Requested Outre Synthetic Swiss Lace Front Wig - Amara --/Wigtypes.Com

REQUESTED Outre Synthetic Swiss Lace Front Wig - AMARA --/WIGTYPES.COM

COLOR: 2T/30

*Swiss lace front

*6" deep parting

*Heat safe up to 400 degrees

*Jagged edge cut (V-shape)

*Light yaky texture

*Medium cap size

*Can be washed

*Super comfortable


1, 1B, 2, 4, DX3033, DX425,

2T/27, 2T/30, 2T/425, S1B/30, S4/30





Hey guys, I'm back to do with I requested review. This is my poetry, and this is called Amara, I'm wearing here in the color, 2t / 30 and guys first things first before I even start this review just keep in mind that tomorrow I will be having a Q & A ones that get enough questions. I will be having a Q & A so if you're curious about anything any questions you have anything you may have wanted to find out. I will be answering all questions like all of them, so you can just leave it in the comment section down below on any uploads that I make today and uploads from yesterday. You can leave any question that you want underneath these videos and if I get enough questions then I will do a Q & A tomorrow. If not, then I'll just answer your questions in the comment section, but certain things are just better explained like speaking and not type in so you know, I'm gon na have a Q & A so anything you want to find out just leave it in the comment Section and I'll answer your questions in that Q & A tomorrow, but anyway, guys um. This unit is well it. This unit comes with a 6 inch deep parting space. That'S like one of the stars of the unit, one of the stars, so it has a six inch deep parking space, as you saw earlier, the project space who wasn't to Clare, so I didn't have to like use my fingers and like pulls like, pluck some hairs Out in the center - and I just added some powder - I didn't use any heat to like make it flat, because I thought it was okay like this. Normally I don't like these humps right here, but for this unit with the curls and everything I think it was. Okay, so I didn't have to use any heat, it is heat safe, but I didn't have to use any heat to like tame it down and stuff like that, and the unit also comes with a jagged edge, so jagged edge, meaning it's V shaped or it's layered. Let me show you the stock card, so this is what it's not print looks like right here and then you can tell right here you see when you turn around. You have like this V shape at the back jagged edge, so it's basically layered down. So it's thin, but it still it still out as a core slower. So you see how thin it looks down and up here looks of it follow when you first get, since you mean up, you may think, like. Oh, my god like this, has no hair on it because the hair is on it. When you first get it it's just really, it looks really thin, so you would have to fluff it out a bit, but you have to be really careful when you fluffing it out, because it feels like it's gon na tangle, pretty easy and with the curls and Everything doesn't do it any justice, so you got ta, be very careful when you trans up like fluff it all the time, give it a little bit of body so yeah you just have to kind of like pull out it like this, and you get a little Bit of body but it'll be good. I think that this is enough, like you don't need more than this. This is perfect. You don't need no less, no more, especially if the unit is long like this, but anyway guys. I would say that when I first saw it I was like. Why did anybody ever request for me to review this wing? This thing looks like a wet dog like I have another one here called Cassidy. I'M gon na be revealing this after. But if you look at the stock car, it's like, I don't know what happened, but the pictures look really crazy to me. It looks really really shiny. The hair looks really really shiny. You look so wet and I really don't like how it looks. I even have some more or trading hairs, so review for you guys, probably sometime next week and all of them the stock cards like the hair on the stock cards. Look really what I don't know why. But in reality it's not like that, as you can, as you can tell it, has luster to it, but it's not too shiny, it doesn't look wet and it's not always but yeah. In terms of the cap, I would say it's between small to medium in size. Actually, I showed you guys what it looks like and it's super comfortable, because it is Swiss lace, front wig, so yeah in terms of sharing, I did get so I'm sharing it shirts. I knew I cut the lace too closely aligned, but apart from that into share does shed so yeah. Keep that in mind. But anyway you guys, I think that's about it. If I forgot to mention anything, leave me a question in the comment section down below be sure to answer it as soon as possible. All the information about this unit will be in the description box, so you can always check there for the link. The list of colors in her and stuff like that it won't be in the description box but anyway guys. Thank you so so much for watching. If you have any questions, leave it in the comment section down below be sure to answer it as soon as possible and don't forget to leave questions for the Q & A you know. Ask something interesting something everybody may want to find out. You know, but just leave me questions down below and I'll be uploading. The Q & A tomorrow, but here on thanks again for watching, don't forget to Like and subscribe, follow us on Instagram atwitter now same, please

WigTypes Official: Hey guys! You can leave questions down here for the Q&A I will be uploading tomorrow 03/30... All questions will be answered. Make it interesting!!

Zephaniah Diana: You made me want this wig even more!

BeautynGrace byDesign: Question. I know it is against company policy, but a few YT wig gurus usually tend to have their own wig sales on units they have reviewed. Does WigTypes allow you to keep the wigs permanently after you review them? And if so, how many wigs do you now own in your personal wig stash?

Naija Belle: Could wig types consider also having a full figured chubby face girl do reviews side by side with you so us thicker ladies can get an idea if the wig will look decent on us?

Natasha Duncan: I can truly say this wig company is good... So far i have purchased 3 wigs and they are very good quality...Only thing is the shipping is a bit pricey but other than that wigs are good...

ablckdiamd1: Did you do a review of the Freetress lace front hand tied ( future) "Crystal"? I've been looking for it, but it isn't cheap ,so I went on to find the wig to see if their price is chesper but it wasn't there. Can you recommend a wig that comes close to Crystal? Thank you.

Zephaniah Diana: The part could be plucked a little bit more but its still so pretty!

Kimby TS: What advice do you have for first time wig buyers.

Jessi Bee: What is the length of the wig? It looks really long, like 28"?

ZyriaNa AreNee: how long did this wig last ??? Why has this website change concerning the display of the various colors and not for the best...I been ordering since 2014 but in the past 5 months I have ordered nothing from this site ...was a favorate. Thank you!

Kimmy Kimita: What is your favorite wig and/or wig brand? Where is your accent from? I love it.

Jade Greene: can you wear this to the side?

Humble Heart: Looks just like that wig called "maxi"

briyana 96: In your opinion which is better this or the sensationnel Anya

Maxine Khumalo: Who is the girl

ZyriaNa AreNee: Tangle ...mummmmm

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