My Hair Story - Dee Dee

My Hair Story - Dee Dee (2)Introduce yourself . . .

Hello, My name is Dee Dee and I’m a 56 year old mother of two. I work in the Information Tech field.

Are you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed?

I have been natural since November of 2012, when I did the BC

What’s your story, how did you get to where you are?

I decided to go natural after I realized that putting relaxer in my hair was causing it to become thin. I had always had thick hair in my youth and didn’t like the fact that as I aged my hair was thinning.

What is your typical weekly regimen?

I normally wear wigs* as protective styles when I work and wear my natural hair on the weekends. I like wash and goes but I can’t leave the house with wet hair during the week.

Are you happy with your progress so far?

I am near my nineteenth month anniversary of being natural and I don’t regret going natural. I went natural a year before but got weak and put a relaxer in my hair after a year.

I regretted putting in that relaxer and did a BC about 3 months later. I am happy with my hair now but look forward to it growing.

What’s your signature style?

I wear wash and go’s most of the time. I have done a blow out afro a few times but I realize putting heat on my hair is not good because I dye my hair.

My Hair Story - Dee DeeHow do you ensure that your ends are protected from the elements and your hands?

I wear wigs* with my hair braided most of the time and I use homemade flaxseed gel, with castor oil*, olive oil* and grapeseed oil* when I wear my wash and goes. The gel keeps my hair moisturized.

Do you have a goal length or are you more concerned about the health of your hair?

I would like a big fro…lol but I also want healthy hair.

Is there anything that you hair hates?

My hair tends to frizz because I dye it reddish blond but I like the color so I had to keep it moisturized.

Do you have any favorite hair products?

I like shea moisture products* and Elasta QP* products(from Sallys).

Where can we find you online?


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