Maggot Infested Weaves From Corpses?

hair weave extensionsThis sounds like something straight out of a horror story book and with today being Halloween you would imagine that it is a crank tale but alas it is reported as true.

Let me give you a moment while you read an excerpt from the below article found on ireporterstv:

Nairobi, Kenya: Irene Myangoh, a personal assistant working at a law firm in Nairobi went to an up market hair salon along Kenyatta Avenue, and spent more than N5, 500 on a human hair weave. Two weeks later she started suffering from severe headache that would not go away. She would wake up with severe headache at night. She went to a private doctor who gave her drugs for the relief of mild to moderate pain of inflammatory origin with or without fever; they would only work for a few hours and then the headache would be back worse than even before.

Desperate, she went to see a specialist who did blood tests and even a brain scan. All the tests were negative but the headache persisted, making her unable to concentrate at work and sleeping very poorly. She went back to her doctor who decided to examine her scalp and under the beautiful weave he found worms!

The worms were burrowing into her skull and after sending the samples to the lab they found that the hair had eggs from which the worms had hatched. The doctor told her that the hair was probably from a corpse because those worms are usually found on dead bodies.

Irene had to take antibiotics and shave her head after this traumatic event. The manager of the salon where Irene got the hair is said to be shocked that this happened as she imports the weaves* from the UK, USA and India.

Although the manager didn’t want to be named, she has promised to follow up and compensate the woman in question on the matter.

The story goes on…

Elsewhere, 16-year-old girl from Buruburu, a Nairobi surburb, also suffered the same fate but unfortunately for her she died. Cobweb eggs were found in her hair after she died. There was a profound cobweb design in her weaved hair. She dropped dead after constant headaches. The root cause? The weave had unnoticed spider eggs. The warmth produced after weaving provided a very conducive environment for the eggs to hatch. A spider grew in her scalp and bit her. The poison found its way to her blood. She could not survive the attack.

relaxed and natural weaves protective stylesNow I am no weavekilla, but this right here will make me have several seats in an empty stadium for hours with no water. I am going to be totally honest; I read that story twice and had no idea what in the world I was going to write.

But I knew that I had to share it because we all know women who enjoy a good weave* every now and then, and these days we tend to purchase the hair from all over the world often with ignorance of where it actually comes from.

Now whether the story is true or not, and you have to admit the details seem rather sketchy, the fact is that the hair business is huge, there is money to be made, and like with everything that screams dollar signs our merchants and individual sellers have no regard for the consumer and have no discretion when it comes to making money.

To think they would use the hair from a corpse and sell it is almost unreal, so unreal I was half way inclined not to believe it. Regardless of validity however, one thing is for sure, the whole story screams ‘buyer beware’ and as consumers we need to be very in tune with what it is we are purchasing.

Unfortunately an article such as the one above throws shade on imported products and unfortunately for countries that rely heavily on selling abroad to make money this is not great news.

But frankly if you are selling maggot infested hair to women, then that just sucks for you. On the other side of things we cannot just turn a blind eye to the fact that a lot of the hair we do get that is of great quality comes from other living breathing human beings who do not have the best circumstances and have resorted to selling their hair for money.

The point is to be mindful of the hair you purchase make sure the company is reputable with great references, we all love looking great but it is not worth our health and in some unfortunate cases our life.

Your thoughts? Are you still determined to wear weaves*?

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