Does Praying For Long Hair Work?

Woman with praying hands

Yep! I can already imagine that some persons will roll their eyes at the title for only a quack would really come out and say prayer helps grow hair; right?

I get it. Prayer is something that is fast becoming one of those topics you don’t touch with a long stick because some think it is not politically correct.

Still I know ladies who pray before altering their regimen in any way. If they are going to try a new product or style, you better believe it won’t be before heaven gets an earful.

I’ve witnessed people praying that they don’t want to relax their hair or that they feel their confidence is low because their hair has been stuck at ear length and before you know it, their hair just flourishes out of the blue. There are people who will laugh and say that is extreme and the stuff of fanatics.

Some who believe in the existence of God say God doesn’t have time for such frivolous things as hair; not when there are starving nations to feed and a host of other social ills plaguing the world. Well I dare to say otherwise, for it is revealed in the Bible that God numbers every hair on your head [Luke 12:7, Matthew 10:30].

Clearly He thought that was important so I think He appreciates beauty and since He promised to “grant the desires of your heart” [Psalm 37:4] if your ways please Him, I’d say it is more than possible He does answer those praying for long hair.

Long before I knew about natural hair communities online I did a day of prayer and fasting for hair growth (and I’m talking no food or water for the entire day) and it worked like  a charm. (Of course I ended up abusing it some more so guess what happened after that?)

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