How to Make a U-Part Wig

  • Posted on 29 November, 2018
  • Hot Topic
  • By Julia Smith

Besides the common wig units like full lace wigs, lace front wigs, 360 lace wigs, there are also other wig types become more and more popular these years, u-part wigs help you have a foothold on the wig circle. Today I'll talk more about what is u-part wigs and guide on how to make a u-part wig.

What's U-Part Wigs

U-part wig is a wig with a u-shaped hole in the front, the hole allows you to put some of your own hair to help the more natural hairline. The u-shaped hole can on the middle, left, or right according to your habit.

You could buy a u-part wig from a reputable wig store, however, the size for the u-shaped hole which you want maybe need to customize, so make a personal u-part wig is the better choice, and making a personal wig unit helps you know more about the u-part wigs. Maybe the process is difficult and time-consuming, but the result worth your effort.

How to Make a U-Part Wig

Step 1: Prepare the hair and tools

Before you start making the u-part wig at home, you would need to prepare the following things: 2-4 hair bundles from Bejoy Hair Wigs according to the length and the hair density you want, a wig cap(a u-part wig cap also workable), a styrofoam wig head, pins, hair clips or combs for the wig, needle and thread(the thread should match the cap color), scissors, hair glue and glue gun.

Please knot that if you choose the u-part wig cap, it's like pre-made u-part wigs, you can't choose the u-shaped size.

Step 2: Braid Hair Pattern

Like installing sew-in weave, u-part wigs also need to braid pattern.

a. Brush your hair and apply some hair cream and hair oil that you use in your daily life.

b. Decide where your braid pattern part, middle part, left side, right side, all available. And I recommend 2 section with the braid pattern in order to add the clips or combs to the wig.

c. Be sure you have leave out enough hair for the u-part unit, and braid each of the section. And for the rest hair, you could braid it to the back and pin it. Please knot the leave out hair has a bearing on the u-shaped hole’s size.

Step 3: Sewing the Hair Bundles  

Now the preparing work - braid pattern is finished, it's is ready to sew in the hair bundles onto the wig cap.

a. Measure the length of your leave out.

b. Pin the wig cap to the styrofoam wig head, and draw a u-shaped pattern on the wig cap. Please knot the pattern you drown is according to the date that you have measured. And if you want to do a side part u-shaped, make sure that the pattern you drown is the correct side on the wig cap.

c. Use the hair needle and thread sew the hair weft to the wig cap. The first weft needs to go from ear to ear and along the top edge of the wig, so you could turn the wig cap inside out at first, then sew the hair weft. And at the edge, it's better to loop the thread around the needle twice and create a knot, this work helps the weft fix on the wig cap firm.

d. Continue sewing the hair weft. Before the continue sewing, you need to flip the wig cap over if you have turn the inside out when you sew the first weft. When you reach the other side of the cap, you could cut the weft and sew next side.

e. Sewing the other side until the two sides close together, then stop the sewing and cut the u-shape according to the pattern you drown.

Remarks: If you think the sewing is time-consuming, you could glue the hair onto the wig cap like a quick sew-in weave.

Step 4: Add Clips or Combs onto the Wig

In order to let the wig more match your head, you could add 4 clips or combs on the top, back, left side and right side on your wig, they help adjust the cap size.

Step 5: Style the Wig

At this step, you could style your wig to your favorite style, straight, wavy, curly, anything you can do with your own wig.

Now your personal u-part wig has finished, you could install it on your head and put your leave out hair down. The leave out hair fit the u-shaped hole perfect!

Are you interested in making a u-part wig by yourself after reading the blog? I'm sure you would very happy and think everything is worth when you see your result.

Bejoy Hair Wigs is the best online wig store for human hair wigs, real hair wigs for black women. Welcome to Bejoy Hair Wigs.

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