Valentine'S Day Hairstyle: "Romantic French Twist" Part1

perfect hairstyle for Valentine's day ;-)

bye Janeli

Valentine's day Romantic french twist part1:

You you you, you you you you hi, my name is honoring and this time I'm going to show show you how to do classical French twist. There are several ways to tow the French twist, but this. What I am doing is really easy and secure way. My beautiful model Nino has dark, hair and quite waving, so I need to use hot rollers to make the curls more even and give more shine. I started with moisturizing the hair with water spray from avian. The water spray from avian is really my favorite, I'm using it a lot always before hot rollers and sometimes also in haircuts. There are also different ways to put on rollers and i am doing today classical way. I start from the front area and i take as big part, as is the roller. I am using medium sized roller, and i continue with this over the head. Don'T make the hair to moister because 20 minutes it's the time, what needs to cool down the hot rollers, but it's not enough to dry the hair. So that's why i am using really light water spray. It'S only it's like fresh, missed, come thru out the knots in the hair and use the tail comp and specially today to help all hairs over the rollers. If you just washed your hair and blow dried it, then it's no need to put extra moisturizing. If the hair is not well we're wet, then you can take also bigger parts on the back area like I do it now. How many rollers, to put it depends how thick is the hair and, of course, also? How long is the hair? The best length is medium length and I suggest to put rollers on very curly hair with uneven waves, hair and very straight hair, because it gives more flexibility, and especially the shine is better. While the rollers are cooling down, you can use the time for doing makeup or choosing the clothes for the evening after cooling down, remove the rollers, and you can see how nice shine I have no and hair is really flexible exactly what we need for this hairdo. You you, after removing rollers brush the hair through, so we have even result and now be ready for the hairdo first partings again and we do to partings. We divide the hair front area and the back area. The first parting is in front of the air over the head and ending in other side in front of the ear. Then we create a ponytail. You can do slide back comp before and give volume with the tail of your comp to the top of the head fix it with elastic. I use classical elastic with two clips. It'S my favorite to use the elastic this way. Add hairspray again I am using my favorite from DG called hard head next step is covered elastic with the little piece of hair you

schnauzer mom: Great video!  You have a beautiful accent, btw.

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