Outre Sabrina | Natural Everyday Wig For The Low! | Under $40 | Theheartsandcake90

Purchase On the site of your choosing: https://www.google.com/search?q=outre+...

Lashes: Buttercup https://beeznthetrap.com/search?q=butt...

Camera: Canont6i

Email: [email protected]

Music: Looking In the Distance by E2You

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Hey guys welcome back to my channel. It is Brittany, so today I'm coming to you guys with another synthetic with review, so I'm going to be reviewing out Ray's melted, hair line wig in the style Sabrina. So I'm about a week late on this. I ordered this last. I don't know like last Sunday and since then a lot of my fellow wig reviewers. They have reviewed it. I haven't watched, you do buy these reviews, but I've seen all the thumbnails and I've gotten all the notifications and I'm gon na watch them after I do my review a lot of us like to watch reviews after we review ours, so we don't get influenced because Sometimes what happens it is if you watch somebody else's review before you review it, you tend to start saying the same things, so you want to have an unbiased opinion about it. So I wanted to pick up Sabrina because I saw it was a every day length. I ordered it number two because number twos, you know they look natural, regardless of you know, style of the wig for the most part. So this is what Sabrina looks like as a number two. This texture is a soupy texture, but I'm not mad at it. The lustre isn't too high, but I do have my dry shampoo just in case this is what the part in space looks like, and I have seen a few people asked what is melted hair line meet. That just means the lace melts into your skin, like it blends down really. Well that's what they're, claiming with this collection. As you guys know, I tried out rayon Catalina and I tried alia, and I love alia - I've worn that one quite a bit so with this collection, it comes with a baby hairs, it has soft Swiss lace and it has pre-attached wide elastic band. But a lot of times with the elastic band that comes with synthetic wigs, it tends to be kind of useless because it's so flimsy. But here's that soft lace here and here are the baby hairs there. Here'S the inside of the cap, you do get that elastic band. There'S your part in space you get. There is your part in space there. It looks about maybe four inches at the most. You get that mesh area in the back, a comb and adjustable straps back there. You do have combs at the front of the hairline on the right left side. So I'm just going to try this on. I haven't tried these on or anything yet. Okay, as far as the capsize to me, it feels like it's on the smaller side. It feels pretty snug, probably medium small to medium. It doesn't feel really huge okay, so this is heavily bumped, which I like a little bump to mind, but this isn't intense the amount of bump that's on here, so I could see somebody going in and straightening out the ends a little bit because it's pretty intense, I don't see anything on the car that says that you can put heat to it, but I'm sure you can I'm probably just gon na keep it on low um. It looks like a workweek like really conservative everyday, but I got a thing this week. It'S got movement, it's got body and I like that. I, like this Bank. This Bank is really pretty, but I can see somebody not liking this, but it has so much potential to it and I, like it already a lot more than like the last synthetic weeks that I reviewed boss, babe and alpha woman. So this one definitely has more movement than that, so I'm gon na cut the lace and style this for you guys and see what we're working with alright guys. So I am back and I have styled out race Sabrina and I just got ta say I really like this week. As far as the cons, the pros and cons go shedding. I have some shedding, but I did tweeze the hairline just a little bit. You guys saw that in the application process. I don't have any tangling. My hands run right through it, but of course this is the first day the capsize again is small to medium. I didn't feel like it was like a large cap. I don't have on a wig grip. I don't need it, I'm wearing this glue. It'S like. I don't have any guts to be glued on a hair line only to put down a little bit of baby hairs, but that's it. So you can't wear this glue list, which I appreciate, because I do have some other wigs I have to review today. So I didn't want to go ahead and you know glue it down and the hair line is land really flat. Hairline this land really flat. It'S not like perfect, but I think it looks good. So I really like all the layers that that's in this wig. I love the swoop. Bang I'm having a little bit of issues with my lashes and that's what what comes with wearing big lashes. Sometimes, if you're, where, if you like your swoops and you like your big lashes, you might have a little bit of issues as far as like it knocking on the lashes a lot, but not everybody wears big lashes. So one kind I did have the the bump on this week is tight. It is really tight, so it can give it a kind of old-school look and I don't think everybody. I don't think everybody likes that look. So if you don't like that, super butt look, because it's like it's kind of hugging your neck to death. So I would just take a flat iron on a low heat setting and just kind of run it through it. Even with me doing that a couple times it still has that bump. It doesn't look bad though, but this this swoop is everything it has the right density. It'S not like see-through. You can't see through that. That is a good bang. Now you guys know. I love me a textured wig, but I'm gon na stop like going saying. I want all of my wigs to be texture because some we just don't have to be yeah. Some wigs, just don't have to be textured um, I'm not mad at this at all. It doesn't look too shiny. I took some pictures in natural light and did not look artificial. It looked like it has a natural luster to it and a lot of my yucky texture tweaks. I don't have some of them. Don'T have good movement, and this has good movement, so not every week has to be a Yankee textured wave to be. You know a nice wig, so I'm gon na chill them - and this is like this - has the movement white? Yes, this guy. This has the movement and it just looks so natural. So I went downstairs to take some pictures and I you know I took my pictures and I thought that I thought that the wig looked pretty cute and then I looked in the mirror and I was like. Oh, this looks really good and I think this is one of those weeks. I look even that looks even better in person, because sometimes you can fake it out and you can still look good on camera and your wig in person doesn't look all that. But this looks good in real life, so um Adrienne, you know everybody's working from home and stuff now because of the coronavirus so Adrienne I wouldn't his office and I was like he was working on this computer and I was like what you think about this week And he was all just work and then he turned around and he was he started smiling. He was filling this too so um I like Sabrina any more cons. I don't think I had any big cons to where I would be like don't get this week. I actually really like it in this color, though that's the thing it's in a natural color, so it's just gon na look natural. Now I did purchase this week and the brown sugar color and I'm just going to quickly insert what it looks like. I didn't even cut the lace off um that color does not look brown sugar at all. It looks like a blind mustard in color. It'S not very complimentary. On my complexion, I don't like the way that it looks it just does not look good. So personally, I would not recommend that color because I don't like it, but maybe you guys would but I'd really don't like that color, but as far as this isn't natural number two color, I really like it. So, as far as this rating goes, I kind of want to give it like a nine and a half yeah. I think I'm gon na give this a nine and a half and that's pretty high for me. You guys know I'm like juicy and picky about my wigs. The only thing is, I just wish these ends weren't, so so bumped like that, but if it just came with a more relaxed bump, this would be pretty perfect and I don't have the the sides adhered down or anything, and it still gives me this very natural And beautiful look, so I'm feeling this week a lot and I'm really surprised so yeah if you are interested in Sabrina I'll leave a general link in the description box to where you can purchase it yeah. Thank you guys so much for supporting my channel. If you are new here, please consider it subscribing before you leave and make sure your notifications are on, because I have tons of other videos coming up for you guys, and I will see you guys in the next video bye guys.

Everything Ernie: I love these melted hairline units! They are so pretty and look so natural. The tight curl gives the unit a duby wrap vibe! I give it 2 thumbs up

Kinksgalore: I like it! Looks like a 90s fresh relaxer.

Natalie McMasters: The bumped ends reminds me of Jennifer Aniston's hair cut back in the day. I think it's a nice wig and the length and layers along with silkiness helps with the movement. I'd wear it for every use and work. The brown sugar colour is a colour that my mom loves. Thanks for reviewing, sharing and also remaining impartial, not viewing others before you share your thoughts.

Tongla G: The other wig was pretty on you too. I appreciate you doing reviews on affordable wigs!!!

Nycoria H.: This wig is super pretty! I like the layers & bang in it! I was looking for something shoulder length & easy... I think we have a winner! Great review!

CassieThatGirl: The SWOOP had me!! I'm still on the fence about it and like Kie said, the price could drop a couple bucks lol. Love the review!

MzTrish: YESSSS!!! A synthetic everyday wig that looks really good!!! Thank you sis for this review.

IsThatYourHairrr: You're so cute The fact that you were able to wear this glueless is bomb. I absolutely loooove the hairline on this collection overall, but I do wish the style were different. And thanks for showing it in the brown sugar color! I actually kind of like that blonde, but I know what you mean when you said it was more so brassy in person during the premiere.

ArcieB Beauty Show: Very natural and pretty work wig! Love your slays

Alonna: Loving that natural color and style , think I’ll pick this one up for when I finally go back to work!

Natasha: New Subbie: Just purchased Sabrina and I love it, even though I should have gotten a 2 instead of the 1B. All in all, she's going in my back-to-work rotation for September. Thanks for the review, you gave me more ideas on styling it. Loving all the reviews, you even convinced me to get me a Kamiyah too - she on the way! Love your channel

MsEbonyVee: I’m really liking this natural everyday kinda wig and need to add her to the collection!

Shamese Kibby: It’s beautiful and natural looking. Can’t wait to see what you have next.

Sheryl Gladney: Hey gurl! I was waiting until you did a review on this wig, now I will purchase it in a #2. Thank You . Much love

Carrie M: Loved every minute of it, the premiere was fun AF!!!

A: It’s cute. I’d get it for my work/interview collection ‍

Lawson One: I have the Outre Dakota and it too had the super strong bump on the ends. It took SO many passes with a flat iron to calm it down but now it's much better...and worth the effort.

Wiggin Out: I just ordered her she looks so natural on you. I wish I had gotten a natural color now, but she's cute.

patrice moore: Great everyday work wig. I love this

Supreme Goddess: Hey! This wig is beautiful. I love it and it looks great on you. The blonde one was pretty cute on you. I liked it ☺️. Question: is the part on your left or the right? I only like left sided parts and if this is it, I’m buying!

Atiras 1: That bang is so pretty, and it would be quick to throw on for work since you don't have to glue it down, and the brown sugar is pretty on you too.

DeAnna Monet TV: I wore mine glueless as well, I also appreciated that & the layers

Berry Sweet: Perfect for me I like old school. I'm 61 and I think its super cute will be ordering. Thanks for the video.

MIMI88998899: Thank you!!! You saved me some money. I was really tempted to get the brown sugar color because it looks good on the stock card. However actually seeing it, it looks nothing like the color on the stock card. It's too yellowish blonde. The natural color looks really pretty on you.

Silky Saks: Love Sabrina in this color. She is a great everyday wig

Nikki Laniece: Very pretty on you! I feel you on the bumped ends & love the bang action!

Lakisha S.: I’m a beginner and I loved the wig on you. I hope it looks as good on me and I can style it right. I’m soooo not a hair person! Lol

Jo Goode: Looks so natural!

K H: Yes, you nailed it. It's a work wig created just for me. Thank you dear, I'm getting this one. Hands down you are my favorite wig reviewer. F.Y.I. I get a text from my daughter Brittnee (Ma what's the name of the lady you said I should be following). Hume! She's listening. Train them up....

DeAnna Monet TV: Definitely a conservative work, I love the bang too

Kellionta' Mason: THIS is how I want my hair to look when I flat iron my hair ❤

tubes200708: Really pretty. I’d also straighten my ends.

ItsCarla McD: I liked both colors on you, but I get how sometimes everyone else likes it but you. I’ve watched other reviews and the bump on the ends seems to be a universal issue- though XOXO Sheba ROCKED her unit flawlessly! I’m still on the fence about this one.....the ends would frustrate me for sure

Sunny G: I love the bump and I love both colours on you.

Deborah Berry: I love your channel. Brittany you allways keep it real. Can't waste these coins during this pandemic

Tina Wells: I would love too get this I love it girlfriend and the color is amazing keep this one it's so beautiful and just right for the summer or anytime!!

Tammie Cornelius: Heyyyy, Outre Sabrina Natural Everyday Wig!!!! OMG!!!! it is so pretty on you!!!! I am going to have to get me Outre Sabrina, and it look very natural, I love that so much, do not look like a wig, I really enjoy all of your videos!!! Love You!!!! have a wonderful and bless day.

BodiedBykeira: Looking beautiful Brit that unit is really nice for everyday regardless of the bumped ends. ❤️you still slayed. Period ❤️tfs

kittyskid1: Pretty but I need BIG head friendly; you always tell us that's why I love this channel.

Debbie Barrow: Very pretty on you deciding between this & Outre Rowena wig which is finally back in stock after nearly 4 months here in ❤

Schatze Lady: I just ordered mine,Pretty wig

JazzyDiva44: So pretty!

Renee Alexander: I love that wig on you...I ordered it....Thank you

diamond hill: I just purchased Sabrina in DRFF Chocolate Truffle is really nice but the color doesn't fit my complexion so I ordered it in a 1 jet black. And yes the layers are on point. Now only if I wore makeup it would complete the look lol.

Deborah Ray: You are one that can wear any color wig every color you have put on looks great

Crystal Raines: Love it!!

BrownBeatss: This is beautiful.. love it.. stay safe.

SIIMPLYMARILLIA: I think that it is really pretty it looks so natural it is very bouncy it really look cute on u good job!

Brianna Huff: Hey. What do you use to lay your edges down? Nice review

All Love: I would definitely straighten ends out a lil

DeChana Henley: Super cute!! I want it but not sure about the cap size because I have a big head. Lol!! It looks really nice on you!!

Christina Woods: I bought it in the chocolate color. Bomb!!!

Miss Khrissy: Basic but cute work wig

Josette L: Hi Brittney! I'm officially off even though I work from home been catching up on my videos. I like this wig but I don't like the cap construction. That is a bummer ..You slay as always love the look. Be safe!

V Jones: Nice!!! I like the bang & the easy hairline but that bump around the neck would bother me. I think I would cut it with the razor comb. Oh & that blonde did match your shirt, tho!

GApeech08: I like it. I would have liked more time to think about it but thought it would sell out if I did that. So, I bought it a few minutes ago.

Mz. T. McKitt: Soooo pretty on Y O U!

Superkalefragilistic: The side swoop gives me Easter Sunday vibes. Hi

loveinautumn 39: Oh wow yes this is beautiful! I'm just hoping it's not too silky or shiney. If so how can I tone it down?

R.J. Johnson: Love it

shariB2012: The BEST Sabrina that I've seen!!!!!

Sadia Strong: Hi, what color wig grip should i buy? Your gorgeous

RubyJ'sBookPlace: Nice everyday wig. I like that blonde though. I guess I have to actually see that blonde one in person :-)

Odelia Lynn Thornhill: You look amazing very beautiful

Cynthia Kanakan: Can this be wore as a middle part ?

Kamisha Walker: Ok swoop!! Lol love this unit on you Britt

Tandra McTighe: 9.5?! I want it now! Lol

New Beginnings: I love this

Khadijah Mitchell: i will get it in b1 its to cute

Deborah Ray: I have a wedding coming up in November my granddaughter is getting married I think I want to wear this one

Francine Sanders: this wig is beautiful on you girlfriend I love it too ❤

SAWLIFE: Yes, we like to watch after but sometimes i can’t help it

SAWLIFE: Okkkk !!! This is classic wrap vibes

FAVORED LOVED: I like this one...Nice

Deborah Ray: Hey Britt you worked that one

FlawlessAndFancy: Sabrina's got that intense bumpery! LOL! I like her on you though.

Tann Smith: Hey B! How was the move, girl? Thx for Sabrina but I need the deets on this makeup!:)

Danie: the bumped ends are killin me lol. I'll have to cut it

Jaionica Beard: Is this a right part wig?

Linda L Dallas: So its a full cap? Not Half? I noticed you laid hair down edges and gel down. I ask b/c a sister has alopecia in edges

Tinisha Robinson: Very cute on you do you know when you having a wig sale soon

Tammie Cornelius: and i can not wait to watch the video!!!!! lol!!!

Kie RaShon: Here for the thoughts!!

Kiya: Is this a left part or right pary

Little Clay: Sabrina is give me Mary Tyler Moore vibe

Dorothy Baskerville: Hair Toss...Check my nails!!

wanderys1: It looks like it would bother my neck all day at work

Nicole Reed: I know your not big on BANGS .. but yah girl got FOREHEAD over here help me out .. Thanks .. love your channel

Onaka Sanders: Lmbo@kinda hungin your neck. Thanks for sharing sis!

Magikalblackness: Brina is getting around the YouTube streets very cute on u

Shanise Nicole: C’mon Nailssssssss

CarrieBrooks: Cap size n bump

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