Jill Scott Goes Blonde For The Cover Of Essence And Kills It


I’m going to start this post off like everyone else and say, good GAWD almighty, Jill Scott looks freakin amazing on the cover of Essence. Now it doesn’t take alot of work to get Jill to look right, I mean the woman is gorgeous physically and in spirit but I love when a magazine takes the time to go the extra mile to make our girls look something fierce.

The James Brown biopic came out this weekend, how many of you all got a chance to see it? Jill was promoting her role as James Brown second wife DeeDee and she told the source about her role :

“‘Deedee’ understood James and accepted him, it was a part of their thing. Sometimes, he’s very passionate and loving and sometimes, the weight of being James Brown was taken out on her and she accepted it.”

We also loved the fact that she shared a little bit of how she allowed her emotions to play a part in her role as Deedee, she admitted that she does cry because crying meant release, and we couldn’t agree more. Nobody likes to cry, well not sad cry’s but we do come out on the other side feeling a sense of release and understanding. She explained it like this:

“When I’m happy. I’m sad or overwhelmed, or tired…I like to get stress off of me. Even if it’s joy-filled. I like to let it go. I like to be balanced, so sometimes I feel little overwhelmed in any particular emotion and I just let it out…or kickbox.”

Jill is so in tune with herself, and so real, she deserved one cool dynamic cover and Essence did it right. I never imagined Jill Scott blonde until I saw that cover, she reinvented herself and that is what this business is all about, we absolutely love the hair, the new body, everything. Check out the copy when you see it on news stands and let us know what you think.

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