Join The Protective Styling Challenge 2015

Protective styling challenge 2015

It’s now 2015 and I’m sure a lot of you are thinking of signing up to the nearest gym to get rid of the holiday pounds after the indulgences of the last few weeks. You may also be looking at your hair seriously and thinking that you must do something about it this year.

Whether you have started your journey already or you are still twiddling your thumbs waiting for a moment of inspiration, a protective styling challenge is the ideal thing to get you on track with your hair journey.

Haphazard regimens have never worked for me so I always find that when I want to get serious with my protective styling, it helps immensely to have a plan. I prefer knowing exactly when my next protein treatment is going to be, when I will be steaming my hair or when I will allow myself to flat iron*.

This is why I have found the staggered protective styling regimen so helpful in my journey. Its built in breaks means that I can change my hairstyle often while still getting to occasionally wear my own hair and assess my progress as the year goes on.

I know we are not all built the same way however: my sister for instance doesn’t mind going 2 months in braids while I can’t stand to have them in my hair longer than 3 weeks. This means that she can be more elaborate with her braiding choices while I will tend to go for the ones easiest to install and remove. Either way, we recognize that protective styling is a means to an end so we find the easiest ways to incorporate them into our regimens to give us the results that we want.

For 2015 we will again be doing the protective styling challenge for the entire year over at the forum. And this year we have decided to throw in the extra boost that is hair growth aids. Do you absolutely need them to grow your hair? Nope, your hair will grow anyway. But many of us do struggle with less than average hair growth rate so adding a bit of extra spark is never a bad idea.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter which hair growth aid you go for. You can try our hair vitamins Elongtress; you can use a growth boosting shampoo or conditioner, or even whip up your own batch of sulfur* oil at home. It’s totally up to you what you use, but whatever you decide, just stick with it for at least 3 months to see the full benefits.

Remember that hair grows pretty slowly anyway, so comparing a 3 month period to your usual baseline rate of growth is the best way to see the difference. And remember to take lots of before pictures. Trust me, it’s very difficult to see even a 1 inch difference with the naked eye, so DON’T DEPEND ON MEMORY to tell you if your hair is growing or not! There’s nothing as encouraging as seeing a clear side to side difference in pictures when you assess your hard work every few months.

So let’s get back to basics with a good old fashioned protective styling challenge, shall we? Hop on over to the forum to join up.


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