Beyonce Is Being Accused OF White Cultural Appropriation Because Of Her Bangs

beyonceThis week in hair pettiness, word on the street is that Beyonce is being accused of cultural appropriation and you will never believe why.

A few days ago the daily mail highlighted Beyonce’s new hair (as seen above). The picture was cute at best, Beyonce often uses her Instagram to share fashion pictures like most of us do on our own timelines.

The commentors on the article gave their opinion on the photo, bad and good, which was fine. Then they started accusing Bey of cultural appropriation because of her bangs …and we were like Huh!?

Her bangs!? Yes you read right because if you did not know, bangs actually belong to white people. This is such a stupid tit for tat attempt that is so petty I am almost ashamed to write about it.

Check out some of the comments:

Funny how Beyoncé sporting a blonde wig*/weave* is not classed as ‘cultural appropriation’ hey? One rule for one….

So Kylie Jenner got a hardtime about her cornrows yet Beyoncé can emulate the Blonde Barbie doll look and it’s ok – double standards


She appears to be appropriating white culture.

Me in London said:

For someone who is proud of her heritage, she’s looking very white these days.

Now we get it, we have seen comments about Beyonce appearing white washed before because of how fair she looks when doing branding work for some magazines in comparison to her actual complextion. (That is a whole other story)

However we had no idea that bangs were a white thing? I mean slow clap at that attempt at making a mute point, it just goes to show that there needs to be a class on exactly what culture appropriation is.

Lets dumb it down a bit using cornrows since that seems to be a hot topic. Cornrows have been a part of the black community forever and as such we are known for the hair style.

Now if we take the same style and place it on Kylie Jenner, the style gets praised as ‘new’ ‘hip’ and on ‘trend’ with no reference to the history of it and where it came from. That is, put very simply, appropriation!

As a matter of fact there is no way a black girl with cornrows will ever make the cover of vogue with a tremendous back story in comparison to a white girl who wore corn rows. #facts.

Even though that was a cute attempt at justifying appropriation I would hate to think that white or European culture boils down to the side swept bangs on Barbie.

Beyonce did not borrow bangs from the Europeans and as a result got the cover of some popular magazine nor was she chosen to strut down a run way showing off how “barbie like” her bangs are. She simply put a photo on Instagram! – Please read something about cultural appropriation before typing on the internet… Ever!


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