Staying Comfortable in Your Wigs This Summer

  • Staying Comfortable in Your Wig This Summer

As the hottest season of the year in the United States, many men and women who wear wigs and hairpieces may find it the most uncomfortable to look their best. With many restrictions indoors, people are also spending more time outdoors than ever, adding to the heat exposure. The heat can tend to make the head sweaty and itchy under the wig cap. Comfortable Wigs can prevent cause that wig wearers to be the most uncomfortable when they should be feeling great in their beautiful wig.

Here are several tips to help you wear Comfortable Wigs this summer.

Choose the Right Cap

The right wig cap can make all the difference. A traditional capless wig provides superior ventilation, allowing the scalp to get more air and stay cooler in warmer weather conditions. They’re also very durable, making them a great investment. Monofilament Caps or mono top wigs are other smart choices for the summer months. These aren’t quite as breathable as the capless options, but do offer supreme comfort and some ventilation. Take a look at our wig cap construction manual for more information.

Consider Lightening The Color

Dark colors attract heat, so wearing a dark wig will likely have the sun’s rays heavily focused on your wig. If you can opt for a lighter color for the summer to help deflect the sun. You can have fun changing up your style for a few months, and enjoy being outside in your wig a little more.

Go for Short

Short Wigs are a great option for summer because they keep the hair off of your back and neck, even if you just go a little shorter than usual, it will reduce the weight your head bears and will have less length laying on your body. If you’re opposed to a short wig, wearing it up or pulled back is another great option.

Consider Synthetic

Synthetic wigs tend to be lighter and airier than human hair wigs. Synthetic wigs are typically a little thinner than human hair, and lighter as well. The great thing is, they’re also affordable, making them a great investment to wear temporarily then place aside for future summers.

Wear in Short Spurts

Try to plan our outdoor activities in shorter spurts so that you’re not in the heat for extended periods of time. This will also help your wig hold its style too. There are plenty of fun things to do outside, but planning them in shorter increments where you can head indoors to cool off or even remove your wig for a short period of time is always an option.

Get the Right Accessories

Top wig makers like Jon Renau, offer stop sweat liners to help keep the sweat off your neck and forehead. Are great options to help keep things cool and dry.

Don’t be afraid to live life and enjoy the summer in your beautiful wig! There are many options to help you stay cool and keep enjoying the season.

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