Interview With CURLS CEO Mahisha Dellinger

CURLS CEO Mahisha Dellinger

Mahisha Dellinger has been described as a powerhouse; she is the ultimate definition of term mompreneur, with four beautiful children, and a supportive husband. She is the genius behind the CURLS brand, and I got a chance to catch up with her recently.

Now when you first meet Mahisha, you can’t help but feel her confidence. She embraces you as if you have known her all your life, and she is speedy in her delivery of whatever she wants you to hear.

It isn’t every day you get to meet the CEO of any brand, especially huge and successful one. She recently decided to step out and introduce herself to the blogging world, and to her customers who have bought CURLS products for years. The idea was to get to know us on a personal level, tell her story, give us the significance behind the brand, and what drives her as a CEO.

If you get the chance to catch the CURLS tour this year or the next, you too will hear her tell her story, as she describes the obstacles she faced getting to ‘now’ things such abuse, poverty, racism, and how she balances mom, and business. For now, we see a woman draped in Chanel, with six inch heels, perfect makeup, and a genuinely happy smile. Mahisha is proud of what she has accomplished, and what the brand has to offer in the future. Here is a bit of what she shared with me:

What motivates you?
My single most motivating factor are my children. I work hard to give them a better life than I had myself. My Personal testimony is another story.

How do you balance CEO, Mommy, and wife?
Some days it is downright hard to do, if I may be honest. All 3 elements of the “Tri-Fecta”, as I like to call them, are all encompassing, and important factors in my life. Sometimes one element has to get more attention than the other two. Since my children are so young, I look to their needs first. My husband would argue that he is 3rd, but I don’t agree :).

If you could give a fellow entrepreneur trying to make it in this business one gem, what would that be?
Be authentically original; you will never make it riding off someone else’s coat tail.

On Instagram for throw back Thursday you showed us a pic of your first Target display. What is your Target story?
Target will always have a special place in my heart. They were the first big retailer to give CURLS, and a handful of other natural brands a try. We attended an annual buyer vendor convention.

The buyer had an initiative to create a new ethnic category, and we were called to present our line in a 30 minute presentation. 3 minutes into the presentation the buyer said, “I love it all!” It was the easiest sale of my life. 6 months later, we received our first purchase order for a trial in 105 stores; today we are nationwide.

Ok so we ask everyone this: one hair product , and one desert island. You get dropped off for a week, what do you take with you?
Hands down, our Coconut* Sublime Moisturizing Conditioner*! You can use it as a Co-wash, a rinse of conditioner, and a leave-in.

curls-hair-care-productsWe know you are a tough cookie, but who do you rely on? Where do you get your strength?
Not to sound cliche, but really…when the going gets tough, I get on my knees.

Do you agree with the thought that if you have free time, you are not working hard enough?
No…I am a firm believer in working smarter. You have to have a balance. It may take a serious shuffling of priorities daily. However, you don’t want to have a mental breakdown; you must take time off, and enjoy a little of life outside of business.

Many of us have tried your products and love them. I have had the pleasure of trying your new Blue Berry Bliss Edge Control, and it is already holy grail status for me. What influences your creativity with product creation?
You motivate me, other naturals, our customers, and anyone who has a hair care need. I look at, listen to, and try to implement a solution.

What is your hair story?
I grew up natural; my mom never permed my hair. I started doing my own hair in Junior High and High School. I dyed and relaxed my hair – it was horrid. By the time I went off to college, I decided to go natural, and my hair grew wonderfully as a result.

You recently moved to Texas. What has life been like so far? Why Texas?
I absolutely love Texas! The only thing I miss about California is the weather. I have four kids, so life is all about them right now. The move was a business decision. CA isn’t a very “small business friendly state”. In fact, it ranks in the bottom 5 on the list. TX ranks in the top 5 states for small businesses. We have already started reaping the benefits of the move.

What’s next for your company? Where do see The CURLS Brand in the future?
The brand is expanding: more lines, and product offerings. Locations, regions and countries: stay tuned.

Well, that’s it! We want to thank Mahisha for allowing us to publish her interview. The great news is that CURLS wants to do a giveaway with us here on the blog, so keep checking back for that! In the meantime, check out some of the footage from the CURLS Blissful Blogger Cruise earlier this month:

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