We Are In Love With The Bun Blue Ivy Had Yesterday; Check Out The Pictures


These pictures might be about Beyonce and Jay Z, but let’s face it, whenever Blue is around it is never about them. Much respect to the power couple but Blue Ivy is growing so fast and she is so adorable, we tend hang on to the moments and there is no way we can we not talk about her.

Blue endured a lot of negativity in the past with regards to her hair, so it is always important that we send positive vibes every time we see her out and about because she is one influential little girl. I could go on all day about her adorable ensemble but really we are here for her hair.

How adorable is her bun though? Her bun is a high ballerina bun which is perfect for a little girl and it reminds me so much of the style I would hope my mom would do for me especially for school but she would never ever do it.

Now that I am older I totally understand why she chose not to and it was mostly because everyday after school she would find me swinging from a banyan tree (island life) with my friends so a bun like that would never last.

Women like my mom try to keep things practical which means a style that we might not like typically especially for school. Blue Ivy might just experience that in her life but for now we are enjoying her buns and her full on fro’s.




There is speculation that the Carters are out shopping to prepare for Solange’s wedding this weekend. Nothing is confirmed yet; really nobody knows why the Carters were actually at Saks Fifth Avenue, and nobody really knows if Solange is getting married. For now we will just enjoy’s Blue’s bun and cute outfits because it’s the simple things in life that really matters.

What do you think of Blue’s buns?

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