Trend Warna Rambut 2021 || Cara Simple Bisa Sendiri Di Rumah

Hai guys ini adalah video tutorial trend warna 2021 dengan cara simple bisa di rumah sendiri kalian mengerjakanya dengan prodak yg ada di pasaran seperti merk miranda cultusia atau matrix

Untuk warna abu nya kalian bisa pake merk miranda ash blonde

Bleaching powder dengan campuran 40vol /12% (campuran beli terpisah merk bebas) mixing 1:2

Untuk yg biru /blue nya dr merek miranda atau aoa saja cuma butuh 1cm/ 2 cm tergantung kebutuhan panjang rambut

Jangan lupa tonton video lainya tentang pewarnaan

Pict thumbnail capture by instagram stellacini





Hello, gays, now I'm going to make a technicpack hair coloring tutorial about. Oh, that is the inside, is still natural black with a classic bob hairdo. The layers are finally a little bit Okay, so keep on watching, because the color is really cool. The color is black. In 2021, Okay, I will parting first so that we are neat separate, the part that we want to color and the part that we will not color about 1/3 of which will be colored Okay, so we will color the bottom part. We will first check until the Bleacing target is reached, then, after that we will go to step 2, which is my coloring use, Bleaching, which powder is blue, guys with a mixture of oxidants that are 40 volumes or 12 percent, so the highest is enough so that Just one time of bleaching, we will reach the target of black fading, so we apply rhymes to all the hair that we want to fade this color because it will do one bleaching. wrote so I'll dab it thick thick and even.. Okay, Guys it's time. Yes, it will take about an hour to make it by checking guys when the target is reached. We will wash it after everything is smeared with bleaching. Yes, I will cover the plastic or cover it with certainty so that it absorbs faster or you can also use aluminum foil, to cover your hair. What has been smeared with bleaching cream hi ya after 30 minutes, we check it. Guys. Is the hair damaged or the color has reached the target. When it reaches the target we just wash it okay.. This was about an hour yeah guys it's time to get like a bleaching with a final color like This is the rest I will mix in gray plus about one centimeter of blue Miranda. Remember not a lot just one cm, we mix it well, so we apply grata evenly and I'll, give it 20 minutes. So after 20 minutes we, When going to wash don't forget to use conditioner and use vitamins, and then we dry it out an and we style. Yes guys, the end result is at the end of the video Guys, don't forget to also ask for support for subscribe and like if you like, and if anyone wants to be asked. Please write in the comments column just for the product and the color code too. Please ask and ask in the comments or I'll include it in the description: ok guys. Enjoy watching, don't forget to subscribe, and this is the end result guys a combination of Ash, blue and ash blonde, but with one concoction. Ok guys Thank you for watching, don't forget to subscribe to like and comment. Okay wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, bye, bye,

Putri satiti Maharani: Dari semua tutorial di yt, ini doang yg pling mudah di pahami

egga annaewa: Kak kalo abis smooting kasi jarak brp lama buat bisa diginiin??

Yuyun Dwi: Rambut modelnya bagus amat siiii

Remiy hiyura: Bgus bnget hasil nya

Nandang Hidayat: Bagus banget kakak warna nya ✨✨

Shofi Astagina: KK itu yg biru dicampur sma warna apa? Abukah? Maaf kurang paham soalnya

Deni olivia: Bang kalo bleaching pertama harus brp menit? Dan bleaching kedua juga brp menit?

arica novalia: Kalau mau dapet warna ash purpel gimana bang?

Gita Febriani: Minn itu 1box miranda abu + sedikit miranda biruu???

Arsita Putri: Kalo untuk produk loreal atw garnier bisa kk?

Veny Veny: Aku paling benci dengan yang namanya Bob, pernah salah potong minta sagu layer pendek walah kok jadi Bob,so akhirnya aku minta sekali an di potong model cowok ternyata gak semua salon itu ok kerjanya , apalagi minta poni miring,ehh malah seperti poni Shinchan gilak

Eja Pratama: Apa nama model pirang rambutnnya bgkok bgs bngt si ❤️

bright 민준 K: Abis bleaching boleh langsung diwarnain bang?

Dummy Dumbo: WKWKWKKWKWKWKKW MODELNYA CAKEP BANGET. Makasih banggg mantapppp

M A R S H A: Bang Aku Mau Tanya Nih Soal Cat Rambut RAMBUT Aku Kan Warna Merah Maroon Terus Di Hitamin Setelah Di Hitamin Terus Di Bleaching Warna Putih Merek Miranda Bisa Gak

Ikha Setyowati: Kalo mau warnain itu ngak di kasih bubuknya kak

Iutdah hariyani Yani: KK misal HBS di smooting bisa GK di blicing kyk gt ,rusak GK kira2 kk

LBeautystory ID: ngak perlu di keramas dlu ya bang, langsng aja. di warna

Yani Pertiwi: Ka aku nanya dong kalo rambut nya udah di warnai trus mau ganti warna lain kira² pke blecing lg ga ka kira²

rimaaa: Wsrna rambut biar kliatan tebal apa yaa?

Agung Ayu Intan: Nice kak, modelnya centil ya

Chacha_lie: Keren banget

Ketut Sumiati: Mantap bang,,,

Reta Anasta:

chanel gokil: Ya ampun kukira perempuan

Thalia Nurra Boyle: Keren warna nya

Viona febri kartik: Pakai warna rambut merk apa ya kak?

Marni93: Keren hasil'a ...bdw Alamat salon di mna tau dkt bza mampir hehe...

Dunia Bukuku: Bang ko aku fokus sama model nya ya.. Cewe2 tomboy milenial

Sahudin Ganteng: Itu bleaching nya pke merk apa bisa lgsg jd

tikasinaga sinaga: Tips biar rambut ngk lepek dan rusak akibat smoting gimna y y

squarepants 94: Biasax tahan brp lama kak

Barbershop pajampangan: Mntap bng

Hafidz Harry: Ntap

Fitrye Marlen: Dikira cewek ternyata cowok

Rusim Rusmanto: Mau jadi modelnya bang

Pur _Art: Posisi dimana?? Mau dong

Naufal Yusriqo: kukira yanti ternyata yanto

Nilawati Nasihin: Ya tuhan,, aq gagal fokus sm modelnya q fikir mah itu cwek tryta cwok

Nazril Ilyan: Njir kirain cwek

tikasinaga sinaga: Ya bang

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