Buzzed To Bum Length In 4 Years // 15 Hair Growth Tips

I buzzed all my hair off in winter 2016 and now in winter 2020 it has grown to my bum. In this video I share all of my essential hair growth/lifestyle tips that I follow for healthy hair and fast growth.

Our genetics plays an important factor in how fast our hair grows but our lifestyle plays a very important role as well :)

*This video is not sponsored. I paid for all products in this video myself*

IG @amanda_bicket

Welcome back my beautiful friends, I'm gon na be sharing with you my top tips for hair growth. This video is not sponsored. I just hit my 4-year buzz cut over Surrey, so my hair has not always grown this fast. Genetics definitely play a factor in hair growth, but there are things that we can do to work with our genetics so that we can meet our maximum potential. The first and the most important thing, because that's where a hair grows from is the scalp pay attention to your scalp? Is it flaky? Is it dry? Do you have dandruff? Is it irritated if the scalp is under attack from the fungus from dandruff from sensitivities? More likely not to be growing properly so once you can address these issues, then you're on your way to not only healthier hair but healthier hair growth. Don'T wear your hair down all the time wearing your hair down can cause some problems. It'S loose, it's free! It'S easy to get caught on things. It'S easy to like it, zipped up in your coat to get ripped off by your purse and your backpacks and coats when it's up its in its safest, safest, stay hydrated folks bonus tip when your hair is loose in its it's in its most vulnerable state. So trying to keep your hair up, my preference is below hair style. I use hair sticks as hair clips, sometimes just switch it up, but try to keep it up as much as you can don't use. Regular hair ties, especially the ones with a little plastic bit on them, don't use those use scrunchies when I pull them out. There'S no hair attached to the scrunchie scrunchies. Are your friend number four? I do not put any product other than sham on my scalp. If your scalp is under attack, if your scalp isn't happy your hair will not grow, your hair can fall out. The scalp is incredibly important. I go close to the scalp, but I don't like I don't. Do this you'll never see me putting hair products on my scalp? I'Ve been shampoo, do not cut your hair every four weeks or 46 weeks or whatever. Obviously, your hairdressers want you to come back because you know it's business, but some people might need 4 to 6 weeks. If there's really damaged, they have a lot of issues if they dye their hair. Look if it's bleached, but if you're as healthy, it's probably not necessary, and for me I actually don't even go to a hairdresser. I haven't been to a hairdresser since 2000 intent it's been a decade. The last time I went to a hairdresser. She cut one side. Longer than the other one was up here and the other yeah you know so yeah I cut my own hair I'll, take some scissors and I'll do a search-and-destroy mr. Ellison I'll. Do a search-and-destroy, Michigan I'll, take my scissors I'll! Look through my hair and I'll clip off any fallen pieces, but other than that, I don't really cut my hair very often because I don't cut my hair, it grows and grows and grows and grows and on average, most people's hair tends to grow about half an Inch a month so if you're constantly getting hair trims every month or every six weeks, your hair, let me just stay exactly where it is: you don't need to don't cut it now, let's get deep here, are you stressed, are you worried and do you lose sleep? Are you freaking out about life? Are you stressed when you're stressed the body falls apart? Your hair falls apart, you could lose hair, your hair might stop growing. Your hair is kind of like the last priority on your body's list of priorities. There'S like keeping you alive up there and then there's like your hair growth is like on the floor. So if there's something wrong, your hair is probably first on the chopping block. The best thing you can do not only for your hair but for yourself for your well-being, is to manage your stress. The best way that you can. This may look different for everybody. People do meditation. Some people do exercise. I find both of those incredibly helpful journaling. Talking to someone, I should also mention that stress isn't even just necessarily mental stress, not sleeping enough, not eating enough, not drinking enough water, not getting up exercise. The world is constantly putting pressure on our physical bodies, the easier we can make life for our bodies. The more effort our body can put into extra things like rowing, our hair, ask yourself: how can I make my body's life easier and then do that? Do not put any kinds of hair altering chemicals on your hair hair dye, I'm talking relaxers, I'm talking, keratin treatments. Keep them away from your hair, the more altering and they are the further they bring you away from your natural state, the more damaging they are going to be. If your hair is black and you go to blonde that, that is going to be extremely damaging because it is like the opposite of white hair wants to be so if you can help it keep the chemicals away from your hair. If you get bored of your hair, maybe you try some fun protective styles. You know like braids or something try to do something to your hair that isn't going to be permanently damaging or just keep yourself busy with something else. If you're going to take supplements make sure that they are food based, your body can tell the difference when you eat it. Your body says hey, I know what this is. I know this supplement is its food. I'M gon na accept it instead of taking ascorbic acid citrus use, her hands, use your hand, use your hands to detangle your hair. If you can help, but do not use a comb or a brush, it's a lot more easy to be rough with a brush or a comb. Then, with your hands, because when you're combing through with your hands, you can feel the knots when you're combing with a comb. It'S easy just like rip through. It'S easy just to not pay attention, but when your hands are stuck in something like you feel it and you can like work your way through the knots exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate your scalp with your hands with a scalp brush at least weekly you like get in There or you can do it on intensive exfoliations regularly, then don't mess up your hair, but I do a really good one. At least once a week. This brings blood to your scalps brings nutrients to your scope. This will help stimulate hair birth. Don'T touch your hair. If you're upset, because you will take it out in your hair, don't do your hair if you're sad, if you're angry, because you will find yourself ripping your hair out and being more rough with it, that you usually be try to manage your hair when you're in, Like a relaxed, happy state because you'll be more patient, you'll be more kind, you'll, be more gentle to your hair, so many tips be mindful of your styling practices and the products that you use. Make it your mission to find what your hair loves and what your hair? It does not love. My hair personally doesn't like blisterin doesn't like silicones. It doesn't like shea butter. It doesn't really like coconut oil doesn't really like anything heavy and it doesn't like heavy proteins. So I try to avoid these ingredients were possible and if I am going to do some kind of protein, it's going to be amino acids, but it can actually get into my shaft my tiny, thin shaft, because otherwise it just sits on top of my hair. You can cause breakage waist down, causes buildup. So for me I know what my hair does not like. I found products that work for me that do not contain the ingredients that my hair does not love, and it contains the things that my hair does look get to know your hair. Try things out. Do your research, the best research for me is my field. Research - and that is just actually trying things out failing and then failing again and then finding what works for you and then you did it charlie. Our baby. Try air works for someone ups, I may not work for you so be careful with watching youtube. Videos we're like anything on the internet. One person's trash is another person's treasure. One person's treasure is another person's trash, be mindful of where you lay your head to sleep curls and your face: loves soft silky bricks like silk or satin pillowcases cotton, pillowcases suck the moisture ever faces out of her hair. It is rough they can cause damage and cause premature wrinkling. We don't need to create further hardships for our hair in our face. So if you haven't already get yourself a satin pillowcase, it's probably time to wash that anyways. This is an important tip. Do not starve yourself, you starve yourself, you starve your follicle. If you start your hair, your hair will stop growing and they fall out. Who will cause problems? Chumbley a mare but like your body, so do not crash diet. Nourish your body feed your body well be kind, sheer Salkind to your body, and your body will take care of itself. Ok, this is my last, but probably most important tip. Sometimes less is more leave your hair leave your hair alone do is little to your hair. As you possibly have to do, touch it as little as you possibly have to wash it as little as you possibly have to the more you leave it alone. The more your hair can be free to do its thing to grow, to not fall out, because every time you touch your hair, that is another opportunity for you to accidentally repairs up that weren't ready to come out to cause of damage to cause friction so well. Whoa, if your hair is doing fine, then I probably would avoid doing a lot of extra things. Keep your routine simple! Keep your life simple! You don't need to put something special in your hair to make it grow. Your hair knows how to grow so just give it space and give it time to do that. That has been like my biggest most life-changing thing on my arrack Earth journey all the times when I was so obsessed with growing my hair. That'S why I was doing the most stuff to it over conditioning and deep conditioning and doing all these treatments. Now I do nothing to my hair and it grows and it kind of takes care of itself, because I don't think don't worry about it. I take care of my body and then it grows. There'S anything you can take away from this video. It is take care of yourself. Whoa put your attention into some other area of your life before you knew it, your era will be where you want it to be. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I hope you enjoyed this video and I love you so much I'll see you next time. Bye

Linette Arroyo: Satin/silk scrunchies and pillow cases have helped my hair so much. Mainly with decreasing frizz.

Josephiene Feenstra: Your hair frames your face so well, you look stunning! (You always did) Great tips! Left my hair alone for the past weeks with mini twists and I can already see a lot of growth when I took them out. No breakage anymore, so more length retention

Sylance: I would love to have your advices about the hair cut during the first year and see your evolutive photos for this period

Assia: Hey Amanda! Glad you’re back! Thank you for your advices! I think all the hair length suit you so well I wonder how do you feel about oil scalp massage?

Sone Foreva: I rlly needed this, especially the last points u made. I've been obseeeeesed with growing my hair out ever since my sister accidentally cut my hair waaaay too short and i cried for like 2 hours. I've been doing sooo much to it exactly like u said! and one month i barely did anything and i SWEAR it grew so much and was getting caught on my jacket etc. but now ive started obsessing again so it was nice to hear a good reminder :)

Esther Faruk: Knowledgeable advice. Thank you very much.

NailsLovr93: Great video! The last tip has been the most helpful for my hair growth. That and hair up (but not in right styles).

Qlaradia: Your hair is soooo beautiful and perfect! Are you continuing to let it grow and grow?

Amy Sarai: Thank you for the tips ! Love your videos , you are so cute and funny your hair has gotten so long!! I love it!

Chezamoonangel AiEmma: Great tips, my hair hates oils causes breakage and hair fall sadly, but loves Mositurizer Lotion so went back to my oldies products and my hair is loving it.

Trish Pipkins: I do use henna. My hair seems to like it and I love the red color. But everything else I'm doing. I've learned my hair doesn't like coconut oil but does like avocado oil. You're right that field research is the best. I've also bought some bonnets and my hair seems to be much happier with those for sleeping. So now my hair has two silk pillowcases and a satin bonnet at night. I think I'm good. Lol

amazingag_ studios: Wow! Your hair grew so fast! I've been watching your channel since 2018 and your hair has just taken off.

Latisha: You look absolutely stunning with short hair! Edit: long hair also*

Princess K: Hi! What food based supplements are you taking currently? Have you heard about megafood changing their ingredients to synthetic?

Hannah C: So happy you’re back! I missed your videos

morethanahumanbody: i already have bleached hair so i'm just gonna keep it since it's healthy enough because i have been treating it for one year

Minimal Assembly: I feel like your growth took off once DevaCurl was out of the equation and you started using more natural products :-)))))

Qlaradia: You have the most thick, healthy beautiful hair I've ever seen! Are you growing it past your bottom?

A M: I'm catching up on your like last 5 videos. I didn't realize you started uploaing again even with notifications on, but I've missed your brand of advice .

My Curly Family: This is awesome.

JINANMOSS: “Stay hydrated” bonus tip hahaaa funny funny

Ivanica: Can you make an apartment tour, it looks great

Sicily Amaris McRaven: But what actual shampoo and things are you using now? Or is it still acure?

Cyndi Kehrli: Great, video as always! What products do use use now?

Pamperedhen: Always beautiful! Ly <3

Cindy Henderson Deane: What do you use lately on your hair?

Ossie R: Thank you Amanda

sonicmariodonkeykongzelda86 fan: Liked. Hope you're doing well and enjoying Daylight Savings Time.

Alli White: Unfortunately silk is brutally made, and satin is commonly made of cotton.

Angel Wise: Do you still recommend the vega protein shake? Your new growth is super beautiful!

L Jose: Do you oil your scalp?

Kamryn Sharpe: yes queen!!

Ari Abs: So you have low porosity-hair?

Rafaela Narbaes: Im earlyy woahh

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