Best Hair Color For Older Women: Part Two

"In my journey of over 20,000 hair colorings, I've had successes and some failures I've learned quite a bit. In this video I share with you the best hair color for older women. So many of you wanted more detail, so I made this video to answer more of your questions. This is focusing on the things that move you toward creating great looking healthy hair. Believe it or not, having the right hair color can make a huge difference in your total beauty. You'll find you won't need as much makeup and you'll have a natural glow. Watch the video then leave a comment.

Best hair color for women part two goes into greater detail about how to create flattering, youthful, age defying color that will make your hair look amazing!

Ready to create great looking hair (without the embarrassing and costly mistakes)? Find out more here:

Hair Color at Home Ebook ➡️

How to color your hair at home ebook by Megan Graham -

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Megan Graham


Hey guys, it's Megan, Graham, and I just wanted to do a little follow up.. So a few months ago I did a video and it was the best hair color for older women.. I got a lot of comments on that video and I think I really spoke to a lot of people which made me really happy.. So I feel like there were a lot of questions after I posted the video, and one thing that women were saying was that they wish that I could provide specific examples of the best hair color for older women.. So here's the problem., It's really a custom thing.. If I were to post four or five photos of different hair colors and say these are good for older women. Well, that might just not be accurate because it really depends on you. At the salon. My general rule is that it should have some kind of connection to what your natural color was when you were four years old.. If you were really blonde as a four year old, you're, probably going to look great really blonde when you're older as well. One rule that I do find to be true, is that most women, as they age look good with a little bit more warmth in their Hair color., It's very natural for your skin to be a little bit more drab., And so the ashier that you go with your color or the cooler you go with your color, the more similar to gray hair. It'S going to look and the warmer you go. The more it's gon na add a little bit glow and a little bit of radiance to your skin.. So my general rule is that if you had black hair, when you were younger, you would probably look good with dark drown, hair or maybe even medium brown hair.. But I'm not suggesting that you be in blonde, because that really has nothing to do with the original color of your hair.. I think that if you were blonde as a child, you would still look good with blonde in your hair.. So if your hair is all white, you can always add a little bit of blonde in the form of low lights.. You don't have to cover every bit of your gray hair.. You don't have to pretend that you're 20 years old, when you're 60 years old or 50 years old or whatever your age is., But bringing a little bit of color into it, is really pretty.. I think that if you were like brown, you may look better as a dark blonde or even a medium blonde.. So whatever your hair color was. Generally speaking, you are going to look great as your skin matures, if you just subtract about two levels lighter for your hair., So basically dark brown wouldn't look good light brown. Medium brown would look good, dark blonde., So it's just bringing it back about two levels, not bringing it all the way across the color spectrum.. So basically, there really is no perfect hair color that is going to work for you., It's individual and it's custom., And so I try to give you some tips, because I want to just start to have people understand a little bit about what would look great on Them, but there isn't just a one size fits all., And I think for so long that people were trying to make it seem like for older women for mature women, that there was just one thing that worked. They were trying to say you shouldn't have blonde hair. You should have gray hair and it should be short and things like that.. It'S not true., There's no such thing as a one size fits all., But I find that the one rule that really works is that as we all age and as we all mature, we can use a little bit more softness because the more harsh that our look Is the more harsh that we look the older that we look and things like that.? So it's really all about finding a flattering sort of mid point that works for us. For my own hair, for example, if you look I'm sure you can see my roots, because I'm just not crazy about doing my roots., I do them, but I've been really busy Because my husband and I just moved into a new home, which I think you can probably see boxes behind me still., But anyway, I think that it's finding a place where you're comfortable., If you feel like you, need more custom information, you can always go to my Website. I do consults. You can reach out to me via my consult form and I'm always happy to set up a custom consult where I help you to learn what color is right for you, but just for you to have a better understanding. Just know that it should be a little bit lighter., I would say: never ever, should your hair color be darker. Darker than your natural color as you age, it's very, very harsh.. It brings out all of your skin imperfections, your wrinkles your age spots. Any of that stuff., So my natural hair color is dark brown and I wear it.. I don't even know what I would call this color.. I just call it like a JLO color.. If JLO would do it, then I would do it too. Anyway. I hope that this is helpful.. If you have more questions about it, please reach out., I'm also going to be doing a video as well for some of you that have been asking me about haircuts and styling for older women.. So I hope that this helps and I don't think it's only for older women either. To be totally truthful. I mean I learned some of these tricks from modeling when I was younger and basically harsh looks they're just really hard to wear they're distracting.. So a little bit of softness behooves us all whether you're 25, whether you're 45, whether you're 75., A little bit of softness, is great. A little too much softness is not a good thing.. So if your hair was black and you make it platinum that probably looks harsh on you too., So it's all about finding a comfortable middle ground.. I hope that this helps., I always enjoy just bringing these little tidbits things that I do every day and just having little chats.. So please comment below and let me know what you think and if you like the content on my YouTube, I would love it if you would just hit the follow button as well. Stay healthy and beautiful, and I will be back with another video for you guys Soon,

Faith Vogel: Great info. I am an older woman who has gone from medium brown hair to light blonde hair. But maybe it's different because I wear hair (alopecia has taken away most of my hair). There is no doubt that it works for me. My skin and eyes are on the light side, and I look better blonde than brunette. I suppose there are exceptions to what you are saying. If you are a striking brunette you might be a striking blonde.

Trish Hickson: Thanks. I had a semi permanent put on my very blonde hair which came out quite dark initially. . It’s thankfully faded to light brown which is probably near my natural colour, although to be honest I can’t remember what it was! I love the colour of your hair and was already considering honey slices in my hair. I’m going to show the hairdresser your colour because I think it’s close to what I want.

Christina Harrison: When I was 4 years old, I had white hair that you could see my scalp. As I aged, I had blond hair, at puberty it turned to strawberry blonde, if go darker when I hit my 40’s. I did the bleaching but it doesn’t seem natural, too much maintenance and damaged my hair. I do recall the hair colourist say she can still see some red in my hair and they are very dark and what look like black strands, is very deep red in the sunlight. If is wasn’t for the lockdown due to covid-19, I want to get my hair colour fixed.

wenzelaj: Megan, can an all over color look good? I’m 47 with dark brown hair. It’s fried from highlights so recently my stylist put a semi-permanent dark brown on it (because I’m against more bleach). It’s too dark! It’s witchy. :’( I could really use some advice. Anything would help.

Faith Vogel: Your hair color, the way it's done is gorgeous. I think light brows would suit your hair color nicely but that's just my opinion.

Lea Que: It is difficult to find a color for an older, cool skin toned woman. Is there a way to add warmth? I have a very pale, cool skin tone and when I put warmth in my hair it makes me look older.

Cherisse F: What level is the bottom and mid-section of your hair? I love the color!

Nanay Em- Madiskarteng Ina: im 38 with natural black hair, what hair color suits me? can i go with light brown??

Joy Zehner: So. I am a natural ash brown. I switched to a golden brown. Now as I am much older, looking to go back to ash brown. Would that be a mistake if I am supposed to have “warmth” around my face?

Tove Nærvik: Thank you, your video are needed!

Vechizolu Khusho: You look gorgeous and beautiful great tips thank you...

lila violet: Hi,i'm 54.and i'm a dark ash brunette going grey.I've been all colors possible.Especially red tones.even going ginger..I don't know what to do now.I'm rather pale with freckles and green eyes.I keep it short.For my hair is getting thinner.What to do..

KATE MULLIN: GREAT ADVISE ..... you stated you had a website for personal advise, where is this please?

Joyce Barnett: What city snd state are you located you should tell people this on your video if you are looking for new customers I’m in Southern California if your in Florida then that would not work for me.

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