I Think Its Fair To Consult Your Man When Making A Big Hair Change

Hair is one of the biggest accessories we as women have. We can switch up color, do an extreme chop, or add extensions* to have long flowing locks down our backs.

The possibilities are endless, but do we have the freedom to decide what we want to do with our hair without some sort of input from our partners?

Some will cringe at that question and say heck yes, the hair on my head is mine so whatever I decide to do with it no man can stop me. Others may say that they respect their man’s opinion and what they like and don’t like.

What about you?

We see movies where a girl cuts her hair off randomly and surprises her guy who in return absolutely loves it. But does he really? Or what about other movies where we see women peel back the layers of weave, makeup, and falsies to show her natural texture and beauty to which the guy genuinely appreciates it.

I have a friend who before she went natural she consulted her husband as to how he would feel about it. Of course, he was 100% supportive but they agreed on her doing a transitioning phase instead of her just big chopping it all off.

I can really respect that on both parts.

I know someone else who wore weaves* all of the time and her fiancé asked if she would stop wearing them for him because he appreciated her the way she was and she refused to compromise. They ended up calling off the engagement mainly because they couldn’t come to terms on a lot and I’m sure this event of failing to compromise was one of them.

I feel that it’s fair to consult your guy before you make a big change. Especially a fiance’ or husband. Yes, it’s “just” hair, but if you weren’t one to often switch up your hair when you all first met it might affect his physical attraction to you. Respect his input before you do something drastic.

I also think that if he came to you in a respectful way and asked you to do something different to your hair it could be something you two discuss and come to an agreement on. If you’re not ready to ditch your weaves* completely maybe just switch to wigs* for a little while and let your natural hair free while you both are at home? Just my opinion though.

What do you think? Would consult with your partner about your hair, or do you think you’re free to do whatever you want?

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