$17.99 Wig | Outre Wig Converti-Cap Curvy Addiction

Outre Wig Converti-Cap Curvy Addiction

She is caaaayuuute


INSTAGRAM: @practice.pretty

#lacefront #wigreview #naturalwig #syntheticwig

Welcome back to my channel, thank you. So much for tuning in my name is laura. If you are new to this channel, i do wig reviews every week and i have a ton of wig reviews coming up. I recently went crazy on with types.com and i purchased a lot of wigs. So if you're interested in wig reviews please stay tuned, i do have a series coming up for the following weeks. So today we are going to review curvy addiction. I got curvy addiction at my local beauty, supply store and she's in the number two. I think i tried to get curvy addiction on weektops.com, but she it was either she was sold out. Something happened. I went to my local beauty supply store and i saw her and i was super super happy and i grabbed her. So, let's just jump straight into it. Curvy addiction is by the brand andre i've been i've honestly been wearing sensational, half wigs. I love sensational um. I'Ve been wearing i've been wearing sensational for the past few weeks. If you, if you watch some of my other videos, this is my um. I think second review from audrey and she's gorgeous. So i'm just going to give you a couple of specs on this wig. She does have three combs in the front one two and three, and then she has like this adjustable strap in the back and she's very light, she's very, very light, and she comes in this natural um yaki texture, which i adore mostly all of my half, wigs Or wigs that i do get are in the yankee color because yaki texture, because it matches my own hair texture. So i'm going to pop her on, let's see and i'm for the purposes of this video, i'm going to wear her with leave out. But i do have my some of my hair parted in the front and um. It does say on this car that she can be worn in a ponytail as well. If you can see that, let's pop her on okay instantly, she is big head friendly. My hand is pretty big and i'm just gon na adjust the combs on my head she's. Definitely big, hair friendly. Definitely definitely now, as you can see, she's she's she's pretty and i love the curls. It'S like a curl, slash, wave pattern and i'm just gon na comb, my hair into the wig she's cute she's, giving me like bombshell, vibes for real pharrell and i just added a little bit of um edge control at edge control on my um edges. So yeah, usually when i wear half wigs, i like that tousled over to the side. Look, i think. That'S that looks really natural, but she is fab and i'm just gon na pull all of the hair up front. So you guys can see so she looks like she's, either an 18 inch or a 20 inch, which is perfect for every day. I, like her she's super light, she's curly. She has waves, she's full, it's not too full where it's kind of overbearing, it's still summer. So i'm definitely gon na wear her out this summer, yeah very cute, very, very sexy too. What do you guys think? Do you like her? This is curvy addiction, i'm gon na. Have it how it's parted, how she's wearing it in the car. I think she's really really cute. I love her. I'M gon na wear her out and if you like this video, please like give it a thumbs up comment down below what wigs are you currently like eyeing um? Would you want me to review a favorite wig of yours? Please leave it down in the comment section below and please stay tuned. I have a ton of weeks that i am going to review. Please please be stay tuned and subscribe, and i want to say thank you so much for tuning in bye. For now and oh, i do upload every tuesday, thursday and sunday so be on the lookout bye for now.

Chanell Pate: Thank you for this review. Came from Sam's Beauty. You convinced me to get the wig.

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