Outre Naomi Half Wig Review

Outre Quick Weave Naomi Half Wig Review

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Hey everyone: this is kim and i'm back with another hair, uh wig review this one's gon na be on a half wig. It is called the naomi and it is here. It is right here and i'm gon na take it out the packaging for you um. It'S the ultra quick weave, naomi self, styled in 60 seconds and a color 1b, and now i'm going to like cut the tag this time and i'm not going to cut my finger so because, ever since i cut my fingers in the last hair video, i did. I kind of moved my fingers out the way now when i'm cutting anything, because that was just a freaky experience so hold on get my scissors here. Yeah like i'm, holding like really far away - and this is what it looks like here. It is right here the naomi in a 1b, and it shows you how to style it and wear it, but i've been wearing it, those for so long. You know, i don't need that. Let'S see here - and this is for those of wondering what my natural hair looks like this - is my natural hair. This is the length of my hair and it's pretty long, so i do have hair of my own, but you know i love weaves and wigs and hair pieces and stuff. You know, even though i could style my own hair out but anyway. So when we're doing a half wig, what i do is i take out just a little bit up here and over the years i've had like a little bit of thinning in here, so it just depends um on what i end up doing, but i just take A regular comb like this and i section off - i start parting it and i'll section off and i'll pull some of my hair back. I don't really pull too much out right here and i might go back just a little further and i'll do that for both sides and make another part straight across, not the best parting. But let's see i can get it here. Okay, so now i have that taken care of, and i've sectioned off as much as i want to take out. I think, let's see, take out maybe a little bit more okay and i have all that taken out a little bit more down the sides. Maybe i will take out some okay, so this is about as much as i'm gon na leave out. I'M gon na take my hair brush and pull the rest back into a nice low ponytail with my little rubber band here, i'm gon na put it like that. So now my hair is in a nice ponytail here and i have like all these different color little hair caps. I have the black one. I have a light one. This one came with a wig. I don't know what was going on with that. That one came with a wig and then i have this light one so, but for this i'm going to use the black one, usually i might put a a bobby pin at the top. Sometimes i don't sometimes i do it just depends. It'S nice, when you can find sometimes with the hair pieces. They come with, like these mini bobby pins and they're helpful for that they're very helpful for that i'm just going to put the wig cap on like so so that's secure! That'S holding my hair down! Now. It'S time to get miss naomi out. This is the hair, it has a comb in the front and in the back, which i'll show you this is it here, there's a comb at the top, and this is the webbing in the cap like most wigs, and it has the one at the bottom and It has these adjustable straps that you can loop into like these little holes here. Maybe yeah see that and i'll just attach those to like about the second whole space in the second loop, on both sides of the wig and get the rest of the hair net off and the other part of the tag. Okay and it's fairly curly. It'S very curly right now. Um has like straightness right here, but very curly uh, very shiny, um curls. I don't know very, like wiggy. Looking anyway, take the wig here and i'll put the comb in like so make sure this is pulled out enough and i will fit the comb in the back. Okay, then i will take with my brush. I will brush the hair over it and since it's straight at the top, that's fine - and this is what miss naomi looks like on me and it covers see how my hair is covering it very well and that's cute um, my trusty brush here. I don't know if i want to brush too much, because i don't see where this says whether or not it is heat resistant, the naomi it's, the naomi is not a futura fiber resistant heat resistant, hair products so can add heat to this hair piece, and i Don'T know about too many hair pieces that actually have it i'm just going to brush the curls gently and kind of finger curl them the way. I want them to look because they they're kind of separated to the point where they look like fake, and you know i don't have a problem with people having fake hair. You know whatever it's like: hair accessories, wigs and hair pieces and extensions and clip bands and tape ends and they're, all just accessories for your hair. You have earrings you like to make up your face. All that is just like another accessory, so i don't feel and everybody wears it. Every race of women wears fake hair. Just about you know. So it's not like an african-american thing. Okay, because you know white girls, do it too hispanic girls? Do it too everybody does it we all we all do it. We all do it cause it's so much fun and it's very soft hair. Let'S see if i zoom out just a little bit now: that's zooming in uh, it's long, it's long and see the difference when i brush it out on this side. What i made it look like versus you know this looking really like wiggy on this side so, and that means to the back it's pretty long down to the back too um, because it'll stretch right down to my butt. Oh, i should say my dairy, i shouldn't say, but huh that's kind of crude. Maybe i guess, but i think it's nice, it's it's something to wear doing. It fits very well on my head. I don't have any other pins in my hair. I don't think i need any other pins in my hair, i'm just always so scared when the hair is like this soft, how it's going to look, because i just think that get this adjusted right. I just think that um, it's gon na go, the curls are not gon na last. Very long is what i'm thinking and definitely you want. You pay the money, even though this was like about 17.99, and i think i got it from black hair sprays. That'S usually where i buy mostly everything: they usually have everything in stock, all the colors that you need um and i'm a 1b kind of girl. I do like the other colored hair, but unless i get like a full cap wig and do that - i don't know, but i i i want to try some more blondes and some reds, but just not sure of what i want to do just yet. So i just curled that around my finger and there's some more curls in the back i want to get to, and you always want to use like a big paddle brush like this, and i like it better when the curls are kind of together. Instead of the way they were, as they came out of the packaging, you do have to work with your wigs sometime and your hair pieces like that, but um, it's cute, something for like a date night out or something or it's definitely glamorous type hair. If you want to kind of show off, it's definitely that kind of hair. You want to be seen. You want to put on your nice little maxi dress with summer or something cocktail dress going out, and you definitely want to get noticed. They will notice you and they will notice this beautiful hair piece that you have. So i like this. Why does the phone always want to ring as soon as i do a video every time? Oh now, one thing that you can do um now that i've taken care of that phone situation. Okay, um they're, always supposed to bring when i'm doing the video is now we want to get to where we're going to style it. So i've adjusted the camera a little bit, so you can see the top of my hair and what i'm doing, and sometimes i'm looking at the viewfinder just to see what i'm doing then, i'm looking at my mirror on this side here but um. I, like the curls, very sexy one of the things that i like to do sometimes with my hair that, because i used to have really long hair, then i didn't take care of it. Those people that know that i had long hair. You know some people, they just never know it's not my hair, because i think because, between the grade of my hair and the synthetic fibers of the hair, the silkiness, you know people believe like it's really like my hair, and i saw that you know sometimes. I said what i did my hair. You know, i don't really care, however um. That'S if i decide you know to let the secret be known um i like to take my hair. That'S why i take some out on the sides and what i do is i'll. Take it and i like pull it back, so it looks like this. So when i want it off of my face, i can do that and um i'll take a clipper, so i don't have any clips with me. I should have brought my clips, but i will put it up so then it'll look something like this and also you could take it and you could. Maybe you know um if you took a little bit of hair out from the back as well like take all of this out right here. You could also take more if you wanted to and um, because it's showing right now behind my ear, but you can take it and you can pin it over to the side and have your hair like this. That'S another option that you can do and you can also do a low, a low ponytail in the back. So it's a lot of things you can do with the half wigs if you have a decent amount of hair in the front that you can cover up and pull it up, pull it back and do certain things with, and that's one of the things like i Mean this one right here, like the little poof, the little poufon thing. I don't know what you really call it it's one of my favorite things that i like to do with the hair, or else you know you could take just a little bit right here and put like those little baby clips put a little baby. Clip right here. Have some coming down and it's really cute very girly fun um little look here if you just put like a little bit so it'll look like that, so those are some other things that you can do with the hair when you're doing half wigs that i do Like about the half wig, i'm a big fan of half wigs, more than front lace, wigs and full cap. Wigs and such i really do like the half wigs. I have a lot of half wigs and stuff like that, even more so than um ponytails too. So this is what you can do, some alternatives, i'm playing with the hair, because it's really soft, i really like the feel of it. It is soft, but it's not too soft, like some of the other wigs. I review that are just too soft, where the curl is just going to go so anyway, um yeah, yeah yeah, that's pretty good! This is pretty good. This i'm gon na get somewhere out of i hope before the end of this summer, because i have some things going on the only thing about it that i want to say on this side. It like. Has this funky straight straightness going? I don't know it's. I don't know why it has that, because this side doesn't have it oops lost my earring this side. This side really doesn't have that. I don't know, what's going on with this side, why? It has this, because that's not my hair and it's not. On the other side, like that, so i don't know it's almost like: they accidentally cut it wrong on the machine or something when they were making this so um anyway. Put my ring back on. Don'T want to look tacky on youtube uh, but these are just some options that i was thinking to show you how you can possibly style. That piece here is driving me crazy, that you can style your wigs with when you get the half pieces and brush over. Do your little comb over and you know just work it girl. Do some pinups get some fun little funky bows and clips the headbands they're a lot cooler than now than they were back in like the 70s and 80s, where they were just. They were just not looking cool, but now they got these really cute fun ones and crystals, and the two bands and all these nice little things. So i think you'll like this one. If you decide to try it out, let me know um i like the wig, the half wig, i should say, and it's real pretty. I think it's gon na look really nice going out it's comfortable in my head, it's and it's adjustable. So it's not giving me a headache, and i really ever get a headache if anything from wearing the half pieces is that um? I think somewhat. That might be why it kind of thin, sometimes around the top. So be careful about that and also i might get a little bit sore right here from wearing it for a long time. So that's just one of the things to think of when you do the half wigs, but i like the wig again. This is, let me get the card. This is the ultra quick, weave, naomi and a1b. So thank you for watching. If you have this um, let me know how you like it: if you're going to get it, then um come back and let me know how well you like it, because it is pretty long um, it's about it's about 20 to 24 inches long yeah. If i pull it completely straight and it's already like back up off my head, i would say it's about 22 to 24 inches long. So if you want to cut it um you can, and i would suggest razor cutting it, but don't do blunt cuts because then it's going to lose the natural shape and look of how a natural curl probably would be. You don't want just like blood straight cuts. So anyway, thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video

Keshia K: Your real hair is so long and beautiful already! You're so lucky, girl! Great reveiw, too by the way! :)

Tiffany: I like it! It looks very natural.

Patricia Smith: You're right, every race does wear some sort of hair extensions.....I have long hair too, but I love the volume that comes from added hair!  Great video btw :)

Munica Green: Hello I love your tutorial; I purchased this wig for my wedding however am new to styling...any suggestions on how I can/should style it swept to the side for my wedding? Thanks for any help u can give...

Steph V.: Thanks so much! :) and right u r Hispanic girls do it too lol I really want fusion hair extensions bt too expensive at th moment so I've been into half wigs. Due to my health and medication I take I've lost my waist length hair and now it's like Emma watson's hair. And it doesn't grow out th same, so I've been getting into wigs lately. I recently found out about the outré half wig line and couldn't decide between Naomi, or Lilly.

Golden Heart: I think that the half wigs are the best thing that happened for me.

Steph V.: And u answered a lot of my questions about Naomi, if she was heat resistant or not and how to apply it. Thanks!

MsWonderwoman78: i like that i can style this wig many ways.

The universe Is with me: it looks pretty good on you......... i bought me one but am just not used to wear wigs so i feel weird... i might wear it one day when i go clubing or something..... i really like it ......

mzsarasarasara: U are sooo pretty

snickerdoodles787: too thin

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