, like the whole team, is so balanced with different. Like skill sets. Yeah we've got a team of um of hairdressers who not only like can do incredible, hair, but also really good on social or good, with sort of competition, work or business and formulations. All of that and the whole team is just from when i joined it. Two years ago now it's just been a complete eye-opener and of how how good a team we actually have and as well the youtube the youtuber again, i said adam james, the youtuber as well to the team. Now yeah, not just no. No, no! No, but i mean you know it's um, it's uh, it is. It is a great team, and this is what paul and i you know it was the first time we'd really worked together in so long paul. Wasn'T it yeah, i think, from when we were in london when we went to that bowling alley? Yep! That'S right! I don't even know what yeah! Oh. Actually, i'm not entirely sure that you remember when i was walking around with your sheepskin coat on yeah. I think that was the last time we did anything together, yeah but yeah was that not there? No, oh. I think that was after that. To be honest, oh was it because i was trying to convince our education manager at the time that we should do something together. Then do you remember yeah yeah, and now we are look at us. It just took um time for longer than it should have done. Yeah yeah, but i think we've both developed completely different from those days. Haven'T we really oh yeah, of course well, do you remember what i said to you in that in that way, in that day, do you remember it? I remember it so clearly. I was saying to you, you know we should get together and do some education together, yeah and you you you, you were like yeah yeah yeah. I was like listening. We better than mozella and palmer. Don'T worry about those guys. We'Ve got this cover and you didn't sound too convinced well, mate. The only reason is is imposter. Syndrome is very, very high with me um, but also i didn't feel until very recently that i've got. I have anything to offer right. So you know what, though i think that's an interesting one and and guys, if you're out there watching this and you you, you ever feel like that right. This is what i would implore you to think. You will always know something that somebody else doesn't necessarily know. Yeah - and that is a really important message to keep in your head just you don't have to be an educator. You don't have to brand yourself an educator. What you have to do, though, is remember that not everybody knows something that you know and if you can share that with them, and it can be as daft as you like, or it can be something completely unrelated to hair. It doesn't matter, you know it's just about sharing, so i knew at that time paul. I knew that you would have something to share something to offer yeah. You know. I already knew that, even though you didn't - and i was trying to convince you while i was strutting around the studio and it wasn't really the right way to convince you because you didn't buy it well mate, that's what i'm saying and it's quite inspirational um like You say, but people watching is like james is saying we might not think we have anything to offer, but we we really do we we can offer everybody. Does everybody does? Even even your senior apprentices have off something to offer to your junior apprentices yeah. You know if you've got apprentices, your senior team should be passing on the knowledge that you've already given them. You know yeah and um, because you've trained them to shampoo them. You know they've been shampooing for two years or whatever. Now it's their turn to pass. That information on and and it's there's not there's a saying something that you teach you retain forever yeah. So you know if you get shown something you retain a small amount of that information. Well, if you read something, you retain a small amount of information. If you get shown something, you get retained a little bit more information. If you get to practice that you retain a bit more, but if you teach it, you start to really understand it and that's where you know, when you're an apprentice and you're a year, three or whatever and you're teaching at shampoo, you are going to cement that That technique, which you know, is a really you know that might be a bit boring after you've been doing it for three years, we'll try doing it after 19 years and still shampooing yeah. You know. So it's a really important thing. I know paul's not a big fan of the old shampoo, but it's still, he still knows how to do a good one and if he needs to pull it out of the bag, he's right there mate. I don't mind it. It was my back my back held me back. Your missus has told me about your shampoo and it explodes well yeah. It'S just uh come on. Let'S get you, let's get you cut um and robbie. So robbie is uh. Sophie'S husband, yeah, yeah, robbie and sophie yeah yeah, so uh business as well um bob bob head is that it bob head here in in belgium, so yeah bob head, yeah yeah. I love the name. It will obviously mean something different in belgium but um yeah yeah. I love the name bob head good stuff. Any questions, any thoughts, any feelings. Anyone want to add anything to uh tonight's episode. Please just throw them down in the comment section. There is no such thing as a silly question, as you well know, um, so definitely just chuck it out there and uh yeah. It doesn't have to be about tonight. It could be about anything what what's coming up. We'Ve got a lot of stuff up and coming as well um. What do you guys want to see from us going into the new year with with education, um and also anything different you'd like to see? Is there anything that you would want us to do going forward, because you know we do we do give you a shout out. Sometimes i mean i know that i tend to go off on a tangent and just do me. Anything paul definitely is really good at asking you what you want to do, and it's the creative in me, that's that that does that you know i'm just i'm just like. Ah i want to do this um, you know. Hence why you're going to see polka dot, hair that you never asked for, but um there we go just shape your shape, your foil there to fit the size of your section and then stick another one over the bottom, so just folded that one diagonally across the Top there and um and that will fit into that shape and you can make it whichever shape you want it's the suit. You need i'm just going to fold the bottom up, so none of that foil slips out and then we're going to chuck them in this front section and then it's it's from this point now guys it's obviously very, very uh samey, so we'd love to hear any Thoughts, feelings, q, a questions we want to throw out there. We would love to hear it because i can talk and do hair simultaneously. I have a reader that mate. I don't think this is true. I think it's only true when i, when i'm just i want to get just just washed well she's told she's, already told me that your shampoo is awful. It'S matte, it's not it's one of the it's one of my best skills. If i'm honest, said jess, has he shampooed your hair? I have and uh the reason i do it. So bad is so she doesn't ask me again. Is that how you do the washing up as well? Yeah yeah yeah just chuck it in the basin and hope it cleans itself. Well, you said the fairy was 10 times stronger, so i just left it to do. It asked uh she'd like to see a color technique for curly hair, which we can definitely do definitely but yeah guys right, whatever you want to see because james is basically doing have you heard the test, the term platinum card as well just uh, i'm interested to Hear if that's like a um, a universal sort of language, for what danger's doing uh oh, this is the reason yes tries to comb my hair, through with his fingers, um just yeah, try and detangle with my fingers and i used to have a ring on. But i couldn't get it back on after i took it off and he used to get caught in hair. I thought people loved it, but they didn't when you pulled their hair yeah end of the day. My wrist was just like full of hair. There'S a euphemism. In there somehow, i'm not going to go there right. So, like we've, we've um, where do you want us to? Where do you want to see her education go because yeah there's so much we could do? Would you like us to like we've been doing like cut color q, a is there anything? Would you like sort of like a how to um sort of like a how-to segment once once a quarter or something of how to i don't know, become a platform artist or how how to uh develop your like how to create a youtube channel? How to get better social, reach or stuff like that, because that's some stuff that we could do and we could bring it up on screen as well and show you live, how we do it and what we do um karen jay. Could you demonstrate the in party hairstyles, we could yeah definitely definitely party hair uh. I have i tell you what we should do. We should bring on some of our esteemed colleagues yeah too, that specialise in stuff, like that. You know well david murray, for her hair up lovely little hair up there. I thought that was a cracker. Who was that? I don't remember her name now, something like that. I didn't. I don't know, i just saw it on there. I thought. Oh okay, you know what they don't even have. If they don't talk, english or whatever first language, they don't have to talk, they can just and we can just compare yeah but wendy's just said um. I think jill did it last night she did a party jill, yeah jill, so jill did a party hair. I think jill david and katrina. I think they're all or was it scepter um they're all doing a a whole education session and i think jill did it? Live last night for joyco europe, instagram and wendy's just popped on there party hair. If you go over to and click the education tab, you can subscribe to party hair course, which will yeah it's scepter yeah. Thank you sophie um. So we have two deep dives in november with jill berry, david murray and sev duracan, so you can jump on there and you can subscribe to it and they will show you live in a webinar. You can ask questions, but you can basically it's it's you and you and like this, like this sort of concept, where we'll have one of the education team comparing and then uh they'll be doing what what they've got planned and you can ask them questions and and That so yeah we could get. We could get jill david or and sev on here say next year and we could do a full party here but make sure you go and subscribe guys because november uh is now. But you could be watching those for the christmas period and all the party hair and christmas parties new year parties uh. I think i'm actually um go and watch it, i'm not going to because uh i hate putting hair up but um, but uh. You know. I always believe in letting people do what they're good at you know. Oh mate. Definitely i'm not a hair up like when we get asked to do it for lee, i'm a bit like mate. I will cut and color. I don't really want to be uh yeah. I don't want to be doing hair up, if i'm honest, i'm not passionate enough for it yep same um again what wendy's just said: the deep dives are free, so the deep so basically on instagram, we do like a sneak peek and then we do a deep Dive session, which is what you're going to subscribe for over on joyco europe, um website and they're all free this year, because of the year we've had the two years, we've had. Basically, we've just been pumping out education uh for free with joyco same with us. We'Ve been doing the lives and the deep dives as well, and this is why we bring you this every wednesday night, because we want people to be getting as much education as possible for free to to level up um as a hairdresser. Yeah, don't worry, i mean look, the thing is that's not wrong. Um. The thing is, you know, i think, there's again, there's there's so much education out there. You know for hairdressers to delve into these days. You know, and it's way more than it ever used to be, and it's amazing. You know that the level of education that hairdresser can receive today without even paying one dime yeah um, you know and um, but here's the thing guys. I think all this education is amazing, but if you want, if you get one thing for christmas, make it a mannequin head because there's a lot of watching and not a lot of doing yeah so get yourself a mannequin head for christmas. Ask you ask your husband, or whatever, to buy your mannequin head, clamp and do a little bit of practicing because there's nothing like doing it and you can pause it. You can watch the sections and you can slow it down and you can do all these things with it. You know, and you can really really start to take in that information. Remember what i said earlier. You can watch and learn a percentage, but by doing you'll, learn you'll learn a much higher percentage of that. So that is a really, i think, that's where we need to start encouraging people to actually try these techniques, and i do have people send me. Videos photos of stuff they've tried, and i just love it when they do um, and i think that really makes you know it makes the difference between somebody. Just you know me churning stuff out and people actually making a difference to what they do on a day-to-day basis. Well, this is what we're going to do. Aren'T we next year so me and james have spoken about this at length of what we want to bring to you. We'Ve actually spoken about something else very recently, very recently that we want to bring to you, but the first thing that was on about we want to do a full day. So, on a sunday we want to bring a full day of education. So in the morning, be a haircut or in the morning to colour, so it can develop and then in the afternoon is a live haircut and styling session. So would that be interesting for you to like for free, just come and join one of them and we'll do that uh for a day um? Would you say james yeah, yeah totally? That is something that we wanted to really kind of get underway this year. But we just you, know cambridge not was quite out and we're not quite as far out the woods as we were hoping, obviously yeah um, but yeah we're totally. We totally want to bring you know like a day session where we're literally live for the entire day, and so you can bring your mannequin head and you can spend the day you know and have a real kind of deep dive. You know, step by step. Learning experience and you could literally spend the day copying everything that we do and um you know really getting into the technique. You know yeah yeah, so that's something we're working on at the minute uh to bring to you. So if you guys want to want to join us for a full day and yeah we'd love to do a live demonstration for you guys of something that you want to learn, but peter said yes, um wendy has said. I agree. James practice makes perfect and a mannequin head won't cry, but also won't pay. That is true. No, no! That'S true! You'Ll pay. The manic you'll pay the mannequin head. That'S it tammy. You said good morning, james and paul good morning, tammy good morning, tammy, australia, tammy, oh australia! Is it australia, tammy warren? Is it uh tammy werner, tommy, werner yeah? That'S it tell me where yeah australia, uh pia has said, live models or mannequins. I think, because we're gon na do it all day. I think if we did a mannequin with you, so basically like a sea doo, so we'll be breaking down each section, so we'll say work on the back. Then you guys work on the back, we'll work on the sides. You work on the sides and then we'll we'll do it all together. I think that would be a really nice way to do it. So so that's going to be the complete difference here, guys you're going to be we're going to be working at a pace that you can follow. Yeah and you'll have we'll have one of us comparing we'll both be in the same room at the same time. So, actually, together in real life, yes, but we'll be working at a pace where you guys can follow along. So you can have your mannequin heads, we can have ours and you guys can literally copy what we do step by step. Yeah and that's going to be the big difference here, rather than what we do normally, when we work at a pace where you can't copy us we're going to be working at a pace where you can just totally immerse yourself in the technique and um. You know really get involved with copying and learning first hand. Now the you know the only downside to that it won't be like a zoom uh, where we can actually physically coach you. So once you've finished once we finish a section we'll give you a few minutes to complete the section and then we will move on now. You know, let's say we gave you like. You know five, ten minutes to complete the section we'll move on to the next section. Now remember you can rewind the lives even if we're live. So you know if you miss a bit or if we say something you're not quite caught up yet don't worry, you will still be able to go back even when we're still live, yeah, we'll kind of watch it delayed. But we do have some ideas for actually physically coaching, you guys in the future yeah um - and this will be a kind of i suppose - experiment um, i'm not not not a complete experiment, uh, it's more to get you guys into the idea, because it's something that I'Ve already done with my previous brand. We did physical education digitally where they actually just copied. What i did you know i'd do one section show them what to do. They'D go off and do it and i'd watch them on my screen through zoom. It won't be quite as uh full on as that, but we would like to bring you something like that, so we would love to try it with you all see what you think if you enjoy it. If there's something you'd like to change about it, maybe we'll even just do it through zoom and you guys can sign up and join us through zoom. Maybe i don't know we'll see yeah but um there's loads, we'd love to do you know. We'Ve got lots of ideas paul and i we're always we're always having a we're, always having an idea. Aren'T we just oh you've got like i've got an idea. You know paul and i are always phoning each other. What about this? What about this yeah, yeah, um and uh? We try and cement some of these ideas going forward. So, if there's anything you would want from us, though, obviously we're all ears. We always want to hear your feedback. If there's things you'd like to change, if the things that you could think we could do to improve, we would probably like to sit down with you on maybe one of the q a sessions and just literally hear your feedback, for you know a little while that Would be amazingly helpful to us because you know neither paul or i think that we are perfect and um. You know we can only improve with your feedback, so we would love to hear it before we get into 2022 and beyond yeah yeah. We want to like this has been a real sort of um well, like james said at the beginning, something that we've we've both wanted to do. Working together, and now we work for the same brands. Again is just amazing, but it's just something: that's we. We sit like this all started because lockdown we would, we didn't know what to do. We started doing just free, live weekly education together, but we really see it going going the distance and and being able to give you a lot more and then, when we get out of this sort of situation, where we can then have a bit more freedom that We can bring you just so much more when it comes to education, sort of like live events. I know we've spoken about these as well. We'Ve spoken about traveling, but these are all the things we do want to bring bring to you. We want to be able to sort of set a venue where you guys can get a ticket or something or like for the for the ticket. You get a goodie bag and you come along and we do just a just. A really cool live education show um or even rather than a show, we could do a show, but then we could do like a live education. Yeah like this. What we're just saying about where we do a bit! You do a bit that'd be amazing. To do it live as well, so you guys all come along and at the end of the day, like a like a normal education event, but we've built up such a really cool um, like click with you guys with we'd love. I know like a lot of you in australia and all over the world, but it would just be really cool. You never know if it goes well guys, we could end up in australia. You know what i mean: yeah, australia, um america, wherever you know, wherever you are, we could end up now. I just wanted quickly before i cover this up. I want to talk to you about saturation. Look at how saturated that section is. It literally looks like it's snowed on. You'Ve got to get it on that thick. If you want it to lift to its full potential, it's got to go on that thick. If it doesn't go on that thick, you could be wasting your time. You won't get the product to lift as fast or as light as you would, if you did it like this, and that is something to have in your mind's eye, i like to call it royal icing. You know like in a cake that would be how i think about it. Wedding, cake, yeah. You don't want to be able to see the hair through the section. It'S so uber important. So i'm going to let this uh i'm going to let this mannequin head process cover up this section nice and easy bob's, your uncle and we'll allow that to process for a little bit minute and then what i'll do is once uh once it's all processed i'll. Wash it off and then i'll save the application of my headphone just died. Can you still hear me yeah, i know: did you hear it yeah yeah? It went silent for a second um. I'Ve had these airpods about 10 minutes on them now, anyway, so um i'll, save the polka dot application for next time. I'M live on paul's channel in two weeks time or uh. Next week. Paul will be cutting a pixie cut on my channel uh over at the life of hair, for anybody that doesn't know who, i am um, say again - mate i'll pop it in the chat, yep um, so over on my channel that i've had paul will be cutting The pixie cut next week and then we'll be back again i'll, be q, a on my channel uh on paul's channel the next time, um and then it'll be back to my channel for paul doing potentially a color. So it's going to be a little while, before you see a pokedot on this um, but we don't want to stick with that. We want to you. Might i appreciate you probably want to see it sooner than you know four weeks away, but we want to stick with the the the rhythm of what we've been doing over the last uh year or so now. What i do need to mention very quickly is that um next week on my channel, it is the end of this giveaway, which is my two favorite hairstyling products, which is the joy mist, uh firm, hold hairspray and the power whip mousse uh. Actually, that's not my favorite one. I'Ve got the wrong mousse there hold on a minute. This is my favorite one joy whip, joy whip. I like power whip, but i like joy, whip, better yeah, um so head over to my channel uh, leave a comment in the video from three weeks ago: um and just anything in the description, but not emojis. I'Ve discovered emojis get sidelined. So it's got to be text or whatever description in the comment section of that video, a live, video um and then put on there, whatever you want and then we'll draw it next week on my channel. So i can't remember the name of the video, but what we'll do is paul will put it on the community community tab and i'll put it on my community tab. The name of the video where you've got to leave a comment we'll do that literally 10-15 minutes. After we come off this live and you guys can go and check it out, we've got we've got 10 minutes. Let me just jump on your channel mate if you want to just uh and i'll find the live yeah. That'S that that that's a much more sensible approach, paul you've, always got better ideas than this just blows. My mind mate. This is why i thought, if i collaborate with paul he'll, always have the good ideas that i can just piggyback off the back of so the the wednesday night education from 13 days ago. Yes, yeah all right i'll put it in the chat now and uh. The guys can i'm just gon na mute that i'll put it in the chat on here. I'Ll put it in the description as well just go and comment on it, and then you can win james's favorite duo, styling duo, favorite, duo, styling and then next, our next giveaway is a cracker. So if you're a hairdresser, we've got a trial um of the new joyco um 10 minute color, which is just front. I mean i love 10 minute colors and now joyco's got one amazing, so yeah. If you're a hairdresser, you can win a trial pack of the new lumi10 color, which is a great prize, a great great prize that will be on paul's channel the following week: um so you'll have about three weeks or so to get involved in that one uh By commenting on that video when it is not live um, but that's it from me this time, i hope you found working out how to place your uh piano might win again. Yeah. You might do oh yeah! You want to join in wendy, get yourself in there. Um best guy ever luma, 10. Yes, absolutely totally. I love it um. I hope you've enjoyed finding out how to find where to place your colors looking at heavy saturation and how it you know that will impact the lift. Now this is pre-colored and it's mannequin hair. So i'll be interested for you guys to see how this lifts and what sort of a lift i get from this hair um after it's processed because of the really heavy saturation, but next time, you're in the salon and you're doing a bleach job make sure you Saturate it to death, and i promise you you'll - have the best lift you've ever had ever without a doubt. Yeah amazing mate loved it very. Like really simple, you would think, but there's so much to get a really nice clean, quick, lift right. Yeah, not everything has to be clever. Does it you know some things are technically more challenging than meets the eyes and um. You know it is. It is it's a very important thing: when we look at education, i think is not to assume people know or are already doing the things that we think are fundamental. Yeah, amazing hope, that's helped. Everybody p i've just i'll just say: pia won the last prize, which was the lustrelok spray, and she says it's arriving tomorrow so enjoy pier um. We had lisa he's gon na have shiny hair tony one one as well so yeah guys we're going to be doing a lot of these competitions. James'S duo is yeah. I want to be fair one. It'S my favorite moose joy whip. I but i loved it with the last fragrance. The fragrance was like orange right. I was so fresh. I used to love it um. I do love all i like now. It'S all one one sort of branded smell, but i did love that orange. I think i don't like darren. I probably wanted to eat it, though, because i love love. I love everything flavoured orange yeah, all right. It'S lovely mate right uh on saturday she has a full head. Bleaching she'll, definitely try it. Amazing, good and lovely yeah really inspirational pleasure, as always everybody the same and uh yeah, we'll pop that we'll pop james's video in the community tab on both channels now head over to james's channel and subscribe and comment and uh we'll pick a winner for those next Week, look forward to it nice, one guys see you soon. Ciao

Felix Peralta: I know I was not live but just want to tell you guys James and Paul for the amazing help you guys are giving me personally new in this industry been 50 that tell you is never late to learn something new this been amazing new journey for me with my own salon owner here in Waukegan Illinois MP salon and spa

Karen J: Hi Paul, when is next live headucation. I find these sessions really useful.

Toni,s hair styles: Yes that would be interesting Paul I would like to see poker dot live

Toni,s hair styles: Same as what you do at LSE all day would be good ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Barbara M: Good stuff guys

Toni,s hair styles: Congrats Pia

Toni,s hair styles: Oooo sounds good James 10 min colour

Toni,s hair styles: Hi guys sorry I wasn't on here I've been busy ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Toni,s hair styles: I agree with Paul I don't like hair up I would rather cut colour

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