Wigs 101: Caring for Your Human Hair Wig Correctly

  • Posted on 05 March, 2016
  • Hot Topic
  • By admin

Wigs are great for any number of occasions and can help people who suffer from hair loss overcome confidence issues. A good human hair wig requires you to give back the same loving it gives you. From care to wear, every wig is a little different. 

You’ve just fallen in love with a sensational human hair wig. The assistant in the wig shop helps you try it on. It’s a perfect fit, a wig that can be styled any way you like, lush and full-bodied but light on the head. It’s your first wig so you’re very eager to get home and show it off to family and friends.

It was so easy at the wig shop. How does it work? Oh no, not that way, you’ll stretch the weft and ruin the elasticity that held it in place.

Wigs are great for any number of occasions and can help people who suffer from hair loss overcome confidence issues. A good human hair wig requires you to give back the same loving it gives you. From care to wear, every wig is a little different. Here are the steps to putting on a wig right, especially if it’s your first time.

1. Breaking in your wig

Just like a nice pair of shoes, a wig might feel uncomfortable the first time you try it on, don’t be too worried though, wigs need to be worn in a little to conform to the shape of head.

2. One wig size stretches to fit all

Synthetic hair wigs come in one size that’s adjustable with straps on the inside of the cap. Mist your wig and pin it to a larger head form to stretch it out a little.

3. Wig measurements made in store

Human hair wigs are carefully made to measure on purchase.

4. Fluff your wig up

Gently scruff your wig hairs up a little before wearing for a more natural look

5. Fishnets for fishing out the bumps

If you’re wearing a wig over your natural hair you’ll need to have a way of holding your hair in place before applying the wig. Fishnets work great for containing hair, no need for scissors!

6. Finally…

Putting on the wig is the easy part. Aline the cap over your natural hairline and pull back over the back of your head. If you need help, there are a number of great videos you’ll find along with useful demonstrations.

If it’s your first time applying a wig go slow. Everything takes practice and you’ll soon get used to putting it on as if it were a natural extension of your body.

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