Q-Redew Steamer Giveaway For 2 Lucky Readers! (CLOSED)

BHI Giveaways


Ah, the life of a curly girl. You spend hours washing, deep conditioning* and detangling. You then take ages to create a gorgeous wash and go that looks on point on day one but second day hair? Not so much.

Twist outs and braid outs are easy enough to get second day hair out of by using the pineapple method. Wash and go’s are a bit trickier, particularly for 4a hair which has fragile curls that get crushed very easily while you sleep.

Recently I came across the Q-Redew. The Q-Redew is the first hand held hair steamer*, and it has captured the interest of the natural hair community in a big way.

So what is all the excitement is about? The Q-Redew promises to reshape, boost volume, and restore moisture in minutes. This may be something your limp, dry hair needs this winter!

So how does it work? The Q-Redew is super easy to use. Just fill the little reservoir with water (and only water), and allow it to heat for about 20 seconds. Pull the trigger and the Q-Redew* emits warm steam as a mist to warm and soften the hair.

Get second day hair

You can use the mist to reshape and restyle. Awaken a day old wash and go or a TWA. A few minutes of steam and your hair will be full of volume and moisture. It’s also worth a mention that when you use the Q-Redew* on your hair and it won’t leave it wet which is a very good thing on a cold morning!

Use it to moisturize and seal


The Q-Redew also restores moisture, not instead of your deep conditioning* treatments, but as a compliment to your routine between DC treatments. By applying the Q-Redew steam for just a few minutes (it would not be practical to hold for much longer) followed by a sealant, the hair really does feel softer, less brittle.

Pretty impressive for a quick “mini steam”!

Great for stretching relaxers

As you stretch your relaxer, you will know that the best way to keep breakage at bay is to moisturize your natural new growth. You can steam just your roots one evening and the next evening choose to go after your dry ends too.

It is a great source of moisture when the hair is tucked away in a protective style. An excellent addition to any nighttime routine!

The Q-Redew* can be purchased on their website or from Amazon.com

Two lucky BHI readers will win the Q-Redew* wand absolutely free! Just enter the competition below and cross your fingers!

How To Enter:

1. For 1 entry please like Black Hair Information on Facebook in the widget below. You still get an entry even if you already like the page.

2. For 1 entry, please like Q-Redew on Facebook. Again you still get an entry even if you already like the page.

3. For 3 more additional entries, scroll down and add a comment to this post answering the question ‘Wash and go’s are one of the easiest hairstyles for curly hair. How often do you rock a wash and go on your hair?’. Once you are done scroll back up and click ‘I commented’ in the widget and that’s it!

  Q-Redewa Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms & Conditions

1. Competition runs from Sunday 3rd February 2013 to Saturday 16th February 2013.

2. Winners will be picked at random. They will be contacted via email and announced in the newsletter on Sunday 17th of February 2013. Please subscribe to the newsletter and add BHI to your safe senders list. If you don’t respond within 3 days of the email another winner will be picked at random.

3. There is no cash alternative for this giveaway.

4. Only open to US residents.

5. The product will be shipped directly by Q-Redew. BlackHairInformation.com cannot take responsibility for the quality or condition of the product when it arrives.

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