Why I Wear Wigs // Lush Wigs Review

Thank you all for watching and letting me be a little vulnerable. I didn't know if I wanted to get so personal, but I thought it was important to leave it in the video.

You can find the wigs mentioned in the video at: http://lushwigs.com/

And here are the specific styles mentioned:

Berry Jam — https://bit.ly/2toUnAO

Rue Morgue — https://bit.ly/2MWsqZw

Magpie — https://bit.ly/2tB84vU

Sepia — https://bit.ly/2K8g6aC

Sujiin (with Fringe) — https://bit.ly/2tAhBmR

Orchard — https://bit.ly/2MSrvJw

Poem — https://bit.ly/2tpDYw8

Hello, everyone welcome back to my channel so today I'm filming a second video. If you haven't seen it, I just filmed my test run, I guess for simple on-the-go makeup so because I'm going to be traveling basically, so I tested it like tinted moisturizers and just a really quick makeup. Look! So that's what I'm wearing on my face today, very minimal. So now I want to do something a little different and I don't know how personal I'm going to get with it. That might be a little video for another time because I don't know if I'm really prepared to do it yet. But I want to do a review on the wigs that I have so far. So there's seven of them. So this might be a longest video, but I've ordered seven weeks so far from a brand call of lush wigs - and this is a brand out of the UK and they are pretty - I would call them very affordable synthetic wigs. They have both lace front and non lace front all the ones I have are not lace front, but I would say that they're quite convincing synthetic wigs, pretty much everyone that doesn't know that their wigs when I wear them is like they ask me like how I Got that color or they're, like I, really love your hair, and these are. These are people who have known me for a while in most cases, they're not total strangers, and they still ask me like man, you changed your hair and they're not like immediately like you know. Oh, that's a wig, you know, so that's always a good sign when people just think you changed your hair and they want to know how you did it or how long it took. Or you know when they ask those kinds of questions. That'S a good sign. So anyway, I in the last few months decided to start wearing wigs full-time, and I decided I wanted to just have fun with it and let it be another way to express myself artistically and just as another accessory again. I don't know how much I'm going to get into it, but I very much hate my natural hair. It'S just always been impossible to work with it's just really fine and really thin, and I never have been able to style it in a way. That makes me happy, and it's just I didn't win the genetic lottery. Who will just put it that way? So, a few months ago I pretty much shaved my head, it's long ish now I mean it's still short, it's a really short pixie right now, but it makes it easy for me to just wear wigs and I don't have to fuss with maintenance. I don't have to fuss with really anything with my natural hair and I can just throw a wig on and go and that has been so liberating. Of course, there are a lot of kind of painful things that I always have to deal with with my hair. That makes me feel really vulnerable and really inadequate. And again I don't know how much I want to go into that. It'S it's hard being in front of the camera and talking about this and knowing it's going to go out on the internet, because it's something that I have always tried to keep a secret. I'Ve always tried to keep it as secret and I'm gon na cry. Oh, my gosh, I don't know, there's something about it that it's just so intensely personal and intensely like embarrassing when you hate your hair and when you don't feel like you can go out in public with your natural hair and like I'm, not gon na show it On camera, I can tell you that much I filmed a video last week and I had a malfunction with my wig, and I mean it was like I'm, I'm not gon na post this video. This is turning into not a wig review, but it's these have really kind of changed my life - I I don't know it's just been so it's been hard because before I was wearing like half wigs and stuff that I was still like, my natural hair was showing Underneath them, which is fine but like I just couldn't, do much with that, and these have really allowed me to express myself and have colors that I never would have been able to have and styles that I never would have been able to have. And that has been amazing, so I didn't mean for that to happen. It just came out, but okay um and that's it. Please don't leave me unsolicited advice about my natural hair in the comments. I have tried lots of things. So don't don't do it. It'S just gon na make me feel bad, so don't do it anyway. We'Re going to talk about, and I'm gon na put on all the weeks that I do have and tell you about them, and it's gon na be good so and I'm gon na link them. I'M gon na link all the ways that I do have in the description box. That'S toward the description box below so you can find them and buy them for yourself if you want to so the one that I'm wearing right now is called berry jam, and this one is one of my favorites out of all of them because I don't know I'Ve never had I've, never even have curls before and this one's like, not super curly, it's just like the wavy curl, like you, know, brushed out. Curls and um shoot this eyes water right now, but it's really soft and it has this really nice gradient from almost like a dusty washed out. You know color into like the the richer kind of purple and the blend is really nice. It looks quite natural with all of these. They do look a bit shiny in the sunlight. They direct sunlight, which it's synthetic hair. Of course it does. The lighter colors tend to look more natural than like the deep black colors, which of course I own um, but overall they look quite natural. So you can fix that with like a little bit of dry shampoo or they say like rubbing it down with a dryer sheet, helps, but overall, like I've, been very pleased with how they look in the light and different kinds of light. So, especially in these lights, like it looks fine, but this is berry jam and with all of these, they just have like a normal week cap underneath their adjustable straps under the cap, where you can fix it to to your head size, you can adjust it. What I've done with some of these? Not not the newer ones, but some of these I've sewn in clips into the crown. So I can actually clip it to my hair instead of like wearing a wig cap just so it like secures the wig to my head, because I don't really like you tape and like other stuff or pins or whatever I just have like clips like. You would have with like clip-on extensions, actually took them off of some old extensions. I had that. I don't use anymore, so I have those like here and it clips in at the bangs, and I could probably put some you know around the back. If, if I had more of them - but this is berry jam - and I really enjoyed this one - it's pretty as far as shedding goes this one - I haven't really noticed much shedding at all from this one. So that's very good. Alright, this is the next one, and this is room org, and this is the one that I've been wearing most consistently and it's the one I'm probably about to retire. It is just getting a little grungy will say, but it's been such a good wig. For the time that I've worn it, which I think it's a little short-lived for it to already be kind of gross, but I have been wearing it like every day for the past several months. So but it's been really nice. You know it's just a good black wig. It has I've, trimmed the bangs a little bit because they're a bit long when I got them and that went totally fine. Something to be aware of when you do wear synthetic wigs is that you have to be so careful about heat because, like if you open an oven too fast or just you know, you're around hot things that can really mess up your synthetic hair, and that's happened To this wig so like on the ends, there's like spots, where the hair has gotten really like kinky for, like lack of better term like it's curled up, and that's because it's been exposed to heat. So this wig has gotten just messed up, and that's also happened. Like I have another one where that's happening at the bangs and you can't brush that out, I could maybe fix it with a really low heat flatiron. But I haven't tried that yet, and it's just a thing and this one I've washed several times and it still just hasn't like the hair separating weird in places. So I can still wear this one, but it just doesn't look ideal. It doesn't move like normal hair. Does - and I think that's just because it's getting a little gross for lack of a better term, but I do like the style of this one. It'S it's natural short, it's a good bob and it's just a great everyday cut. So I've enjoyed this one. It'S been a great everyday one and I might rebuy it. They have another style coming out soon called black tea, which might replace this one there's some other like natural, dark, wigs that they have that I'm really interested in. So I might get a different one from this one, but I've really enjoyed room org as like my everyday wig. All right. This one is magpie and magpie makes me feel like a doll, so this one obviously is black at the top and then goes down into a gray gradient. The only thing I really don't like about magpie is that there's a spot here where I feel like it still needed the bangs to continue, and it just doesn't. So I don't know if a spot was missed right there or what. But it's a little finicky and I kind of have to keep fixing it, but I can always just kind of move the bags around or something but that'll work. Okay, I'm not totally convinced on the shape of this one for me, because it's a little high, you know here, so I might try to straighten this one so that I don't have the curl in it, because the pear shape, I don't think, is super flattering on My face, but I really like the color. The color is good on me. So that's magpie. It'S super soft also. It feels really good and yeah that's. This is a new one for me, so I don't have a whole bunch to say on it or how it wears or anything the cap on it is a little more snug than the other ones I've had so far, and I think that's actually a good thing Because it doesn't slide around a lot - and I can wear it really without having to like - I don't feel like a sudden breeze - is going to knock my wink wig off or anything. So I really appreciate that. Alright, this wig is my favorite. This is soo, Jin and sujin is gorgeous it's so soft and the shape on it is beautiful. It just is a perfect length length bob for me, it's a glorious silver. The only thing about it is that my glasses kind of move it so I'm gon na take my glasses off. It falls a little better as far as framing my face, but then you know when I wear my glasses: it pumps it out, but yeah. I can't really do it. You think about that. It'S not that big of a deal, but it does it's a thing that happens. This is the one where, at the top of my bangs, the heat has kind of messed them up a little bit, but it's not. It just means I can't brush them out totally. It doesn't like make it look weird or bad or anything. It'S just kind of annoying, but this is hands-down my favorite wig. I would wear this one all the time. If I I mean I could I guess, but I don't have clips sewn into this one and that's kind of why I don't because the cap on this one is a little looser than some of the other ones. So if I was doing something a little more vigorous or strenuous, it would slide around and maybe even like, come off so if it was more secure. Naturally, I would, and most people do secure their wigs in another way. I just don't know I haven't discovered the way that I like to nest yet so I'm probably going to sew clips into it at some point all right. This is another new one. This is sepia and it is beautiful um. This one is probably the closest to my natural hair color. My natural hair color is like this ashy like brown. This is supposed to be like a gray kind of blond and it's such a pretty color. It is kind of this really viewed really soft brown and the way the curls fall is so pretty, and the bangs are nice and feathery they're, not too thick. It just is such a pretty wig, and it makes me feel like I always wished. My hair was when I was younger, like when I was a teenager and I don't know it just falls so beautifully, and this is probably going to be like my summer color. I guess I'm not really used to having my hair this long, but this so soft and it's easy to brush out. I haven't noticed just a ton of shedding from this one, which is really good. I haven't really worn it out yet, but it's so pretty. I'M gon na put clips in this one, so I can secure it and I don't know it's just so pretty and I feel like it brings some like lightness to my face. I really do enjoy wearing dark colors because I like the contrast between, like my pale skin and dark hair, but I also like seeing me with light hair again and which I mean I have with the gray and stuff. But I mean it's just different. Seeing like this honey, I even honey blonde, but like this kind of gray blonde color, I think, is really pretty with my skin tone and it warms. It warms me up compared to like the gray and the black. So I really like it and I think it's really pretty - this is sepia again, so a natural wig and naturally alright and on the opposite end of the spectrum from natural. We have this wig which, if the camera the camera sort of picking it up, but it is purple and what's the name of this one I forget, I'm looking for the name of it. I'Ll tell you in a minute this wig I like you, can see it has like asymmetrical bangs, it's a long bob. I mean I like it enough to it's my profile pic here on YouTube, but it's Orchard. That'S the name of it. It'S really pretty! Okay! It'S really pretty, but the problem I have with it it's probably the least natural out of all of these wigs like if you wear it in public, it's a wig. You know you can tell um no one's gon na think your hair is dyed purple wearing this one and it looks like maybe you could convince someone that you're just kind of edgy. You know on camera, but on closer inspection, when you look at it like you can tell with these hairs, like it's black hair, mixed with purple hair versus like a solid color on the wig, so that is kind of a tip-off. It'S also super shiny in person. So, for me this is more of like a cosplay wig or something I feel like an anime character when I wear it, which is fun like it's good for videos, it's good for looks. You know I wore it to the infinity war premiere because it was like not like premiere I wore to the movie theater, but because it was like a fun purple. You know Thanos thing but, and I wore it to a wrestling match once and if any of you watched tsunami back in the 90s, this makes me feel like Princess yoga from TG Muyo. You know like just the purple Bob. I feel I feel like an anime character or like ghost in the shell' kind of vibes, so it's a really fun way. But it's not a natural wig and I tend to want a natural wig because well natural ish wig, because I'm trying to wear these like as an everyday thing. So it doesn't benefit me to own a cosplay wig, because that's not what I'm trying to accomplish. However, it is fun for videos, so at least have that I have one more for you and it is a also a new one, all right guys. This is the last wig that I have from lush wigs. This is poem and poem is really long. So I'm having trouble showing it to you poem is a black long, wig with wispy bangs, which I think are perfect cut and it fades into a like lilac ombre. This wig is so beautiful. Like I can't I can't I can't it's really soft and silky. It falls just really naturally and beautifully it moves just in a gorgeous way. It makes me feel really pretty and I think that's what wigs need to do. Poem is gorgeous, and that's really all I have to say about it, the only well. No, it's not it's not all. I have to say about it this one out of all the ones that I've worn so far. I think sheds the most when I brushed it so the brush I use, which sorry it has hair all over it. I use a specific wig brush and, if you've never seen a wig brush, it has like little loops instead of just bristles, and that keeps your it keeps it from tugging too much or getting caught. And it's very gentle and you're supposed to you know, go from bottom up and be really gentle, but even doing that - and I do get impatient into it a little bit, but even doing that this week has gotten quite tangled already, and it has shed more than I think it should, but hopefully that will taper off and it will be okay, but that's why I typically stick to shorter wigs, because I don't want to fool with the tingling and the shedding and this the hassle of having to brush them out forever. Every time I wear them, but that said this wig is really pretty. It'S really pretty, and I really like it so enough that I wore it to the grocery store this week. So that is poem, and it is so pretty so that is kind of my overview of lush wigs as far as shipping goes, they are a UK brand. So for me living in America, it took nine days. The last time I bought from them for my package to get to me, which isn't that bad, you know having to go through customs and everything. Nine days is fine. You do have to take into account the conversion rate. So if you order several wigs at once, that does get a bit expensive, but on an individual level for a good, high-quality, wig they're, not that expensive just be prepared for that conversion rate. Don'T don't look at the number be like? Oh, that's so cheap its impound make sure you do the conversion and don't be surprised, so just know that and also check the individual reviews on the wigs on the site, because not all wigs are equal on the site. Different people have different concerns and complaints about certain ones, but all of the ones I've bought so far. I have been extremely pleased with so you know, with with the exception of quartered, which my only real complaint is that it's not as natural as I would want. It to be it's still, a really high-quality wig in terms of the the thickness of it and how its cut and everything like that. The actual construction of the wig is great. It'S just not the right, really color that I would have liked it to be, but as far as the quality of all of these as synthetic wigs, I think they're wonderful. I have not tried their lace fronts yet and that's kind of on my list. I have my eye on a few of their lace fronts, so I really want to try those next and yeah. That'S about it for my experience with lush, wigs and nothing but good they're really active on social media, so you could reach out to them and ask questions and I'm sure they would be happy to answer yeah again. This is not a sponsored video but think putting that out there. I bottle up in them, but this is not sponsored, I would love for it to be, but it's not and yeah. If you guys have any questions about my experience with wearing wigs, please let me know in the comments I'm not super knowledgeable or super experienced, but I have been wearing them for a few months now. I'D love to share with you guys. So I hope you enjoyed this video, give it a like give it. I almost repeated myself and said: give it a thumbs up, but you know subscribe, hit the notification bell and remember that you are beautiful and you are loved until next time guys bye, you, you

Rose Rodriguez: You do you girl. Don't feel like you gotta please anyone. Make yourself happy first. I recently have started looking into wigs because I honestly just hate having hair. I want to have a new look all the time but want to keep my hair natural at the same time. So, wigs! I appreciate you and your video!

Nineties LoveChild: YEEEEES! US WIG WEARERS NEED TO STICK TOGETHER!!! Love your collection and you're such a great youtuber, doll.

jilloora: ITA with you on embracing wigs. I've just started wearing them in the past few weeks as a means of embracing my personal style. It's awesome. My hair is so bleach damaged and damaged by tape in extensions and I change the color almost every month. I love being able to quickly get a new style and get out the door. It's so much quicker than attempting to style my own hair, even with using the got2b glued method to lay the lace front. Now I really want to experiment with coloring a wig. I bought a couple 613 color ones so I can try coloring them. I'm thinking teal green. It was so nerve racking the first time I wore a wig out, but seriously, it was no big deal.

Nuria Serrano: Love your videos and all your wigs! You look amazing in them. I love the looks you create. Planning to buy one of their wigs soon.

AlexaAnn: Totally agree! I started wearing wigs when I lost my hair due to post partum hair loss. But after all my natural hair grew back I still continue to wear them. Why? BECAUSE I WANT TO! Simple as that ! You are so beautiful & the wigs are there to enhance it ❤️

Diana: Thank you for making this video. So much of what you said really resonates. I’m just now started to look at getting a wig to end the constant emotional rollercoaster that has been my hair loss. Thank you so much!

Jackie Johnson: Berry Jam is *definetely* my favorite on you. You look amazing with that strawberry blonde color. My other favorites on you are poem and sepia. I feel like berry jam looks so natural on you with that color and even just the way it looks. It's so pretty :)

vickyrules10: Loooove your collection and I love lush wigs! Keep posting wig videos!

D0vahkitty: I love your wigs. My fave is Poem! I ordered my first wig from lushwigs Friday. Im in Ireland so thankfully wont have to wait too long. I have extremely thin hair. it was thicker but home bleached a year ago and since then it has gotten a lot worse. i had a major mishap with some scissors thursday trying to cut away the last of the grown out hair and now i look like a Sarah Andersen comic. Can I ask how you store your wigs?

Pia / Imaginary Cosmetics: Great video, wigs seem like so much fun. Sujiin looks great on you, I didn't realise it was a wig when I first started watching your videos. My hair is pretty good, so I'm currently growing it out, so I can donate some of it.

Ratfish: Watching this video because I just bought two lush wigs. My hair is falling out and I've lost a lot of confidence. Really hoping the wigs help me like they've helped you. Thanks for the video.

Nyx Vulpan: You go ahead and wear all the wigs you like! You don’t need to justify it to anyone. When people ask why I wear wigs, I just say “Because I want to”. You look fantastic in your wigs. Stay beautiful, stay positive and have fun gettin’ wiggy with it :D

Brit & Patrick & Son Haven & Mullen & Mullen: The first wig frames your face perfectly!!!

Jackie Johnson: Have you checked out the styles "smoke" and "grey skies" from the website? They look right up your alley :p Edit: moon rock looks really cool, too :)

Clover Bee: I feel you on the natural hair. I have severe hemophilia and struggle with very low iron resulting in a lot of my hair falling out:( I just can’t get it to grow. Hopefully my iron and blood infusions will bring my levels up. Wigs were just an emergency thing at first bought some real terrible ones in the beginning. Youvimi has wonderful affordable wigs, very soft never shiney just takes a month to get them:( My one lush wig I ordered was terrible, shiny and fake looking and ridiculously long. I might try them one more time since watching your video

Annlaug Maria Tolo: I absolutely feel ya. My hair is very slowly thinning and at some point o will feel I need Wigs full time. For now I'm ok but it's just a matter of time. It's a great comfort to know there are nice things to wear and to feel good wigs and hairpieces are an amazing tool for anyone who want s to change their look or who loose their natural hair but it is sometimes hard to see my thinning hair and wishing I had healthy thick hair. It's a sore spot and some days, like when I'm having a hard time, it affects me more. Wigs are a great help

Thoughtful Pigeon: Just found you looking for reviews of Lush wigs and now I want Berry Jam and sujiin, I kind of want them all though! I grew up hating my hair and trying to change it. I ended up just cutting it short and have sort of gone with not caring about it but I’ve wanted to try wigs to get the styles I always wished my hair could do but it can’t. Kind of nervous about wearing my first wig out and crossing my fingers they actually suit me, I love how they look on you.

Brit & Patrick & Son Haven & Mullen & Mullen: I hate my natural hair too (fragile, impossible to stop split ends), which is why I'm going to buy my first wig & make it a part of myself. I can relate.

Brit & Patrick & Son Haven & Mullen & Mullen: I love the last wig on you too!

Cathrin Astorp: You look lovely ❤

Carolyn Stacy: I love Poem. You look so beautiful in long hair.

C. Watson: It's great seeing these wigs on you. On video they look so different from on the website. I would never consider buying most of these wigs from the pictures on the Lush website but seeing them on you really showcases how beautiful they actually are.

Hardin Crowder:

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