Must Have Wig Under $25! Outre The Daily Wig| Kamala

My review on the wig KAMALA...I purchased this wig from my local beauty supply.. she is in the color Dr Red Wine

#outrethedailywig #kamala #everydayaffordablewig #affordablewigs #outrewiglookbook #outrekamala #drredwine #lacepart #handtied

Hi everybody welcome back to my channel today, I'm going to be reviewing and we got got from the beauty supply outro week. This is how I do my hair under my wig, I'm pretty much just parted braided back, pin it up nothing spectacular! This is the week that I bought where me on the daily bye outro. It has a lace, part, that's hand tied. Her name is kamala and she's in doctor red wine. This is how the wig looks. The hair is very beautiful. The color is very beautiful. It'S about three different Reds: it's like a bright red, a medium in a dark red, so they're all combined in this week. It'S very pretty plus it has a love. What dark tenant? That'S how the lace look the part. So it's a hand-tied lace, part and it's about four inches. I would say it's not that long about four inches again. This is um the wig kamala dr. red wine, and this is how it looks. It'S a soft curl to it like a wave curl to it. On the inside, we have adjustable band, that's already attached, so no need to someone on it comes with it. We have a column to the right and a column to the left, with two columns in the front. That'S how the part looks from the inside and then we have a comb at the back of your own Nate area. We also have adjustable straps around around the nape area, also, so those are adjustable if you need a little bit more secure. So pretty much this. This comes with all the bells and whistles to be securing your head without sewing it down. So that's the good thing about a week. Alright, so I put the wig on I'm just pretty much looking at the curls looking at the color, seeing if I really like it against my skin tone, it's very very, very long! So if you don't like long wigs, don't get this this week, it's probably about 23 inches, maybe all right, so I decided to add Gold's barn glue to my part. I'Ve never really did this before. So that's why I'm looking at it trying to decide should I should i I pretty much wanted that on week, not to move on me again, I'm so used to sew on weeks to my head last week. So I really pretty much just some to my weeks. I mean something to my braids, but this time I just want to kind of glue the part to my head. I didn't pretty much want to sew it, so I'm gon na try this again, I'm adding the ghost bottom glue to my part and that's where I'm gon na sit the laces, I'm gon na put the legs right over that part. So I'm just applying it, it's it's good. I can't to the part now this is gon na go in your hair a little bit if you're, not good, we're removing this, then don't do with me. I make sure I remove it the correct way I use acetone. I use conditioner, I use all that stuff, so I won't pull out any of my hair. So if you're, just a person, that's natural, wigs off, don't use this method, because once you put the wig on the ghost barn glue, it's pretty much a permanent bond and two it will raise up. Okay. So now I'm just pretty much waiting. So, while waiting, I decided to clip this piece of fabric right there, you see that piece of fabric. I decided to clip that off, because I wanted my lace to lay flat. So I decided to clip that piece of I don't know fabric that they put between the lace and the hair. I want to say I'm one of my I'm lace, the lace seamlessly seamlessly, so I I'm clipping it off once I clip that off from trying to see should I click more yeah. I need to clip some more. I need to clip some more it's too much. It'S too bulky in the front for me again once I I wanted to give the natural effect or the natural look, and so, if you have that bulk of fabric right there, it's gon na not look as seamlessly as you wanted to so. For me, this may a big difference in how the week later on my hair, by clipping those pieces of lace in the front and then from there. I don't know I just like, should I keep cutting? I don't know if I want to cut too much, but I don't know I just decided not to cut anymore. Ok again, this is me looking at the wig trying to really decide if I really really like it, which I at this point I decide. I like it again it's very long. The curls are pretty alright. Now I've decided that it's dry enough for me and I'll pull the lace part on my legs part over the globe. Now, once you latest on the ghost barn glue, it's all the way you can't move it no mo. I tried to move it again. It was stuck, and so I just pretty much had to live with it. I wanted to bring it down just a little bit more, but it wasn't working out for me, so I just was stuck with where ever I had moved it to so make sure when you're moving the wig down on the lace part that you move it to Exactly where you wanted to, because you're not gon na be able to adjust, and once you move it there again, I just wanted to move it down just a little bit more, but oh we're stuck. You see me trying to move in an a movie. Ghost Bongo was really really strong, so I've decided that I try to make this - maybe some baby hairs, so I'm over here trying to comb the little baby hairs that I got again. I wish I would have motor down a little bit more, but is what it is we're just gon na make baby here. It'S right there um the glue, pretty much you can see. It is dry and clear. You can't even see it anymore. It'S drying really clear. All right so at this point I decided to pluck a little bit. I don't know why in my mind I thought I needed to pluck. I don't know why, but I did. I don't think I really needed to pluck this wig anymore, but I plucked it to get a couple of hairs out to make it a little bit less bulky in the front again I'm trying to get its flattest. I can get it to my head, so I've decided to plug plug plug plug plug on this thigh right here. I didn't like that, meaning here just a couple just a couple here, so this is optional. If you want to pluck the side I really didn't need to, I don't know. I think I just was trying to get this wig as perfect as I can. I didn't need to really plug so now. That'S me combing out the extra hair that I've plucked, the curls feel pretty much back in line um this week is kind of tangley, so you're definitely gon na have to put something on this week, like a conditioner, slash water mixture just to keep then intact or Some kind of gloss or spray, but this week already is kind of shiny. So I don't know if you want to put a lot of spray on it. For me, I just use conditioner and water to keep it tight. So now I'm gon na start plucking on this other side. Again this is optional. I don't know why I pretty much decided to pluck, but it made it a little bit flatter. I mean it. I seen a little bit of difference once I um pluck the other side. You know I just plucked out a couple hairs, no no big deal just plug plug plug plug plug, and so I felt comfortable with how it looks again. This part already comes pre pluck, so you do not have to pluck it. I just pretty much was doing too much, I guess with the plucking, but this is this is what I'm doing so again. It'S optional! Alright! So that's how the the part is looking after. I plucked it I've plucked both sides now and now I'm trying to decide. I don't know baby hairs, no baby hairs, that's how it looks again, the part it looks, seamless, liek, to be honest. Anything like I said I didn't like that. I didn't bring it down more per head. I brought it down just a little tad bit more. This little piece right here is getting on my nerves. I'M gon na cut that because it keeps sticking up so I got ta cut that little piece, so I can lay the wig down so again it's pretty much you're, just cutting that first little strip of fabric off it sticks up a little bit. So I just cut it all the way off it didn't it didn't. You know, do anything to the wig. The wig still was great. So once you cut that piece, nothing's gon na happen to the wig, if you just cut that one little piece alright, so I got that piece off and again that's how the wig looks stuck to the ghost bar glue. It'S not going anywhere. It goes. My glue is very strong again alright. Now it's time for me to put some foundation on there, I use Christian to your foundation. I'Ve did a tutorial on a foundation at an only foundation. I'Ve used, so I use that with a little brush. I put it on a part, so I can match my skin tone a little bit better. I like doing this method because it just gives you more of a natural, precise look, so a chart foundation on there blend it in which our skin blend it. In with your skin, once you light a foundation on there, just blend it in bring it down and just wind it all the way in on your skin, so we can have a seamless look to it once it dries then, like now it looks a little yellow, But once it dries you're gon na see it's not gon na look like that once it dries a little bit more all right, so it's drying a little bit more and you could see it looks like the color is coming. I mean the hair is coming out of my scalp. It looks really really good. I'M still trying to move it. You see I'm still trying to move it down, because I'm not satisfied with where the position of is that, but after that I'll just gave up. I said oh well, it is what it is baby, here's a little bit alright, so I'm in the car. I have to leave that video because I need to leave out so I don't have time to show you how to reveal, but this is how the hair looks. What a wig, this saddle wig looks. It'S a real, pretty red you'll see that it is so pretty, and it's long this got to be about 26 inches. Maybe it's past my booth, it's almost past my stomach, so it's like 20 yeah, I will say about 26 inches and this is how it turned out. I never wear a part in the middle, I'm just not a middle part person, but it's always good to switch up. I guess this is how the other side looks. One thing I don't like about this hair you're gon na have to put some like oil sheen. Some kind of gloss spray because it gets tangled quick, so you're gon na, have to be pretty much bringing your hair with some kind of oil. So I won't tangle up as much. I didn't have time to because I just rushed out, but this is how it looks it's pretty I like it. That'S how lace looks okay,

coolberry35: This unit and the colour looks real pretty on you

GreatestXchange: I watched this video yesterday, but I'm coming back to say: "That glue don't play!"

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