How to Find the Best Wig for You

Wigs come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. There’s something for every taste. However, that also means that you may have to do a little work to find the right fit in a style that you’ll love to wear. The first thing you should do is consider the size you’ll need. Having this information ready will make it easier when it’s time to buy your wig.

Easy Wig Sizing

There are several universal wig sizes available. It starts with child-sized wigs and goes into adult sizes, including petite, petite/average, average, average/large, and large. Most adult wearers will fall into the “average” size group.

To measure size, wrap a tape measure around your head from back to front. The tape should rest along the hairline, just above each ear, and across the nape of the neck and then come together again at the forehead. Think of it as though you were measuring the hatband for a cap.

Use the following list to determine your ideal wig size:

  • Child – 19” circumference
  • Petite – 21” circumference
  • Petite/Average – 21.5” circumference
  • Average – 22” circumference
  • Average/Large – 22.5” circumference
  • Large – 23” circumference

If this is your first time taking a wig measurement or if you are uncertain about size choices, talk to a professional. Tiffany Taylor can recommend the right size for a comfortable fit with the coverage you want.

Choosing a Wig Cap

Size isn’t the only choice you’ll have to make when you go wig shopping. There are also different types of caps to explore. You need a finished product that’s durable and comfortable. The cap is an essential component, so it must offer high quality if you want to get the most out of your beauty investment.

Before you begin browsing wigs, you should be aware of the types of caps that are available. They include:

  • Machine-made Wig Caps – This type is considered a basic wig cap. It is constructed by sewing hair onto wefts, or ribbon-like bands, with a machine. Small gaps are left between rows to allow for better airflow. This variety tends to be lighter compared to hand-tied caps. They also cost less.
  • Monofilament Wig Caps – Monofilament describes a translucent silk. It is breathable and thin. High-quality monofilament looks natural, as though the hair was growing out of the scalp. Hair is hand-tied onto monofilament caps. This allows for natural part lines and more control over style. The improved ventilation of monofilament prevents irritation, making this a popular choice for chemotherapy patients.
  • Hand Tied Wig Caps – If you want the most natural looking wigs possible, then you are likely going to need a high-end hand-tied cap. These use monofilament on top and a soft mesh material throughout. There are no wefts. This is also the softest cap choice, which is appealing for people with skin conditions and hair loss. Strands are hand sewn into the cap.
  • Lace Front Wig Caps – Lace front wig caps are constructed with a lace material. The hairs are hand-tied on. Fine density is used at the front with hair becoming fuller toward the back. This is done intentionally to create a natural hairline. Some are ready-to-wear while others have extra lace in front with no hair attached. This can be trimmed to match the wearer’s hairline. Lace front wigs should be handled with care because the lace is more delicate compared to the other cap types.

Wig Hair Types

Wig hair comes in three types: human, synthetic, and heat-friendly synthetic. Each has its own unique set of pros and cons. The best choice will depend on your needs and situation. Options include:

  • Human Hair – Human hair wigs are highly versatile and offer the styling options of naturally-grown hair. This sounds good, but also means that there is more maintenance and upkeep involved. You will have to style your wig more often. Human hair can dry out without natural oils from the scalp, so a good care routine is essential. When maintained, human hair looks beautiful and authentic.
  • Synthetic Hair – Today’s synthetic hair looks quite realistic. If you buy a quality wig, then you will get a great look. This material holds its shape, so you do less styling. Usually, a spritz of water will restore the original look of the wig. The downside is that synthetic strands cannot be exposed to heat, like from a curling iron or straightener. You should also be careful anytime you are standing near a heat source. Doing so could permanently damage the wig.
  • Heat-Friendly Synthetic Hair – Heat-friendly synthetic hair offers a middle-ground. This material can withstand temperatures of up to 350 degrees F. They can be styled so you aren’t stuck with one look. It’s durable but also requires more effort to style compared to human hair. It is also prone to matting if it is pressed against a pillow or back of a chair around the nape area.

The Best Wig Length

The length of the wig is measured from top to bottom. You can do this with a tape measure by starting at the front of the forehead and measuring down to the ends of the hair. If you have trouble, you can instead use a piece of string that can be measured flat.

When measuring curly or wavy hair, the strands should be stretched to see the full length.

You can choose from short, medium, and long lengths. The exact length will vary based on your preferences and style. Your stylist can recommend the right length if you aren’t sure what you want.

Women who experience temporary hair loss and previously had long hair should consider a shorter wig length. It is easier to maintain and will help create a smoother transition as natural hair grows back.

Finding the Best Wig for You

There’s a lot to consider when you begin your search for the best wig. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed with options and material choices. Contact Tiffany Taylor today to get started. She will listen to your needs and help you find wigs that offer the right fit, length, and look.

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