Ladies Wigs – The Choice Between Human And Synthetic Hair

  • Posted on 28 March, 2019
  • Hot Topic
  • By Stuart Cullip

Hair loss can be traumatic. Often a full head of hair is seen as a sign of health, vitality and confidence. Given society’s views, it is therefore wholly understandable that the loss of some, or all of your hair can be a difficult time. Regardless of the reason behind the loss, be it your health, treatment or simply age, you may want to act to minimise the impact that you feel.

Planning for hair loss and acting quickly once you recognise the symptoms, or become aware of the likelihood is always a positive step. It is less impactful and upsetting to begin the process before your hair loss is complete, both in terms of getting the right product and minimising the negativity.

Planning ahead can make you feel much more in control, and ready for hair loss and can greatly reduce the traumatic experience itself. Deciding on the right wig is itself a lengthy process, so the sooner you start the better. The fact that there are so many choices should however be seen as reassuring. Styles, colours and even hair type can vary greatly, and so you’ll have many to choose from, including what will be the perfect one for you.

First Steps

The first actions may be taking a photograph of your preferred hairstyle, and keeping a lock of hair so that the same can be colour matched at a later date. The sooner you act, the quicker you can start to regain that confidence in yourself and realise that, though you may feel upset at times, it is something that you can deal with – and do so in advance. You will gain strength and reassurance from your actions, realising that your positivity and enjoyable lifestyle can continue through this difficult period.

Having decided to act, you’ll need to determine a few basics, such as your head size, hair type, colour and style. Having previous photographs or undertaking research early can help you make the right decisions. You may decide on a style similar to or matching how you wear your hair now, or you may elect for a complete change – the choice is entirely yours. Style and colour etc. are down to personal taste, but one of the biggest decisions is whether or not to have human or synthetic hair as the basis of the wig. Here we’ll look at the differences and a few human hair brands to help you understand the differences and make the right choice for you.

Human Hair v Synthetic Hair

It is one of the most important choices you’ll make. Human hair is harvested and styled into a wig that will feel, look and act like your own hair. Synthetic fibres used in wigs are technologically advanced but you may believe that they do not give you that natural feel. Quality can vary in both categories, and though it is often believed that natural is best, this isn’t necessarily always correct.

Human hair wigs can be styled, textured and coloured as normal. They are also long lasting if well looked after. They do however cost more, sometimes a lot more, and they need intensive care, may fade or become fragile or damaged – just as your own hair can. Synthetic hair can be lower maintenance and cheaper, but also vary more in styles and colour. They cannot however be changed like natural hair, and so lack the versatility. You’ll need to consider questions such as budget, when you may wear the wig and how often you change your style before making your choice.

If you feel like you’d prefer the human alternative and are prepared for the maintenance, here are some of the many available brands on offer:-

Trendco Platinum Collection

Whilst perhaps not the cheapest of human hair alternatives, Trendco Gem Collection offers perfect solutions to your hair loss. You may not want, or indeed feel like waiting for a bespoke wig to be made. Perhaps you need to act quicker, or have made your decision at the last minute. Trendco offers styles of beautifully handcrafted wigs with that bespoke feel, but without any delay. Their ready to wear wigs are beautifully handcrafted from the finest hair and the perfect fit to wear straight away.

Raquel Welch

Recognised for her own beauty, Raquel Welch has brought her style and grace to a line of human hair wigs. The styles vary from short to long, but the high quality is assured across the range. So whether you’re looking for short and manageable, or prefer the impact of a full flowing head of hair, her designs will make you both look, and more important feel like you too belong front of camera.


It is a name already synonymous with fashion, make up and appearance, so you should in no way be surprised that Revlon offers a range of human hair wigs that cover most styles, lengths and colours. Whether you are looking for multiple layers, curls or versatility and high quality, knowing that the product is created by such a recognised brand should put your mind at rest. You may already be a fan of their products, so that may make the decision for you.

Of course there are many other brands available, and like with any fashion or clothing purchase it is always best to try out different styles, colours and cuts before making your final decision. Knowing the difference between synthetic and human hair will help you in your choices, but the best suggestion is of course to speak with a recognised and high quality wig provider. They’ll empathise with your situation, recognise your concerns and help you put your mind at rest. It will make what is a difficult time much easier to cope with.

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