“Embrace Your Frizz’ique" - 4 Ways To Get Comfortable With Y


Would you believe me if I told you the term ‘frizz’ique’ was coined by a guy who thought it was awesome that these days he was seeing more women with natural hair.

He said he was happy the natural hair movement is happening because he thought women should embrace their frizz’que. I stole the term from him during that conversation and it had me thinking about that point in my natural hair journey where I was pretty anal about my own curls.

Styling products were super important to me because god forbid any curl should be undefined or out of place when I styled my hair.

I used to be primarily a wash and go type of girl which is what drove this excessive need to have curls that were perfectly spiraled, and frizz was my enemy.

As the years passed by, things changed. For one, I do not have the time to define every single curl. My hair is pretty stubborn and I have learned to embrace my frizz in ways that even surprise me. For those of you trying to fight the daily struggle of frizz, I want to encourage you to find ways to embrace your frizz’ique; here are 4 ways.

Style your frizz

One of the things I have been loving about wash and go styling these days is that women are mixing their perfectly defined curls with undefined curls to give the style more character.

In other words, the frizzy parts are very much a part of the look as the defined parts. To get this done, all you have to do is add enough styling product to style the parts you absolutely want sleek and allow the rest of your hair to do its thing.

Trim your ends

I cannot stress this enough! If you hair is trimmed you will notice that even your frizzy parts look amazing because your ends are nice and healthy. As a matter of fact you won’t have quite as much frizz as you would have hoped for because blunt ends encourage curl clumping.

Get your hair cut to remove splits and brittle areas that do not add to the style but take away from it.

Keep your hair healthy

If you wash and go often, make sure that you are adding protein to your regimen to give your hair balance and keep your curls strong. Healthy hair is good looking hair and does not require a ton of product to look great, you will virtually eliminate frizz and if you do get some it wouldn’t matter.

Rock styles that require a little bit of frizz

A super big high bun, puffs, fros or any style that require undefined curls are great options for those super frizzy days when your hair just decides it wants to fly free.

How do you embrace your frizz’ique?







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