The Off Queer Reviews : Ad Men’S Wigs

Hey hi everyone, phillip heart here, also known as the off queer boots. So, as you all know, we all been on facebook, we've all been on instagram and we've all seen those ads. That'S like promoting these. Like men, wigs, you know these men lace fronts and like be, she was looking fire. So me, you know having the roughest year that i can possibly have this year was like all right. This looks like a good deal, i'm about to like up and buy one. So that's what i did i bought one that was like. I want to say in the beginning of july, and each it got here like literally like this week but anyways. So i'm gon na go ahead and like take you through that process, real, quick and then we'll go ahead and unwrap and review all right. So initially i got this email a month and a half after i actually bought the wig. So this had me shake it because i thought i originally lost my money because they did not talk to me at all and if you notice right there, it's actually a no reply. Reply email address, so i can't even like ask them questions or anything, because it's a no reply, email, like literally so it's had me, shook it and like going on the actual website, you see they always have like a 50 off because that's how the way they Want to trap you always and like these are all little red flags. This fun pinpin, um website is actually known to be stealing people's money. I actually did my research on them too, so like off and pinpoint fun or whatever the it's called this right here. Y'All know this and this these are the ones that they use for the ad. I don't know his name, because i forgot to add him on instagram. I ran into him on instagram, but he actually makes and sells his own wigs and i don't know if they actually have his permission or not to use his videos, but those are the videos that they use from his instagram girl. I'M shook it, and this right here is a wig that i bought. I bought the blue one super cute right in the picture girl in person i'm triggered, but anyways. I got the 100 140 um density because you know loves cool head, so it came out to when i originally bought it. It literally came out to 28 something something so it was a little bit cheaper than that price right there, but with shipping and everything involved it actually did come out to 36 dollars because the shipping was like eight dollars. But look at how cute this looks. It looks cute right, you think just wait, i'm shookus alright, so i went ahead and threw on a wig cap just because we wanted to look as natural as possible. Okay, i want to be able to like walk down the street and be like who did your hair? I didn't know the salons were open, but it came in this small package. I don't think this came from which to be honest, because it took really really long to get here but anyways it came in this small package. I was a little sus because it came in a small package, but then again you know what a lot of good things come from small packages. That'S probably why i date short men. So let's go ahead and open her and see. What'S up, you know. 2020 has been such a hard year for me that, like personally, i just wanted to treat myself, so i bought myself this wig from an ad on facebook. You know because i'm like you know what i want to feel a little like. I don't know a little quieter like i want to feel better. I want to feel cute or something you know some. What is that like self-care self-care girl, self-care, so here's to 20 20. can 2020 get any words. Oh my god, like loki. This wig is like not the business. This is literally like some wish ass hold up. Let me try to at least make it something cute girl. I look like that, like reporter from the hunger games, you know the one where you ken is talking to him and girl. Does this look better like am i just like tilted a little bit more to the side? Oh, my god, you know what i need to take off my boots, because i don't want my boobs to get caught up in this cheap, ass wig. So as y'all can see, i am not please. This is really lame. I'M thinking i was thinking of doing a transformation, video on it and maybe like cutting it and like seeing if i can make it work, but like first i'm gon na try to see if i can get my money back, because this was like girl. I can get something probably better off of amazon, to be honest, oh my god. So afterwards i got kind of desperate, so i just kind of like wore it backwards, but then, like after praying to the behind the guadalupe, she told me like yo. This is not cute like at all. Take it off, you should burn it. Try to get your money back. What about this is this? The look like is this is, is this the look actually maybe it'll be cute hold on? Is this the look girl? Are we vibing with this? I don't know i i'm gon na stop right here. So there you go. There'S that there's the wig y'all there's a facebook ad don't buy that disgusting.

Amber L: you bring me life!!!!! Jaja so funny!!!

Amber L: Are you on tik tok, that's where it's at!

Doc Duct Tape: Hahahaha

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