This Beauty Pageant Teaches Little Girls To Embrace Their Natural Hair

Little miss happy head pageant

When most think of beauty pageants for little girls the first things that come to mind are fluffy dresses, make up and straight hair or curls by way of the curling iron*. But what if I told you there is one beauty pageant that is specifically for the celebration of natural hair?

That is what the Little Miss Happy Headed Pageant in Savannah, GA is doing.

This pageant has been designed specifically for girls with natural hair as a way to teach them to embrace their own beauty and the tresses that grow from their head.

The 2nd annual Little Miss Happy Headed pageant was held earlier this month. The contestants ranged from ages 2 to 12 and kept smiles on their faces as they took the stage and showed off their natural hair as well as their talents.

Girls rocked styles from cornrows to their natural curl pattern and anything else in between.

The pageant also served as a way to raise money for “Blessings In A Book Bag,” which is a local non-profit that provides food to elementary school children that come from low income families all throughout the school year.

little miss happy head pageant

At the conclusion of the event, three-year-old Aaliyah White took the crown, walked away with a cash scholarship and will reign as Little Miss Happy Headed until next year.

I wish we had these types of pageants when I was growing up. Too many times parents feel forced to put chemical relaxers or heat on their little girl’s hair to make it more manageable so they will “fit in” with the other girls at these types of events.

When we instill in our children the importance of self love and tell them their hair is beautiful in a society that may not think so, they will carry that with them as they grow older. And that is what counts!

What a great way to celebrate girls with natural hair and big dreams! To see more pictures from the Pageant click this link

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