Flop Or Fail Amazon Wig Review!! Ft. N Nayasa Wigs **Short Black Lace Front Wig**

Hola Glam Glocks!

N NAYASA so far has been consistent with quality synthetic wigs!! I hope you enjoy these wigs and this review. Please hit that SUBSCRIBE button and continue to enjoy my content. See you on my next video!! Blessings

*Products mentioned:

Short Wavy Wig link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08B...

N NAYASA amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=N+NAYASA&re...

LelePosh Cosmetics- code * EllieG* https://www.leleposhcosmetics.net

Nopalera Lashes- https://nopaleralashes.com

The0nlymillicosmetics- code *Ellie* https://www.the0nlymillicosmetics.shop...

Juvias Place Nomad palette

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Silhouette Boutiqes: ELLIEG


Cosmeceuticals Intl.: ELLIEG


LeLePosh Cosmetics: EllieG


The0nlymillicosmetics: Ellie


Crown the Qweens: ELLIEG


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*ALL opinions or reviews of products are my own

Alik landlocked welcome to my channel and another video. If this is your first time here, hello, my name is Aleta and I love to dabble in makeup DIY projects, and I guess now make reviews as kind of my thing, which is funny, because that is what today's video is going to be. It'S going to be another wake review before we get into that. Let me give you a little bit of the details of my makeup so first off, because that's just what was this is a highlighter from Lele posh. I will put their link down in the description below I am using the Nomad palette from Julia's place on my eyes, the covergirl exhibitionists, uncensored mascara, in the shape black. These are just the like little basic. What is it Maybelline brow pencils in the shade black on my lips, I used a wet and wild lip liner and it is in the shade, fair to comment. I also use the wet and wild liquid cat suit, lipstick. It is in the shade, nudist peach. I apologise first off for any background noise you hear just because I am filming doesn't mean that my family life stops so my children, my husband, they may possibly come into the room. Need me to do something more ask a question. I ask that you please respect that and not let this be taken away from the video back to the makeup. So this is Julius place. Serafina blush on my cheeks, I'm using morphe they're contour palette. It is a mix of donut and debutante to kind of contour up my face a little bit. I am using Mac face and body foundation in this shade c4i used. Of course. Oh, I got a lot of the dubious place brushes, so I used mostly those to prep my face. I also sprayed with the mac fix+ lavender mist to top off my lips. I did use the only Millie, cosmetics, CBD, infused lip gloss. It'S just a clear gloss. It'S it's really kind of become one of my favorite things to use here. It'S not sticky. It'S not slippery like an oil or Vaseline, it's kind of like a perfect in-between, so I definitely recommend that everyone's links, as well as the codes that I do have with some of the companies. I will leave in the description really good here lately about leaving links in the descriptions I'm actually going to be kind of like bust now, a couple of weeks idios today, because they all decided to come in at once and as I've probably mentioned more than once. My husband is going to Vegas and I would like to make sure to schedule content for you guys. While I'm gone, I upload Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I'M trying very very hard to keep that schedule. I think only since I started it. I'Ve missed one Wednesday. Sorry for that, but definitely definitely stay tuned for the content. That is coming your way. I hope you guys like it, let's get into it so this week seller is also on Amazon. I'Ve got my little package here, that's like came in and it's come inside of a bag. This is the brand that does sit there, a name on the front. I like that, because I kind of you know lets you know who's it from sometimes, whenever you order a couple of things, you kind of forget what you order and it's nice to have any bonding. So this is the company that just made hair. I'Ve worked this in before their wig. I absolutely loved, absolutely loved okay, so wait cat, that's a different brain okay! So opening it up nothing else in the package like a fancy, little card right here: okay, alright and then knit okay. So this is a shoulder link. Kind of wavy, at least from the picture I'll insert the picture, I'm trying to get more fancy with my editing got the little tissue paper. Okay, so a little bit of a lace front here: okay - and this is soft place - this is not the lace that hurts. I did a candy lover, wig review once here on my channel. It'S actually one of my most popular videos. Please feel free to check that out and they had one where it just have a little piece of lace up here and that was so painful. It scratched up my forehead. This is very soft lace yeah. This is very soft lace. Okay, so a little bit of lace front here and you've got some wiggle room right here with the lace. This part is is like a plastic. It is not a soft fabric. Like this, just to let you know okay, this one does have combs on the inside too. On the on the side. There'S no combs on the back. It does have an adjustable, strap. Okay. So I'm going to just cut off this little tag over here. So you have some little care instructions, warm tips. Dear customer, since the last lace front break is kind of a disposable item. It cannot be resold once been cut. If you have cut it or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. There'S an Amazon or Instagram: we will try our best to meet your needs. So this is the hair, ooh, very shiny, very shiny. I might have to tone that down a little bit with some powder, it's soft okay! This is nice. You can run your hands through it. No problem with my fingers are not snagging so far, so good, okay, hey so just simple strapless, they will have to adjust anything got my hair out of the way. So now, let's, let's try it. Okay, right off the bat! I'M gon na tell you. I don't think I need to adjust it. I'M moving my little braid up into it, I'm not going to need to adjust it at all. It'S definitely tight enough. I feel like I've got a medium-sized head. I don't feel like. I have a big head, oh boy, I don't even think I'm gon na need to do anything to the part. Oh my gosh. I like this okay, so yeah a little bit of shedding normal and I can it oh my gosh, so I might need to do a little bit of part work, but definitely not much. I really like this like what, if I can't get my ears in front of it, yeah. Okay, guys, you know what I don't think I'm gon na have to do any powder. Okay, so yeah a little bit more, shedding that you could totally put it behind your ear. Oh, I haven't even cut the lace at the front and I'm already living, so I've already went with what I use to clean up underneath my brows, just what was left on here of concealer and before I put it on, I did this. I was going to put it on underneath with my foundation brush, but the hard plastic wouldn't come through the other end to show this, so I just went with my concealer brush and I went down the middle. I really honestly think that's all. I need to do for the part, because it's not really bad and then up here just kind of blending in the concealer. I really hate it whenever these little bitty hairs get all up in my face and just kind of blending that in that is okay, all right, so I did experience more shedding a lot more shedding, but I think it's because of whenever I cut the lace. I also cut some of the hair, so I'm thinking that's what it's from, because it's mainly coming from up here in the front okay, so hopefully I don't get any more now that that's done, I could totally wear it this way and I don't even feel like It would be clocked honestly this is so nice. This is such a good wig. I love the slight wave. I'M really trying not to run my fingers through it, because I don't want it to get all frizzy. Try not to touch it too much. I hope the back is pretty flat when I turn over, because this is what it looks like in the back. I love it so much there's a little bit of bump, I'm so so sorry, I try to put my braids in there. This is such a nice wig. I really like it. It'S really realistic. I feel right you, I see the vision guys like or if you totally wanted to do like two little braids right here. You could and then have the rest of the hair down. If you wanted to glue this down with a little got to be glue totally, do that! Oh this is so cute. This is so cute. You don't even need to like pull this this back. Honestly, I would just me personally: never I'm gon na wear it and I do plan on wearing this out trust and believe me, I'm so happy. This is so good two thumbs up five stars. Do you? Okay, very funny, Amazon? I get reviews on Amazon, guys cuz! That'S one of the main things I look at is reviews. I read them things: okay, oh the shedding. That'S the only drawback on this. So far is the fitting this this. This is what I'm talking about. Oh I'm, so happy, let's call the husband. Do you think this is the first one see how's the top way more believable than other one, but it's good right. What can you? It actually looks magic and kind of tell when you like, look real, close well yeah, but I can put concealer and like melted in if I'm just from here. How does it feel yeah? Do you like? I do I like this. I would wear this out. I would wear this out and, like I can even put it behind my ears. That'S your natural hair colors right, look at that. It looks like real hair okay thumbs up. Thank you, okay, so thumbs up from the hubs I love this week. I cannot say enough. Good things about this wig go get this wig, oh my gosh, I cannot eat. I want to go out now. I want to go out now: darn Yuko vid. I want to go out now. I want to take this wig out. Coz Kai's, the struggle. I'Ve been working out every day, um getting on the treadmill and I'm just a sweaty hot mess, and I have to wash my hair every single day because it's so much sweat and I just don't want to have to like straighten my hair or saw my hair. Just for me to wash it later on after I workout, because here in sucks it's hot y'all it this would be so wonderful to just throw on like you could just do like a no makeup makeup, look and, and just throw this on, and it's fine. Oh, my god. I really hope that y'all enjoyed this video guys. Please give this a thumbs up, if not give it a thumbs up for the hair honestly, because they didn't the real star of the show right now. Y'All have a great rest of your day to back, and for my next video you won't be sorry. Bye,

makayla bitchass: i just ordered s wig from them snd km ready to transform it. love ur makeup girl!

N NAYASA Amazon: so beautiful

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