Hair Story - Shawn Bethea #Staystrong

Editors note: I want to give a huge shout out to Shawn, I learned so much about Crohn’s desease and Ulcerative Colitis just from reading her Tumblr. Go to her page, show her some love!

Introduce yourself . .
My name is Shawntel Bethea but I go by Shawn. I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I am a 22 year old insurance broker and a blogger working to raise awareness for Ulcerative Colitis (a disease I have been suffering from for 10 years) and Crohn’s.

Are you relaxed, natural, texturized or texlaxed?
Natural. Last relaxer: March 2013

What’s your story, how did you get to where you are?
Although I was getting relaxers for years, I never got them too often. I would say I relaxed my hair maybe twice a year so going natural wasn’t too much of a change. I went natural because of a friend of mine. She was always raving about how much she loved it and after seeing other naturalists online with their beautiful think hair, I decided why not?

For a while I was constantly changing the color of my hair and I wasn’t taking care of it as I should have which definitely had a negative affect on my hair. Now that I am taking better care of it I would definitely say I am excited about my journey.

What is your typical weekly regimen?
I rinse and condition my hair everyday. I always leave some of the conditioner in my hair and spritz a little leave in conditioner* as well. Every three I mix a little water, some conditioner, a little oil and egg, and run it through my hair really well. – After this process I wash and deep condition.

Are you happy with your progress so far?
I have had a few setbacks but overall I am pretty satisfied. Patience is key

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