My Hair Story - Lia

Lia hair story - natural 4a straightenedAre you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed? 


What’s your story, how did you get to where you are? 

I began my healthy hair journey June 6th 2009. My best friend introduced me to (LHCF) after she found it when researching products for her little girl’s hair. One day I finally decided to check out the site and was absolutely amazed to see black women growing their hair to great lengths! I couldn’t believe that our hair could actually grow! At that time I was relaxed and shoulder length…the length I had been my whole life.

I didn’t know anything about going natural, and only had one friend at that time who was natural and would switch between straight and curly hair with ease. I started reading more on the forum about transitioning and chatting with my friend about the possibility of going natural. I not only wanted to grow long, beautiful healthy hair, but started considering the idea of transitioning since I was only getting relaxers about two or three times a year anyway.

I had been relaxed since the age of 3 and had no idea what my natural hair looked like. Relaxed hair was all that I knew and was the norm, so the thought of natural hair was foreign to me. However, I decided my natural hair was something I wanted to discover, enjoy, experience, and embrace after being relaxed for over 20 years! So on June 22nd 2009 I got my last relaxer!

I transitioned for 18 months before doing the big chop (BC). I grew my hair from shoulder length (SL) to grazing mid-back length (MBL). before I big chopped. I BC’d on 12/27/2010 and my natural hair when stretched was armpit length (APL) to my surprise!

I am now around MBL when my hair is stretched or straightened and my ultimate hair goal is hip length (HL)!

Lia hair story - natural 4a

What is your regimen at the moment? 

DC once every 1-2 weeks. I like to mix my deep conditioners together sometimes with EVOO. I usually use ORS, Tresemme’ Naturals, and Aussie Moist 3 minute Miracle.

-Shampoo as needed. Usually 1-2 times a month. (I DC as my pre-poo.)

-Co wash 1-3 times a week usually with Aussie Moist, Tresemme Naturals or Suave Almonds and Shea Butter*.

-Leave in a little conditioner after co-washing as a leave in.

And your favourite product? 

Tresemme Naturals Conditioner*, Aussie Moist Conditioner and 3 Minute Miracle, Suave Almonds and Shea Butter Conditioner

–Shea Butter* for Mini Twists

–Ecostyler* gel for Wash N Gos

What’s your signature style? 

Buns, wash n gos, and mini twists

What is the best tip you have learned to protect your ends?  

-Minimize Heat

-Protective Styles

-Moisture and seal ends regularly

Any links you would like to share?

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