Ys Wigs Kinky Straight & Review( Very Detailed )

How To Customize Your Lace Frontal To Fit Your Head PERFECTLY | Ft YS Wigs ( Very Detailed ) I’ll show you how I customized my lace frontal to fit my head

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Guys welcome back to my Channel today I had this YS here YS wigs peer review. This is not here, y'all hi, I'm 170 say my. This is my like my, but if you guys want to see how isolate this week, I like these little. A these edges is not for me in this video. You know a lot about the laughs, but if you guys want to see how I did this make sure you continue to watch okay, make sure you like make sure you call me make sure you subscribe. Mm-Hmm. Think y'all, let's get into the video okay, so this place is this frontal is kind of big. I mean like time it's too wide, so I am going to cut it to fit my hair okay. So I'm not really about to do anything to the edges. I'M just gon na take out like a little bit of pieces that I want to UM. Well, they already have a little bit hands, but you know once I got a little bit of pieces that were like I'm not gon na, pluck it cuz, I feel it needs to be plucked. I wanted to be as natural as possible, so what I do want to wear a different way I like, where it up and like a little bunny, something it look like. Oh that's, y'all, hey! I am. I yeah look going. Somebody grab my mom. I just used this spray. You goes fine yeah. I can't see you, but it's go spawn so late. My hair down, I'm in my wig down sangryeol hands, is a she hmm, so I'm just gon na do okay. I mean they already got a little bit here, but I don't really. I look too long. Then it out a little bit as well: yeah, okay, so I'm going to use some spray, my little brush my edge brush. Okay! This is how my my I just came out. I miss I don't know what happened over there, but whatever I'm, not that I'm not the edge Queen. That'S not my thing, but I'm going to put this up in a plan. I'M liking this hair, I'm really liking. I washed it yeah, so it's like who are you? You look nubian queen. I know if I'm doing that, cuz I'm mad as I'm hearing it but yeah. Oh, oh, oh, okay, that this was my hair for a minute, yo, okay and so with the rest, I'm going to just swirl, swirl it or lit get 1 by VP. This is it I mean I'm waiting for my edges to fill out. Ok! So right now, I'm using dollar tree or dollar family, whoever somebody the one that just costs a dollar I'm using native things and I've you to wash your face. Watch this hair. I used some conditioner. I think it's bh8 or VA some Addie um to wash the hair in conditioned hair, some other bringing in the purple bottle, but yeah see there. I didn't do anything to the back. I don't want it to be like I want to all be Chevy here, but when I was watching it, I experienced little little little sharing and I think that sharing honestly just came from me when I cut the sides of this hair and I probably could mom Please, okay, so because when I was watching it, no Shannon like a little bit. Oh so this is it Oh 18-inch yaki! That'S how you Yankee phone okay, so the cap is kind of the cap is be you guys. Y'All can see. So this is big head friendly, but my head is small, so I had to cut the sides a little bit, which is very, I rather have it old and not have it all at all and be able to just cut it but yeah. So I just cut the sides, I'm so many for these to relax, because I wanted to all look natural but um yeah, the hair, the hair, so soft yo after I washed it. I let it air dry, my doll or whatever and yeah it. Just I don't know, I've never had hair like this before and I'm really liking it. I would have never tried this, but I guess this is how you have to get about your element sometimes and she'll. I might be doing so much stuff to this, like I'm gon na, do the little braids and everything okay. So this, let me show you out where it stops right. Okay, so has this yeah more, but you know I had to cut it Chris, my hair's. No, so it comes like this think I did far enough anyway. It has our big spacious, like it look just part doing stop into back here, like you'd, be like deep parts is deep. Ah, so I like it, I like you and waited for my hair to dry, so I can be like who is on the company. Is why s wigs and everything will be in the description. I also have a discount code so make sure you go ahead and register, so you can get that discount seat cuz, who was buying some wigs. Well, no discount get a discount, so it'll be all in the description and nice came pre bleached and, like I don't know how how dark you needed to be, but it was already dark. Look at it look at it, but I had please. I had some makeup on my face and I was doing this so it got kind of dear, but that ain't come from that nose. Um I didn't put no. I didn't have to put no freaking foundation inside of the inside the cap y'all. So that's a that's! A place it has instructions in the Box to how you would need to wash this hair. The packaging was so cute and yeah. I will be wearing this hair for wow, so I'll come back with a review, if not now it'll be like in the future. So hmm, but just know you're, I'm gon na come back with something, but I'm liking this hair and y'all honey. Thank you guys for watching make sure you like comment and subscribe. Give this give this I'm gon na thumbs up a lot of people be disliking. My stuff, but you're not really doing that, but thank you for watching.

She’s Just Niy: Love this, super natural and pretty you slayed this sis period ❤️

Queen Lady: I love this wig I ordered it because of two other YouTubers and this wig is everything I love it! It curls and straightens well

Gia Supreme: Girl this is so damn pretty omg!!! super cute, u killed this look !

SAWLIFE: Loveeeeeeeeee this. This is coming like your hair periodttttttttttt you goin make me cash out !! Lmao

Emeral P: This is pretty Af✨

Tatiana Drummond: Did you braid it first, then put a cap on top of the braids?

Alyssa Lee: How long did it take to receive

Shakayla Monae: Yasss island vibes going on /vacation I’m feelin it

Queen Lady: What color lace did you get?

kisha renae: Beautiful

Queen Lady: Super cute

taky wash: I wanna order the same one but i dont see ITALIAN YAKI.

Shakayla Monae: Yo makeup is cute why is there no tutorial ???

Jada Themakeupqueen: Jada California

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