Living Off Only 3 Hair Care Tips? These Are The Ones!

Happy New Years Eve! This is the final Curly Chemistry video on the year and I decided to switch it up a bit.  If I had to live off only 3 hair care tips for the rest of my life, what would they be?!  In this new video I'm sharing what those 3 would be...and guess what, they will ACTUALLY WORK for you too!





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I Join my Q&A sessions and curly chemistry tips!


Unclogging Follicles For Hair Growth:

Revisiting The PMP Method:

Understanding Your Moisture Cycle:


The Secret Life of Oils in Your Hair-

The Hair Growth Protein You Need-

The Best 5 Ingredients That Easily Penetrate The Hair

My Holy Grail Hair Care Products-

Results Regardless of Hair Porosity-

4 INSANELY EASY Solutions To DRY High Porosity Hair!-


The Real Benefits of Using Hair Grease!-

// F O L L O W   

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//ABOUT ME: I’m a cosmetic chemist specializing in natural hair care and the creator of the # 1 go to resource for understanding ingredients in the natural hair care industry! I teach women and men how to get results with their hair care regimens from a science perspective and understand ingredient labels based on their hair needs so they can save time and money!


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Camera : Canon 90D

Lense: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM

Oh, my gosh, let me get myself together: hey youtube! What'S going on super excited for this video, if you are new to my channel, welcome to curly chemistry, i am a cosmetic kind of specializing in natural hair care and the creator of curly Where i teach you guys how to understand products, ingredients your hair from a cosmetic hems perspective and also teach you guys how to start hair care lines as well - and this is my last video of 2021 and once upon a time i mean we all kind of Struggled with our hair, whether that's hair growth, length retention, preventing breakage, scalp health growth, moisture retention, all the things and some of us may be struggling with that still, but thank god for the internet for solutions and whatnot. So out of all the videos that i've created in 2021, i want to share my top three top three things: top three tips that i want you to take into 2022, because i guarantee you these three things are going to change your hair if it hasn't already. Alright stay tuned and one more thing towards the end of the video i'm going to be sharing. What'S ahead for curly chemistry in 2022, i have a few surprises, so yeah so stay tuned for that part of the video as well. Okay, let's get started okay, so number one. I did a video on on clogging the follow feels for hair growth, and i love that video. So much because i talk about how important your scalp health is and a lot of times we focus on the product. We focus on you, know the style or you know what we're doing to our hair, but really honing in on scalp health is going to give you the foundation for healthy hair care. So in this video i'm talking about some common scalp challenges that could prevent you from growing your hair, having healthy hair in general, so for a dry scalp, incorporating steam treatments, moisturizing shampoos, applying hair, grease hemp, seed or avocado directly to your scalp. When you get out of the shower, you know all these things are great for getting rid of a dry scalp and even for dandruff, incorporating apple cider, vinegar, rinses into your hair care, regimen tea tree oil, to your hair care regimen and for an oily scalp, utilizing Witch hazel, rinses and shampooing more frequently and making sure that you don't use heavy products directly on your scalp, so that video, if you have not checked that out, definitely do so. I have a link below for you and if you have checked it out, get a refresher you know going into this new year because, like i said before, your scalp health is key for healthy hair. It starts with your scalp, okay and then number two. I made a video this year on revisiting the pmp method. I came out with the pnp method, i want to say in 2020 2020 it came out, but then i did a revisit like a kind of a follow-up video of that in 2021 and um that video just kind of confirms the benefits of doing pnp. For those who don't know, pnp stands for penetrate moisturize and protect. You want to make sure that you are using a penetrative oil as your pre-pull prior to getting in the shower, because that pre-poo helps to prevent protein loss. It helps your hair to lock in more moisture, and it also prevents high growth fatigue. Moisture is key. You want to moisturize your hair based off of your hair type, so those who have low porosity hair, you know jelly based, moisturizers liquid base, moisturizers lotion stuff, like that. Those who have a high porosity, hair type, heavier creams. Lotions butters are great as well and then last but not least, that final pee is protective. You want to choose protective oils to lock in all that moisture and even hair grease can be an amazing protectant sealant as well, and i'm loving all of the results that you guys are sharing with me and a lot of you guys have been utilizing hair grease As your final pee as your sealant you're, seeing that your hair is staying moisturized for days and that's what it's all about, that is what it's all about: a better way to moisturize your hair with the pnp method. So that is definitely one of my top three. For sure number three is going to be a video i did this year on discovering your moisture cycle and our hair, whether you want to say type 4, 3, a b c d, whatever you want to say, even in those categories, our hair individually is still very Unique my hair is not like yours. Your hair is not like mine, so we all have different cycles of moisturization. What does that even mean? That means that me and you can use the same exact moisturizer. My hair may stay moisturized with that product for like two days, but for you it may stay moisturized for four days with that same product. So that is a cycle how long it takes for your hair to become dry after the first day that you use that moisturizer. So i think honing in on what that moisture cycle is, will help us better understand and how often our hair needs to be moisturized. A common example, i say, is our skin. If you go to three days without moisturizing, your skin you're gon na have some issues. So a lot of us put lotion on every single day to keep our skin nice and moisturized. You know so. The same thing goes for our hair: okay, so those are my top three videos, i'm sure you guys probably have some other top three choices as well, but those are my top three definitely check those videos out to kind of get that refresher. I mean we're going to a brand new year and that includes a brand new year for your hair as well. So let's talk about what is ahead in 2022 for chrome chemistry. So, of course, i'm still going to be here, giving you guys great curly chemistry, content, solutions and better understanding of your hair from a cosmetics perspective, so more amazing content and then i'm coming out with curly chemistry, flash cards, and this is definitely something i've been working On the past five or six months, i'm going to give you guys over 120 plus digital flash cards, with all the things that you have been wanting to know about these oils. These ingredients, these butters diy, hair care recipes from me to you tips about your hair. The differences just so much knowledge is going to be in these digital flash cards, so these are coming out in january. So definitely stay tuned for that. On top of that, if you are not following me on instagram at xiaomi369 definitely follow me today: okay, because i will be going live on instagram more in 2022 and um we're gon na be doing some live q, a sessions, it's gon na, be amazing. So if you want to be tapped in be sure to follow me on instagram charmain369, okay, so you guys have been asking for this for a while and um. I'M still, i'm still putting all the things together for it, but i will be offering curly chemistry, hair care consultations. What does that mean? That means that you can connect with me one on one about your hair. So what does that look like? It looks like me talking to you either on the phone or a video chat and i'm giving you my personal advice to you about your hair. This includes product suggestions, regimen changes, regimen creations. You know just solutions for me to you. Okay, so definitely gon na look out for that. I'M looking forward to connecting with you guys live one-on-one um. You guys been asking for it, so i'm gon na give it to you and then last but not least, i'm still gon na be doing my curly chemistry consultations for those who want to start haircare lines. But i'm going to add a video feature to that as well, because right now, i'm doing them on the phone, but i'm going to eventually transition over to phone and video chat as well. Okay, so that is what we have so far for 2022. Don'T be surprised if more things start to come up new things start to come up throughout the year, but for now i just wanted to share what you guys can look forward to and um as we close out this year. I just want to say thank you for watching this channel. Thank you for your support. Anyone who's ever liked a video watched, a video comment below purchased an ebook purchase a consultation. Thank you. Thank you so much because i do this because i love this and i love to help people and i love to share my knowledge and my wisdom. And what would it look like if i got all this industry insight, formula, insight, solutions and understanding of the science of my hair, and i keep it to myself and i don't share with my community. You know what i'm saying so i love you guys so much, and i know i say that at each end of the video i mean that i really do. Okay, all right guys, so i'm going to close it out. It has been a great year um. If this year has not been a great year for you, i am believing in prayer that this new year coming in is going to be an amazing year for you um, oh my gosh, let me get myself together. Okay, the tear just gon na come whatever i'm emotional, but i want to pray. Can i pray? Can i pray with y'all real quick i'ma pray, father god? We just thank you, lord god, for 2021, whether it was an amazing year or a year. That was a struggle for us for god, whatever it was, we just think you got that we are still here and that we are still standing father. So we just thank you, god, as we transition into this new year, god we ask that you just go with us and protect us and bless us go with us for god everywhere that we go where god continue to guide us, lord god. We thank you for doors of opportunity opening up for us. God continue to protect our family, our lovers and our friends and go with us father. So we just thank you for this brand new year. We thank you, god for keeping us in this brand new year. God we thank you, god for just having your way in our lives and your will being done in our lives. Lord, we just bless you and we just go into this new year with expectancy for great things to come, and we just bless you in jesus name. We pray amen all right guys. I love you so much. I will see you in 2010 i'll see you next year, i'll see you next year. Okay, i'm done. I love you so much um curly chemistry guide check that out. If you haven't already curly chemistry consultations, if you want to start a haircare line, you guys already know the deal. I love you. I love, you see you guys in 2022, bye

Curly Chemistry: Thank you for watching!! Here is a promo code for the Curly Girl's Guide to Hair Care Ingredients, use code: Guide10 for 10% off!! Here's the link:

Gloria A.: I'm very late getting over here, but all while I was out and about, I was thinking "Gotta get home to see Curly Chemistry." Well, here I am and here are the TEARS! After being 6 years natural, it was this year that I finally learned how to take care of my hair by watching your PMP video. Its Perfect and it Works. Thank you, Tonya, for sharing your knowledge, your experience, your content, your prayer, and Your TEARS. May 2022 be a year filled with blessings and spiritual growth for you.

April D: I want to say thank you for taking a stand and letting us know that it's ok to use oils and grease again...When other communities encouraged us not to but never came up with a legit way to help our hair still flourish.. Grease(Blue Magic) and oils have been helping me to retain length and health..Thank you !

LK: Hey sis! Yes ma’am, discovering my moisture cycle is so important and changed my hair routine for the good☺️ Thanks for sharing, love u and Happy New Year❣️❣️❣️

Sunshine: Thank you, Tonya! For sharing all of your knowledge, care and blessings with us through social media. You have been given a blessed gift that you don't deny your friends. I started following you during my breast cancer fight and my hair began falling out. As it came back, the curl pattern changed and I was having trouble getting used to what to do. Watching your videos and reading your book has helped me learn what to do and how to treat my new head of hair. Your knowledge is AWESOME! God continue to bless to throughout the coming year . ❤

#TLCare 47: Amen! Thank you sis for being so consistent and transparent with us all! I’m loving the fact that you’re willing and focused to share this knowledge because we all know, it can be so overwhelming at times. You’re such a blessing and thank you again.

Felicia Dunn: Yes girl! I enjoy the knowledge and wisdom that you bestowed upon us in 2021. I look forward to seeing you in 2022. That prayer at the end gave me hope of a much better year.

Hidaya Nawee: Have a fantastic year, Tonya!! Thank you for all the content! Would love love love content on starting over in 2022. I'm shaving my head and having trouble finding content on the regrowth process that has specific, step by step tips on what to do daily, weekly, etc.

LaTina McAllister: Amen!!! Thank you soooo much Tonya for all the information that you’ve given us! I purchased a consultation with you for Jan 2022 and can’t wait to see what this year has in store!!! Happy New Year!!!

Naturally S.J: You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Tanya for sharing that wonderful knowledge of yours with us. we really do appreciate it, and I personally can see that it is something that you really do love. Thanks again. All the best in your future endeavors. Our support is forever yours.

Barbara Thomas: I've been researching and studying hair and natural ingredients for about 10 years or so and I have to say I have learned some new things from you. I'm excited about the flash cards you have put together and can't wait to get access to them. I love learning and I can add them to my hair binder lol Keep up the good work and have a happy and safe new year! Many blessings to you

jan wig: Thank YOU for sharing your knowledge! The information, the way you present the information, your tips, your time, your talent, the fact that you ACTUALLY love what you do, the role model that you have been, your faith in people who you don't even know! All that! I have shared so many of your posts with friends and family so your knowledge can help more people. I've gone from hating my natural hair to loving my natural hair because of your videos. So on behalf of MY community, THANK YOU!!!

By Grace Beauty: Your hair is gorgeous. I remember your early days when you were relaxed and sitting on the floor by your bed. Love your glad for you and US!! Happy New Year

Gina Edwards: Thank you so much for all you have submitted to us for our personal hair journies. You've made it less daunting to seek out simple products suitable for my specific hair type. I am seeing positive differences in my scalp and hair condition. For me, my diet was the starting point!

PrettyCurly 9: Happy New Year sis! We can tell that you love what you do and we appreciate every second of the time you take to share with us all you know and are learning. We love you!

Catherine Flores: Love your channel. You give us real helpful info rather than selling us products. Thank you for what you do for us!

Trenesseya Whitfield: Thank you so much for sharing all of your useful insight!! My natural hair journey has DEFINITELY been a journey, but I’m so thankful for the wisdom I’ve learned from each mistake made! I will definitely be taking your helpful tips and making the necessary changes to get the results I’m looking for! And thank you even more for the prayers….. I accept it and receive it in Jesus name! 2022 will be my year for growth in more ways than one! God bless!!

DebDeb P: Amen! This is the first hair care video that made me tear up ‍♀️. Bigger things are coming your way Sis! Thanks for all you do!

Kelly Stewart: You're an incredible blessing! Thank you for your genuineness and for all the GREAT content! Blessings to you in 2022!

Felicia Hogan: Amen. Hi CC. Thank you so much for your channel. It is taking my hair care to a deeper level because it is helping me to understand the science to my hair, which is bringing about positive results for me. Many blessings to you in 2022. Happy New Year!

Stephanie Storm: Thank you! The things I've learned here has changed my hair life and brought confidence from the inside out, plus being proud of my hair. I will continue to watch like save and share.. can't wait to see you next year thank you

Aneesah the bless1: Thank you so much Tonya!! you're a blessing to us i learned so much from you,, all the best for you in 2022 ❤❤

diomelita: Happy New Year to you hun. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with us. Looking forward to see the new content and can’t wait for the flash cards

Traci 352: I look forward to your weekly videos. You have helped me to transform my natural hair. I’m enjoying this natural hair care journey thanks to allot of your content. The best is yet to come!

MSU Activists: Thank you, oh scientist sister, for generously sharing your knowledge with us! Hi I have longed for more reliable sources of hair care info relevant to natural, nappy hair. For years, but with limited success. Your videos are clear, cheerful, and relevant. Here’s to you and may you find joy in your pursuits.

karen horton: Grease!!! Never ever thought I’d learn to love it but it is my go to for my ends when I braid my hair. It stays soft and detangled…Thank you❤️

GB: Happy New morning Tonya. Thank you for guiding us during our journey. Wishing you prosperity and health.

Lady Bianca: Happy New Year. Thanks for all the natural hair wisdom and advise. Looking forward to 2022.

Charisse Colbert: Thank you for a great year of information, I’m excited for everything you have planned for this channel in 2022, and last but certainly not least, Thank you for the prayer!! May God continue to bless you and lead you on the path he has designed for you to follow:)

LaCharla Figgs: Thank you for much for the recap, for all your wisdom, and for your prayers. I just discovered you this about 2 months or so ago, and already your tips have helped me start reversing some alarming hair loss. THANK YOU for sharing, and I pray that your efforts will bring you abundant success as you help others. xoxo

Jess M🌻: Good things coming in the new year! So exciting! Happy New Year to you!

Jennifer Wendy Brown: Great job this year! I have been blessed by your knowledge this year! Sooooo helpful! Bless you!

Karen Foster: Happy New Years, I am so blessed to have discovered your page, you had me tearing over here. But thanks for sharing your knowledge I've learned so much and look forward to joining your consultation sessions. Continue to inspire.

Zotha Mhlongo: Tonya that prayer at the end girl Thank you. Excited for what the new year has ahead. God bless you and your channel. Thank you for all the gems

Coran Boyd: Thank you so much for your wisdom and insight but even more so for that prayer at the end of this video❣ 2021 was a challenging year which included the loss of my mom. So your prayer was unexpected but much needed. Looking forward to what 2022 will bring. Expecting great things. I will definitely be tuned in to your videos and Instagram. Take care.

Rosina Sams: Thank you Sharmaine, you have been a great help to me plus the curly hair community I'm looking forward to the new up and coming projects you will be mastering be blessed for 2022

Ro Spell: Happy New year! You are beyond awesome and your genuineness shines through every time! Thank you for sharing you knowledge with your community. You are deeply appreciated.

Geneva Moore: Your passion shines through. Thank you for all you do!!

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.): I'm thinking of trying the LCOG method ( liquid,cream,oil, and gel) on my low porosity hair. How often would you recommend I re-fresh it during the week? Also what should I use to refresh it? My hair gets dry very fast and I'm concerned about product buildup.

Rita Williams: Love your passion, confidence and humility. I am excited for your new features, especially the private consultations. To God be the glory for the things He has done! Happy blessed New Year

Carlotta Shanelle: Happy New Year! C.C., I love you! Thank you for all you have taught me. I share what I've learned from you with family and friends. I do DIYs and it has changed my hair tremendously. I love your videos. I really loved the video on fenugreek! One of my champion ingredients! To have you confirm the benefits of the herd makes it all the worth while to keep with consistency, patients, perseverance! Thanking GOD for leading me to you! Looking forward to your videos!❤

Chimere Trielle: I love love love this channel! Thank you for all you do and all you share You're amazing! And thank you for praying with us! Happy New Year Tanya!

Miriam López: I’m SUPER excited about the consultation!!! I have been waiting for influencers to start consultations. I’m so glad you are the one to do it!!!

Jenn G: Thank you for all the fantastic content Tonya. Wishing you all the very best for the coming year. Happy New year

Blank13539: your videos changed my hair overnight. Thank you

SimplyNaturalCai: My favorite video to date! Thank you for your dedication Excited to see flash cards and future videos! Happy New Year

Betty Boop: Thanks for sharing, i have incorporated a lot of your hair care tips. Just started back using grease in my hair care regime. Enjoyed the closing prayer, God bless and much success for 2022.

Sunni@981: Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me as well as others. I look forward the flashcards. May God continue to bless you and have an super awesome blessed new year!!

David Alexander: Thank you for all the information you shared with us in 2021. I'm ready for 2022 it is going to be amazing!

Allison D: The prayer! . Amen. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, your faith, your heart. Thanks for teaching us how to take care of black hair. It means soooo much, you can't imagine. Your hair, dress and makeup are beautiful tonight. Happy New Year!

Ree: Thank you Tonya for sharing your knowledge! Can you pls share with us your current hair style routine? It looks full, soft and beautiful ❤️

Tanya Hope: Hi Tonya! Thank you for all the advice you've given over the year. I can't wait to see what's coming up next year. By the way, I have an idea for t-shirts. How about t-shirts with the saying, "Unapologetically Natural or Unapologetically Curly?" It just came to me one day.

Donna D'Lady: You do it with EXCELLENCE!! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge (and your faith) with us.

ArtzF1rstLady: Happy New Year, Sis. Can’t wait for all the videos you’re going to post in 2022

Quietstorm91: Amen! Thank you Tanya for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. Wishing you a very prosperous, healthy and blessed New Year!

Vickie Oliver-Rivera: Thank you! Look forward to all of your videos. I am 2 years natural and your advice has helped tremendously

Lois Evora: Thank you for the prayer, and may the Good Lord continue to bless you. My hair is thinning in the top and crown areas, so I started using Sulfur 8 Fresh on my scalp hopefully I will see a difference. I also use a leave in conditioner. Happy New Year!

Emma Watts: Thank you so much for the hair knowledge you share, and for the prayer I thought that was awesome! May God continue to bless and keep each and everyone! Happy New Year!!

Tonya Evett: In Jesus name Amen! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!

Michelle Ward: Whew Sis! Thank you for the information and the prayer ❤. I pray Father's best for you and and family in 2022

Thoughts of a Therapist: Hey curly sis . I appreciate many of your videos & also appreciate that you are so forthcoming with the information you have. As I saw the shift in your emotion I said, “oh no, not her tryna make me tear up over here” lol. But I felt your words and your heart space which was beautiful & I wish you much success. I have also created a YouTube channel that is based on love & healing so I get how support of others is so important and also u your channel is your baby. From one Melanin Sista to another, I SUPPORT YOU, I appreciate you, and I believe in you. Wishing your channel & your brand much success. I look forward to your upcoming videos and updates.

taredo3: Thank you Tonya for all that you do, and the prayer too.

Deborah Epps: Love the informative videos; they have helped me create my own hair and skin products!

Freda: Thank you for all the information!! I'm am so excited for the digital flash cards. You are truly a blessing. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate you with all of my heart. I just remember when I went back natural (no heat) 4 years ago and so many YouTubers I follow gave great information but so much of it conflicted with the next. I was so happy to find you to put all the the opinions to rest with FACTS backed by science.. cuuz gurl, science is bae, and you can't argue with science. God bless and Happy New Years ✨

Cheryl S. Booker: I love your videos. You are so knowledgeable, but able to break it down so we can apply that knowledge to benefit our natural hair. I can’t wait for a consultation with you! I pray that God continues to bless you and wish you all the success in the world! You’re awesome!! I know you love us and we love you!! ♥️

Nata K: This was lovely God bless you and every life you help along this journey.

Ebony Bertelsmeyer: I receive that in the name of Jesus, Amen! I really appreciate you taking the time to inform us on how to care for our hair. You're extremely knowledgeable and your content is very informative. So thank you for the information you provide to us from a hair chemist perspective❤️

JennG: At your suggestion I’ve been using Blue Magic on wet hair and it has been a game changer…moisture for days! Looking forward to new videos in 2022.

Syara Monroe: Happy New Years. I love you and your content. Your advice I have taken and applied it. It’s has helped me so much in understanding my hair needs and I have seen such a change in my hair for the better. Thank you so much. Greatly appreciate you. God bless.

Octavia Flavors: Yes I need a one on one for my daughter's hair!!!

Angel Sweet: Thanks for ur dedication!!!! Your videos have been an amazing help for 2021 and I can’t wait for more in 2022!!! Starting to save my coins for that one and one hair consultation! Happy New year!!!!

D S: Thanks so much! I’m looking forward to the flash cards! I’d love it if you created your own product hairline. Happy New Year!

April Caddell: So glad I found your channel! I purchased your e-book recently. I'm looking forward to the flash cards.

Niequa Bradley: I love this channel. Love the content. Happy new year to you and blessings for the new year. Yay!!! Hair care consultations.

MGTOWTakeru: Lovely video. Since I discovered your channel and applied your wisdom, the quality of my hair (and hair growth) has improved dramatically. Honestly I would send you before (2020) and after (December 2021) photos of my hair and you would quickly notice the contrast. Thanks again Curly Chemistry Lady!

ENO AFIA: I started watching u because your own hair is a testimony. Thx for sharing with us all. Happy New Year. ➿〰️➰

Caramel Submerged: You are a bright, shining light! Continued blessings to you, now and always! Thank you for loving the culture and community and constantly uplifting!

Dianne Stephen-Rocco: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Thank You for sharing your great hair care products and techniques. Would you please give advice to those of us who blow dry and hot comb? Again, Tonya, Thank You for sharing your knowledge with us.

Ty Baker: Curly chemistry you have some beautiful hair and thank you for sharing your knowledge

ShaMona Avery: That prayer at the END!!! It truly blessed me!! Happy New Year!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Keep the videos coming!! AMEN!!

NATALIE CHAMBERS: You are proud of you! Your channel is great but you praying on YouTube blessed my heart so much...Thank you for doing that and sharing your hair care knowledge. All the best for 2022!!

Lisa Mims: Thank you so much for another amazing video. Thank you for the prayer and all the same blessings to you as well! Happy New Year!! Looking forward to more knowledge filled amazing videos in 2022!!

Bev: Thank you. I've so enjoyed all your videos. You have illuminated my knowledge on haircare so much. God bless you and may you continued to blossom in the Curly Chemistry field. And we love you toi.

Lizzie Clay: Awe, you’re such a humble and grateful person. I appreciate you and have supported you. Thanks for all your information and dedication to helping others. Happy New Year and you can always pray for me. Love you too

BlkScuba Queen: Happy New Year to you and wishing you peace, joy and prosperity. God bless you! Thank you for your wisdom and time that you share with us. My hair has done been amazing with the information you share. I will be updating my profile picture soon. Take care and be bless.

marian B: You had me in tears. Thank you CC for all you do for us! It sounds like you have a good plan ahead for 2022! I need all the reminders I can get, lol! God has blessed you abundantly. Thank you for that awesome prayer. I try everyday to say my prayers...I just have to try harder to READ The word...Faith comes from HEARING and READING the word of God

Denise Penny: Thank you so much for all that you do and share! You truly are a blessing to me! May God bless you and your family for a healthy, happy and prosperous year!

HeartBreakHigh: Thanks so much for your videos throughout the year. May you and your family and loved ones have a blessed year!

firewater365: Prayers for you as well ma’am! May Blessings abound!

heaven: Thank God for you in giving us knowledge Sis❤️I appreciate you and Happy New Year as well

Cath Hutch: Happy New Year and thank you for all your hair care advice!!

Nancy Lewis: Amen! Thank you for praying! We appreciate all of your hair knowledge. Looking forward to seeing you in 2022. God bless you!

Tabithah Care: Thank you for 2021... Looking forward to 2022 and also purchasing your curl care book

Nakia Carter: Listen!!! The tears are real. I appreciate all the videos and tips you have provided. I look forward to what you will share in 2022 I want to say is thank you and God bless you may you experience breakthroughs and good health and prosperity in 2022.

Tnyce03: Thank you for sharing with your educated thoughts of hair, you are an amazing person. God Bless you and Happy New Year 2022, on to the next journey with Tonya!!!

Cynthia Jolly: Amen! Happy New Year to you and your family ♥️. Love your channel.

Tasha W: Looking forward to hearing more details about the haircare consultations... excited!!!

eles8888: Tanya we are All grateful for your guidance. I can not wait to do a video chat with you! Jehovah God delivered you to us. I have learned so much and benefited from your knowledge Thank you and God Bless

Carmen Dunklin: Thank you for your content!! I have learned so much from your videos. I have started a business based in butters and oils for hair and skin. Your direction has helped me be knowledgeable about oils and butters and the benefits of them. I look forward to what the new year has in store for both of us!!!!❤❤

TheBklynite278: You are very appreciated. Thanks for sharing the knowledge because it has helped me and others.

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