#Wignamegame Collab// Joyce By Outre' Color: Ut 2427

#WIGNAMEGAME COLLAB// JOYCE by OUTRE' COLOR: UT 2427. You too can participate in the #WIGNAMEGAME we'd love to see & support your slay. So Sis consider yourself tagged! Make sure you include the #wignamegame on YouTube & IG when you post your vid. Here's what to include:

1. Announce the collab

2. Introduce yourself and details of your wig

3. Wear something with your name on it (optional)

4. If you had the opportunity to create your signature wig, what style length and color would it be?

5. Who would create the wig ( i.e. SENSATIONNEL, bobbi boss etc.)


7. Fun fact about your name? For example , my mom named me Monique because she always wanted to go to Paris and Monique is French.

8. Tag people - the more the merrier


Here's the links to all the fabulous reviewers participating in the #wignamegame collab in no particular order. Make sure you check them all out, subscribe to their channels also & tell them WEEZY SEXY GRANDMA 2K sent you. Enjoy!

















I'm also personally tagging my Boos:






-Glam Shae


-Trendy Kay


-Dionna Marguerite

-Kimia Jewels



-Jade Gabriell

-DeeDee Woods

-Dominique A.

-Kyra Oriana

-Kie RaShon


-Nikki StCyr

============================ Music: BLUMARY produced by Blu Banks

Email: oouubanks@gmail. Facebook/Instagram/SnapChat @ Blu Banks


✉Email for Business Inquiries & Collabs [email protected]


Follow me also on:




》》FTC*** All products & wigs have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Please know my honest review is always given in each & every video posted. Always do your own research before making purchases of items reviewed &/or mentioned.

============================ Link for Outre' Joyce Wig:

Outre Synthetic High Tex Lace Front Wig JOYCE (UT2427) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KDLM9B4/r...


#outre #outrejoyce #joycewig #wignamegame #weezy #weezysexygrandma2k

We see the sexy grandma, okay and I'm coming at you today with a new video. This is actually a collaboration and I'm so excited about it. We'Re going to be bringing you some slash, it's called actually the wig name game and what we're going to be doing is slang units that have the same name as our name. This collaboration was actually put together by Monique Nicole. Some of the people participating in the collaboration is, of course, my girl, my making the call as well as shining star, disastrous Beauty, epic meanie from window mindset, Tiffany, baby TV and oh yeah girl, wheezy. Without further ado. The unit that I'm going to be slaying is this beautiful, lovely Missy here that I have on my head. It is by heavenly creations. It is actually a unit pod m, LP, r, st w y z, ad joy, just kidding I'm just being silly. This is actually my natural hair. This is what your girl look like. Wish ain't got a unit on it. Don'T just thought since I was gon na bring be bringing you guys something with the same name as myself, but I would start off with my own natural hair. So, as you can see, I got a lot of you know something going on ain't. No big thing. This ain't, nothing but wisdom, that's what we call it, but the unit that I'm actually going to be bringing to you, however, is a unit that is a little bit older. This unit is probably about at least five years old. It is my old Trey and for those of you who don't know, I go by Weezy the sexy grandma okay, but my actual name is Joyce southern unit. I'M going to be playing, is this lovely doll, bio tray and her name is Joyce? If you want to see the flange, then I'm gon na put on Miss Joyce. This is keep watching. This is what I return we do when I get ready for my unit, is that I just put my hair in two french braids. So that's how we're gon na do, but, like I was saying my nickname, is breezy, which my husband gave me probably about 20 years ago, when we first started dating. He nicknamed me wheezy, like Weezy from the justices, but my actual name, like I said, is Joyce and my mom actually made me Joyce, because she knew that I would have a joyful spirit. But the funny thing is that when before I was actually born, she had told my dad's mom that she couldn't name me. Well, I don't have to say about that, since is be careful. When you tell other people that they can name your children, you might want to find what kind of name I got in mind. First, my grandmother actually wanted to name me hold on to your feet. Joy, Aldine! I'M like wait! What no no grandma! No! Thank God! My mom decided okay I'll meet you halfway, name her Joyce; no we're not doing the aldeen. I don't know where my grandmother got that from. I do have three wonderful, wonderful children, another fun fact. All of my children's names start with J's. So my oldest is my son: Josh he's the one who actually made me a grandma, but my son just turned 30 this year, and then I have my two girls, my oldest daughter just started college this year, so I did a move in they blog on my Channel so very proud of her, and then I still have my baby girl here at home, so my girls are Jada and jasmine, so I still got jazzy here with me and then I have my husband. I'Ve actually been, we've been married now getting ready to have our 18 year anniversary wow. I can't even believe it's been that long and I have my glam baby halo. I tried to give my son to name her J name. He was like mom. The tradition stops with me: yeah we found some crap okay, so those of you who follow my channel know that I do not leave home without whatsits. I don't think there's very many of us. Joyce'S son named Joyce drop me a little shout out down below she's. Looking, oh, I like that color that might be kind of popping on my melon man. Joyce might be bringing some joy. Let'S see, she feels real real thin, though her density isn't much at all. This is what the lace is. Looking like hairlines, not looking bad at all, but she is heartless. Her cap seems very small. I don't know it'll get her on, so my girl she's got actually three combs in the front. She'S got one on each ear and then she's got one up here in the middle and she doesn't really have yeah she's, not gon na have y'all see the hairline right here. She'S not gon na have any parting space. Really I do like the hair quality, though very soft. It'S not really it's kind of got like a little touch of yak enos to it, but I am getting some shedding guys. Tell you another fun fact about me is that one of my favorite TV shows the watch is Big Brother, so I'm one of those people that I don't know that I would call myself a superfan, but I like by the live feed. My family knows. That is my summer-ish, like don't bother me when Big Brother on that's what she's looking like after I've cut her lace. He is. It too, is just what we was doing five years ago. We got to do something all right, this hot, on, see what we can do, so you guys I'm gon na try to create several styles for you, but I'm so excited about this collab. Thanks to all my weekly tips for participating, I love y'all. Another thing that I'm supposed to tell you about during the collaboration is: if I created a signature wig, what style would it be, what lengths would it be and what color would it be in which company would I have make my wig, the wig company, that I Would have make my wig would be portray my absolute favorite favorite favorites this year have been the old tray and play natural, deep, wave and natural body way. You guys I'm dishes a my got to be glues, glued the black and the yellow, so yeah. The company that I would choose to do. My wig would be all tray, but I want it from there all tray and play line or their old tray, perfect hair line, the ones. The old trays that I like from the perfect earring is all trade either and Oh Trey in mine bomb. The length will probably be either a 26 or a 28 inch. My style would either be like a deep body way or kind of like the wet and flowy kind of style, or you guys, members, concessional white lace, solana kind of like that. So the color that I would want one of my humdrum days I'll take just the one beat. But if I'm trying to get a little fancy city, then I'm going to want, like it 4:27 ooh and also you guys. My wig will have like a 13 by 10 lace. Frontal me it back old teenage girl all the way back to the back of your head. I want that lace to come right down from the crack of your book, so you can party, where ever you wan na party from the side, the middle whatever, since we don't have us some part in space, she's, not gon na be shiny. She gon na have just to live to better yeah kima store yeah a little bit of yak, but I still want her like real, manageable and movable she's gon na be she would be a big hand friendly. Also. She would have new technology where she wouldn't tangle. She wouldn't share in her bounce-back game, be strong as all get-out yeah that joyce wig was face. Those out trust that yes, hunty y'all got ta, be oh you're cloudy, but trust that this real talk she would be straight fire you are. This is just a reminder. Whatever you do make sure you click that down arrow get in that description, box and click on the reviews done by the other. Ladies in the wig name, game challenge. Trust me they're going to be bringing you some slave. You already know everybody in the, and you know how we'd like to do to make sure you subscribe to their channel also and tell them. We see the sexy grandma, okay, finchy yeah, I just created about three or four styles, and I don't even think I was recording yeah this rejoice week. This is definitely a joy sleep because I always say it's so challenging being me and yeah this week. However, you guys absolutely absolutely loving her and adore her. She has so much style versatility, oh my goodness. So, as you can see, I did create this beautiful updo with her. I use you know just one of these little pins here I don't even know what else to say, absolutely love. This unit, like I said relevant four five years ago, still relevant today. I think that's pretty much gon na do it for me. So this is my wig name, so yo guys so don't forget to check the description box and click on the next reviewers um review to see their version of the wig main game. Alright guys, you all have a absolutely blessed day and remember what I always say to show somebody a little piece of heaven today and girl. You can start with me by smashing that, like button and hitting that subscribe now, why you a desist, if you really wan na, send me off the deep end, go ahead and share alright guys have a blessed day. I love you all. This is wheezy the sexy, grandma, okay and I'll, see you on the next video

WeezyWigReviews: Thanks for joining me Sis for the Premiere of my #wignamegame. Drop me a comment & let me know your thoughts. Make sure you SUBSCRIBE & give me a thumbs up if you liked my slay. Don't forget to watch the other reviewers #wignamegame slay. Tell them WEEZY SEXY GRANDMA 2K sent you.

Silky Saks: This is such a fun collaboration! I wish I could play but there are no wigs with my name Your hair is beautiful. Love when people use the same initial to name all their kids.This wig is cute. Good job styling it.

Tiffkneebaby Tv: Your hair is GORGEOUS!! you look fabulous before and after. Thank you so much for including me and working for us!!!!! You're the dopest glamma i know!!!

Twani Bonner: You slayed it Weezy! Love the colab with the other wigslayer queens!

Nikki Laniece: Epic collab! I've always wondered about this wig! You did a great job with the styling.

Cynthia Cummings: You absolutely slayed Weezy!!! I wondering how you were hook this one up with no parting space. Came out really nice.

Kimira Jewels: I love this collab. Your natural hair is beautiful! I posted a video of my natural hair this past weekend (my second big chop ). I love your personality ❤️. It's too bad about the hard lace. The colour is very pretty though. You slayed it. Iba and Iman have been on my wish list. I am waiting on that Weezy Joyce wig

Uniquely Vickie: Girl you had me going with the name of the unit you were making up. This is really nice and love the idea behind the collab.

Singlehood 2 Marriage: Very pretty Sis! Love your personality.... made me SMILE this morning! Just subscribed ❤️❤️❤️

Monique Nicole: JOY ODINE. Great Review and slaying Joyce. I must say you are your name. Thanks for helping me with my collab and all your kind words. I definitely like the half up and half down look.

Michele Nunes: Your natural hair looks lovely. Love it

DizastrousBeauty: Yasssssssss!!!! You definitely slayed boo!! You know I love u! We go Wayyyy back girl! This wig looks amazing on you!! U are soooo beautiful!! Thanks for collaborating with me boo!

~Daphne Amy's World~!: Love the color I love the eye makeup too ps Queendom sent me here love the Collaboration idea love when youtubers do this instead of feuding❤️

Joyce Labrew: I am a Joyce too. You did a good job styling as usual

Syreeta Smith: you did that sis i loved everystyle and im a new sbbie and i want to order joyce now. u have a great imagination and yes thy would be sold out for sure,

Deva19xx Dee Jones: WEEZYYYYY! Yassssss sis you did that I love it. My name not joyce but I swear ll the joyces i kjoce have that have same ball of energy and upbeat fun loving personality. One of my bff's is joyce so sis yassss you and joyce are slaying in this video...i loved it. The syyles were amazing...tfs sis

Fee-Bee Rome: The hair is very pretty. Love the color.

lena B: Alright I love it. DizastrousBeauty sent me.

Magikalblackness: Damn the hair your makeup is flawless

Honey Sweet: Super-cute...love the color

Michele Nunes: Joyce the wig looks great. Sis you look fab XX

Highleefavored: Joyce is beautiful! Where did you get your wig grip?.

Dianne November Songbird: You have beautiful hair and the salt and pepper is attractive on you.

EM PS: Your hair is lovely

Melissa NewLyfeOva45 WIG LYFE IS A FABULOUS LYFE: i love it

Syreeta Smith: so beautiful as well

Miss Khrissy: New subie! I came from the other collab videos (tiffany) ❤ love the unity

Tiffkneebaby Tv: Yassss to that color!

Jus Mek: Ok Joyce!!!!!! I you!!!!

Michele Nunes: Hey sis miss you. My phone was shut down. You look good sis

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