Outre Penny 26 Half Wig Review | Worth The Hype?

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Is She Worth The Hype?...

Hey guys back again with another video, today's video is gon na, be over this hair that I'm wearing right now and the name is penny I'll, try, painting 26! This is the half wig version, I'm going to show you the unboxing and everything else and I'll be right back you, okay, so let me just put it on my head: not styling it or anything, of course, not course. Okay, this week's like that, but it straight out the back I know lie. I didn't know that the crowds were gon na look I mean I thought I knew it was gon na look like curly, but in real life. It looks to me like, like a Shirley Temple kind of girl. I know maybe I need to wear my fingers through it, but I hate to do that and ruin the curls a little too poodle like the inter nights. The curls ends a nice white. I don't know it just looked like um. Alright, I don't know. I think that goes like Shirley Temple like Oh certainly, simple kind of ways or a poodle, so yeah I'll be back whenever I stole the wig, you, okay, so I'm going, I'm not going my when I first got it or when I first opened it, and I Just put it on my head, I was like what is this all of that hype, all the time that Chelsey or that I see it's on the UM on YouTube. Every review is going like they were, like you know, so so good, it's so pretty so beautiful. But when I put her on it was like a mop on my head or like. I was like a poodle and I'm hearing like so this is how she looks after me wearing her to work all day and yes, so what I did was put you know, put water, I'm on the way of course, kind of like ran my fingers through it Kind of like elongated, a beauty because it was like really kind of like up here like and I'm like a long curly wig. So this is not right. This is long as I would like it, but it is longer than it was so it'll do and you see like, of course you have to work with curly wigs period. You know curly, it could be human hair or synthetic. You have to work with the curly hair and and don't really that manipulating parts. So when I first got it that's what I did was manipulated, so I had some conditioner and water didn't use that much conditioner use more water than Commissioner ran my fingers through the way kind of avoiding the end of it. So I could like heap that the bounce of the curl at the end, but like it was super like weird how it was. I don't know because it's like when I was watching the reviews. Wasn'T I wasn't thinking it was my look the way it looked when I first got it so I was like heck, you know, so what I say that this week is worth the hype. This way it was like $ 15, probably less than that, a little more around $ 15. This wiggle is so he's worth the hype. I mean she's worth it, but, like she ain't worth all the hype like she's worth some hype, but not all the hype that people would be given because, like I mean the curl is beautiful, but it I felt like the curl just like right out the bag Of course, without kind of without breaking your hands through or manipulated crazy anyways, without manipulating that we just put it on your head. I was just like enough. The word is way right now I had kind of like a a hard time getting used to it, but it people said it was saying that my hair was cute all day and I was like you know. Thank you so yeah it is cute, but you know the 26. It'S not home! Think it's 26. When I know they're talking about like the stretch. The stretch length I mean this just length is but like I was thinking, the curls was gon na be more longer or something, but I know a noun that most of the youtubers who reviewed this, we related the wind before they recorded their video whatever, and that's Fine, because you know I was supposed to Bennet like your mic, so you're liking. So that's what I did and I might do it somewhere, because it's cute right now and everything, but you know I just got ta used to it, of course, so yeah and the color that I got is a number two. I believe either number 2 or 1b I'll put it in the video and in the description as well as the link to the wig. I got it from way types so yeah, very cheap. Here'S the side action, the back his robe on see like this time, and it just goes to like the center of my back. So it's not that as long as like some ways like lost Mogan, that's hella long, but it's pretty! It'S really pretty. I just had to get used to it. That'S what I'm saying just had to get used to it, because I was thinking of something else and then, when I put it on my head, it was total different things. So I was like what the heck so yeah, but yeah manipulated to vacuum and you gon na love it Korea and yeah a few guys, one more. If you have any other questions, when the comment box down below check the description box for any like leaks or anything like that, my social media will be in the description and go ahead and subscribe to my channel and like the video for more content. Yeah see you guys in my next video peace,

Keshira McKnight: Love love love that wig in you!! I think you should do a lash install vid. I've never worn them before and definitely would like to try them out! You wear them so nice! True story!!!!

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