My Hair Story - Hennessy

My Hair Story - Hennessy (2)Introduce yourself . . .

My name is Hennessy. I’m biracial. My mother is Caucasian and my father is African-american. I’m absolutely obsessed with my hair.

Are you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed?


What’s your story, how did you get to where you are?

I had long, curly hair my whole life. In about 6th grade I had my very own flat-iron and went absolutely crazy with it. I felt so out of place when I wore my hair naturally curly because no one else would just let their curls be free.

So I straightened my hair EVERYDAY when I woke up. My hair never broke off, but it certainly was not healthy. It got to the point that JUST my roots were curly when I washed it and the rest of my hair was just lifeless and straight/wavy.

My Hair Story - Hennessy (1)Well, last year (2012) around November I started wearing my hair natural more and stopped straightening for a while. December 2012 I shaved the right side of my head and still continued to stay heat-free.

Well, I dyed it bright red May 2013 and finally got fed up with the “half straight half curly” look, so I cut all of it off and left my bangs August 1st! Now I completely stay away from heat and dyes. I’m DONE!

What is your typical weekly regimen?

I don’t use shampoo at all. I threw all of my shampoos out completely. I co-wash and use Mixed Chicks* deep conditioner*. Once a week I use Mane-N-Tail conditioner for protein. When I get out I use my Cantu Leave-in conditioner* and repair cream.

I leave it in a towel for about an hour (to decrease frizz on my roots) then I use my diffuser* on COOL! I put tape over my higher settings so I can’t use them! LOL!

I also use my Cantu Leave-in for bantu knot outs, which lasts for about a week for me. At night to save my curls, I do the pineapple method with my silk scarf*.

Are you happy with your progress so far?

YES! My hair texture is sooo much softer!

My Hair Story - Hennessy (1)What’s your signature style?

Bantu knot out with a silk scarf* tied in a bow on top.

How do you ensure that your ends are protected from the elements and your hands?

I spray olive oil* on my hands before I take any protective style down and seal my hair with it after I moisturize it.

Do you have a goal length or are you more concerned about the health of your hair?

Mainly the health of my hair. Mostly because length isn’t a problem for me. It grows pretty quick. I’m really enjoying my short hair!

Is there anything that you hair hates?

PINK PRODUCTS! Oh my gosh, my hair just sucks it dry and I don’t even have dry hair.

Do you have any favorite hair products?

Cantu Leave-in conditioner and repair cream, Smooth N’ Shine alcohol-free Gel, Bed Head After Party and any Mixed Chicks products.

Where can we find you online?

Instagram: @HennessyMami

Twitter: @Hennndawg

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