Happy New Year **Sunber Hair Review**

Use My Special Code to get EXTRA 16% OFF: OFF16

●▬▬▬▬▬♛ #SUNBERHAIR♛ ▬▬▬▬▬●

♛All Wigs can be paid in 4 installments interest-free, buy now, pay later!

I’m wearing A #HDlace #BodyWave Wig In This Video ➤ https://bit.ly/3naXmJb

Hair Info: 24 inches, 13*4 lace front, 180% density

Hot And Pupular #vpart Natural Color Body Wave Wig ➤ https://bit.ly/33j0qf2

☆Super Natural #Upart Kinky Straight Wig ➤ https://bit.ly/3HLtiM7

Invisible 13*4/13*6/5*5 HD Lace Front Wigs ➤ https://bit.ly/3nb09SB

☆Super Affordable Headband Body Wave Wig ➤ https://bit.ly/3zNm47G

https://www.sunberhair.com/ ➤ Hot-sale wigs: https://bit.ly/3zELR1C

Top Selling In Sunber Hair ➤ https://bit.ly/3JSxziE

☆Gorgeous Ginger Orange Body Wave Wig For Fall&Winter ➤ https://bit.ly/34A3mVu

Best selling on Aliexpress store➤ http://bit.ly/3tgr7Jh

Amazon Sunber Hair➤ https://amzn.to/2NJtuAc

Social Media:

SunberHair YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/3cB8r0d

SunberHair Instagram: @sunberhair: http://bit.ly/30lZfp8

@sunberhair_aliexpress: http://bit.ly/2YgYnnV


Happy new year guys and welcome back to my channel and before you start, i know you guys called me a deadbeat youtuber on live and i'm a debbie, okay i'll, take it, but just know in 2022 that we are going to come back so beautifully that you Guys are going to love it. The transition is not going to be what you guys want, probably, but it's going to be a beautiful transition, because in 2022 my life is just a lot different than before. My attitude is different than before, so just know that when i come back and make my comeback, it is going to be very, very beautiful, like my intro alone is gon na be so beautiful y'all are gon na die, but anyway, that's not what we're here to Talk about today because can y'all believe that i'm wearing a wig. Yes, this is a wig, not in the it is a lace front week, but i don't have it on you're gon na have to watch the rest of the video to figure it out, but i have on a 24 inch, 13x4 full lace wig from sunbur hair. It is so beautiful guys it came body wave and i added these curls and they look so beautiful. So if you want to see more about this beautiful hair and how i got to this from this, then keep watching all right. So, keep in mind that i am not a professional at putting wigs on this is just how i do it it's what works. For me, i've never been good at the glue method. I don't know the girls who can do it are like have some type of superpowers, because every time it never fails. When i try to glue my hair down with got to be with lace glue, no matter what it is, it always gets super white here and it never sticks. So i'm kind of find that inevitable, but just like when i get professional installs, my bloom never stays all my stylists hate putting wigs on me because they're they feel so defeated when it lifts back up and i always tell them like it's, not your fault. It'S not you it's me, but so this is how the hair came. It'S sunburnt hair. I will put their youtube instagram and facebook right here, for you guys and when you open it up, the hair actually came in like a plastic bag. Of course, you know how hair comes with like the net, the black netting around it and in a bag just to keep it protected during travel, but i already took it out and i put in this super cute pouch that it came with. So i love the presentation so far. I have a bag for my weeks ago in it also came with um, i'm, assuming that this is to put around when you glue your hair down, i thought it was like something to tighten. You know how sometimes it comes with the band: it's not. They give you one a wrap for your baby hairs and stuff. So that's really good. It comes also comes with the wig cap, a pair of lashes, and they sent me this really cute little necklace in the package too. It'S a little angel so cute. So i love that, but yeah, that's how it comes. The pink packaging is so cute, so girly and then the wig is inside this bag. So let's get started. Okay: first, i want to say that the wig is really beautiful, like just look at that y'all, it's extremely dense and that's really really rare, and not this in the bad way, because i know this can be taken the wrong way when it comes to hair. But just look at how full this is like. There'S no holes, you can't see through the light all in the wig like it's nice, it's full and it's really beautiful and bouncy smells really good. It doesn't smell like just nasty processed hair. It comes with baby hairs. It'S it's pretty plugged. I will say that the hairline is not as natural as i would wear it and i actually don't know how to plug. So this would be interesting. I'M scared. So it's extremely beautiful. It is a 13x4 lace front wig. The texture is body wave and it's 24 inches and to me already, it looks pretty true to length y'all. It really is just like so beautiful. So let's get started so we can get pretty. I have this makeup on and i'm like, i need my hair done. I'Ve been looking crazy for the past few weeks, so i am going to take my two little piggies that i have back here. I'M like dying to cut my hair back into a bob, but sorry i'm like dying to cut my hair back into a ball because it's like getting so long. I don't know what's wrong with me and my hair. It'S like i, like my real hair to be short and my weaves to be long. I don't know, but at this point i've cut four bobs this year and it's just getting ridiculous. So i'm going to stop now but ignore these little pieces. If you have these, if you have longer hair and you have those - i don't even know what to tell you to do with them, because i don't know but um yeah just find a way to like tuck them. I'M sure you can tuck it back or maybe even wrap it more than once so this is gon na, be the important parts these clips this and also this tightening band on the inside. This is going to give you like that really flawless glueless install that you want and, like i said this is not your traditional clueless install normally. I would sew my wig down, but we're not going to do that today, but it's still gon na look good. So the first thing we're gon na do is put it on, so i could see how much lace i want to cut off, because i have a bad habit of cutting too much legs off. So this is why i braided my hair this way, because this is going to be important for holding it down. The clips will be going in and in the back. So, let's pop it on and see what we're working with clip under there now clip under there and we're going to do a clip in the back. Okay, we're doing something we're cooking with fire. This is actually like, really pretty uh. This looks funny and you know, like i dyed my hair lighter, so i mean not too much lighter, but i have like brown hair now, instead of black hair, i didn't even dye it. I just did like a color remover, so seeing myself with the dark hair. Again is like always like, oh so, i'm going to brush these baby hairs back really quickly y'all. This wig is so soft, like it really is as soft as it looks, and i love that it's like not much needs to be done with it like. I can honestly put a little bit of water on this and oil and like have it looking bomb, so we're gon na cut this lace back to where i want it without cutting too much of the baby hairs off. You know be crazy because i didn't um gel down my baby hairs if i just got the most by accident, what a way to start the new year bald, okay, we're doing it, we're doing it, no more lace. It looks so much better already like look at that. I am going to like attempt to pluck it a little bit. I'M not. I actually like, and my hairstylist does to like when the wigs come like unplugged like this, like with thick hair lines, because then it gives you, you know, gives you the option to make it look how you want, sometimes when they come pre-plucked they're, like a little Too plugged or just not good, so this is like what my hairstylist prefers, how she prefers my wigs to come. This is like just i just want y'all to look at this already. That'S what i would probably look like well tighter curls, if i actually wore i almost knocked the box over, if i actually wore my curly hair out but, like you know, more little orphan annie, but this is pretty. Maybe i should like put it all the way on and have like a big hair moment. I feel like. I never do like big big hair like it's really cute and for some reason i, like it better the other way, and i never wear my parts on this side so yeah. This is cute. I'M feeling this we might have to just like sew this down really quickly. Okay, so we're gon na. Pluck it a little bit well we're gon na attempt to pluck it a little bit because, like i said, i'm not a professional, but i don't you know. I want you guys to like get the full effect of the wig, so let me plug it and we'll see what we're working with i forgot, but you see how like um. So i know what i did learn is that you don't pluck from the front you pluck from behind word to wise we're also gon na um. Well, let's focus on the plugin first and then we'll focus on okay. So this is as good as it's gon na get, because i have no idea what i'm doing, but what i am gon na do, because the knots are dark and i don't want to bleach the knots because every time i bleach knots on my own wigs, the Roots are like no, it's bad every time like the roots of the hair and like pretty high up ends up like all died. So i've learned my lesson, but i'm gon na take this powder. I have, and i'm gon na get these knots and hopefully like because i'm not a professional plucker um. This will make it look a little a little better when i place it on and like finesse it. I also have my hot comb plugged in so i can like pick a you know, get it laying down all cute, because we want to look cute. That looks so good already. Do you see the difference like look at the difference from well this side to like there? That'S the only difference, you're gon na get, but it that that definitely helps because i suck at plucking it's not even that i'm bad at it. I just don't have the patience for it like when i realized how long hairstylists really sit and like pluck a wig. I commend them because i'm thinking one day like when my hairstylist was like oh yeah, i'll, pluck the wig bring it to me. First, i didn't bring it to her first, i came for like same day appointment and she was like girl. I can't pluck this the same day like it takes hours so good job. I see why lace fronts are honestly so expensive, because no, no, no, no! No plucking for hours my attention span like wouldn't even allow that to be possible. Okay, so now that we have some color to it, we're going to pop it back on again same way. We did the first time clip clip and heat it up, and you know what i think i'm actually going to do. I'M going to do my method that you guys love we're going to switch this up a second because we're doing like um a natural look. We'Re gon na! Do the method that i've showed you guys before with wigs, where i use my natural hairline and cover everything with my natural hairline just because um i'm not good at you know i want to do the wig justice and you guys not be distracted by the fact That i suck at this at wigs. So that's what we're going to do, but let's see where we want to part it first here like right there. That should be good right. There yeah that's cute, okay, i'm gon na like get it all together and then i'll be back. Now that i have my natural hair dry from all the gel that i just used, and i just secured it a little bit more to make sure you can't see anything because we can't be embarrassed. I'M going to take my wand curl because, like i told you, i like the way the body wave that it is, but you know pulling on and brushing on it. It gets a little all over the place. So i'm basically just going to revamp the curls that it had and make it bigger and better. I tested to see if it was hot and it was so now we'll get to see like how it curls how the curls hold. So i'm super excited. Let'S get it done so, okay, first of all, i'm super impressed by this week y'all like look how good it curled the curls are beautiful. It looks back like body weight. Just you know neater, because i brushed them all out, but this looks so good yeah this. This is gon na, be here for a while, because it's so convenient it's so easy. Only a little bit of my hair is out. Look these curls, don't have any oil on them. There'S no spray on them. No anything! I don't think you guys can see. Just like how beautiful they really are, my my natural hair is dropping and the curls are holding, i haven't, even sprayed them with spritz or any type of holding spray, and the hair is just beautiful 100. I am impressed i'm in love here so make sure you guys check them out, i'm going to put them throughout the video, i'm also going to have them in the description box and i'll. Take some pictures too and put them on my instagram, because i feel like i look really cute until next time. Guys

Ruby Kelly: Hey Seven you’re a mother and very gracious to even give us videos at all. I’m retired and happy and grateful for whatever you post. Happy New Year sweetheart, keep being you

Olivia Luke: Hey seven, you ever thought about doing a pixie hair style? or trying short hair? short hair would look good on you as well ;) happy blessed new year to you and your love ones.

its_big_L: Glad to see youre back! Just wanted to say alway feel free to take time/breaks whenever you need. YouTube is a job and you're very much entitled to your breaks like at any other job. Much to you and your fams!

Jemima Jean-Charles: Heyy love, we missed you. Glad to know you’re back ❤️

Natashia Peavy: Yay! Glad your back :) Hope u and the family are doing well . Happy new year to u all stay blessed . Love you

Iris Otero: You’ve been missed Hope you and, Syx are well. HAPPY NEW YEAR ❤️

John ratchford III: Happy New Year!!! I enjoy your videos. You have really matured ( not that you wasn't before) right before our eyes. You're not a deadbeat youtubee...you have responsibilities

Jo Ann Lawery: Happy New Year to you and my great great nephew. Please don't rush going back to YouTube. Take your time, we still love your videos. (Cut out the pranks though, js) Great meeting you over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Andy Baros: Hopefully your consistent this yearyou were doing so good when you started off

Nadiah G: Welcome back Seven!! Happy new year

Errica Herring: Happy New Year to you and you did a great job

Melanin Body: Was just asking myself where you at today!! Good to see you in Good spirits! Happy new year and all the Best to you and your Love ones! Love From Montreal, Canada

Asia Loveee: Sevennnnnnn we miss you hey girl ! Ya look good !

Jayla Thomas: I missed you Seven, your youtube videos are a banger !!

Hannah Wheeler: I saw you on Baddies ATL. I don't usually watch shows like that, but for some reason, I got sucked into that one. You were my favorite one on there. You are just so graceful and beautiful!!! I am so happy I found you on YouTube!

ray settles: seven i love you happy new year to you and your beautiful family.

Asia Hernaiz: If you’re not passionate about it then don’t do it ❤️ you’ll always be on and off YouTube if you’re not passionate about it. To stay consistent you HAVE to literally love doing this

Paris: Happy New Year! To You & Your Family I missed you ❤

Kissy Kay Vlogs: Seveeeeeennnnn ! Where YOU been sis? LOL & this hair is LIFE !

Maketta Price-Hinson: Happy New Years Seven and Family

Pamela Ison: Please don't cut your hair, I am living vicariously through your tresses.

Sunber Virgin Hair: Happy new year, dear seven Thanks for your gorgeous sharing

Niokia Johnson: Do not quit I recently found your channel.

Jessieca Turner: Omg I missed youuuu I’ve been old videos over and over again for advice ❤️❤️❤️

Tee Green: You are absolutely gorgeous

Tracy Mcswain: Happy New Year to Seven craft

Kyara Rodriguez: Been checking ur account for uploads. Glad to see u back

Brooklyn Lineback: I love you sm happy new year ❤️

PEACHES ***: HAPPY Holidays/NEW Year's ✌

NIA NATION: ‍‍ It came out perfecttt

london knight: Happy New year mi lady and welcome back

NIA NATION: When you wear a wig does it feel like you have something sitting on top of your hair ? If that makes sense lol

GildedWarrior331: Damn ya hair look amazing

Janecia Lewis: Omggg. I've Missed YouYou Look So Good

Lynda Marie: Finallllyyyyyy your back

CoCo Babe: Happy new year Sev u been gone too long

Kasey McCoy: Soooooooo prettyyyyyyyyy

Miyah Kingston: Gurl we’ve been waiting on u!

XrsBeauty Hair Official: An amazing video againYou are so beautiful!

LilMonty 1738: U need to react to the DDG & Tee Tee series

ijanay douglas: Missed seeing your videos !

Ajah Chanel: We missed you

XXO Bubbles: Lmaooo much love from the Bubble Buddies and I ❌❌⭕️❤️

Alfred Hughey: Happy new year


Payton Hilbert: I miss seeing your beautiful face on YouTube!!

NIA NATION: Well well well would you look who it is lol Jp Glad you back

† TJ † -: Natural hair all 2022 seven

Persuasion Banks: I love u queen you look like Lori Harvey

Tracy Mcswain: This is a great video idea to do on **SUNBER HAIR REVIEW in this video in life right know today for us only okay

Marty Egan: missed u sevvvvvvvv

Alfred Hughey: Hi seven

thetruth167: ❤

Heim Turney: You and ddg in love I still believe it man

mia: sevennn

Jason Espino: the bad bih

Mid Michigan EMD Railfan.: Cool video.

cooljtoosaucy 89: God Loves You Remember That ✝️❤️

Akirw miura: We missed you

TEE LUV: You are so beautiful

Ywsn Gang: Sheesh

Isaiah Scott: I missed you

I’m Just Here: Not a dead beat YouTuber

Shivedah Moore: Wow I thought about you the other day like where is she

Marie Carstarphen: I actually wanna cuss you out cause WHERE YOU BEEN SIS?

Genesis Santiago: We misssed u

kenyon killer: Hi seven

Cathy Ivy: I’m mad at you rn


BLUE IVY: Duh I can tell it’s a wig u sound goofy bruh smh

Dwayne Parsons: Hey

Binance soft: Last

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