Haircare Parties Could Be The Newest Trend For Natural Hair


Although a lot of our schedules don’t change much in the summer like they did back in our college days (unless you’re in the education field), there are still ways to spice up your weekends/evenings and add a little color to your summer days.

A fun activity I want to start doing is having haircare parties. Just like with your book club or bible study, you can gain a lot of insight by coming together and sharing your thoughts and experiences with your best girlfriends. What would be on the agenda you ask? Here are 6 things we would do at a haircare party:

1. Product Reviews

It’s one thing to listen to what all of the YouTube vloggers say, but to actually have your trusted friends shedding light on the most popular hair products may give you a whole different perspective.

Hearing a friend’s horror story with one product or her praise over another may cause you to give a second look at your own collection. And, hey, you never know. You all might get inspired to create a brand of your own if you’re too fed up over what’s offered on the shelves!

2. Product Exchange

Once you’ve decided who wants to try what new product, you might as well do a product exchange. Maybe something doesn’t work for you anymore and you want to try your friend’s product that she no longer wants. This activity is so rewarding because you’ll leave with the “new purchase” feeling without having to spend a dime!

If you find that no one has anything you’re looking for and you don’t want to give away your goodies, then you ladies could always try making some products from scratch! A previous article I wrote discusses different household products that can be used for protein treatments. Gather up some eggs, yogurt, mayonnaise, avocado and coconut oil* and you’ll be good to go!

3. Hair Porosity Testing

More than likely, you’ll have some natural hair veterans and some rookies in your clique. The newbies probably have tons of questions about density, porosity, type, etc. Why not show them exactly what these terms mean? For a hair porosity test, all you need is a cup of water.

What you do is take a few strands of hair (either from your brush or comb) and place them in the water to see if they sink or float. This test works best on freshly washed hair or hair that doesn’t have a lot of product in it. If your hair sinks after a couple of minutes, it means you have high porosity hair.

This means that water passes through your hair easily and you’ll need heavy butters* to seal in the moisture. If it floats, you have low porosity hair. It’s resistant to water, which means that you’ll need light liquid-based oils* to moisturize your hair. If it stays in the middle of the cup, then you’re at a medium porosity level. You actually might want to do this activity before the product exchange, because then you’ll know which products you’ll need for the exchange.


4. Styling

Once you know your hair type and you have the products you need, the next step is to go ahead and get to styling! Pull out the flexi-rods, curlformers*, perm rods* and hooded dryers! If there’s only one gifted hairstylist, then you might as well turn it into a salon.

Pull out some magazines and nail polish and wait for your turn in line! Don’t forget to show your stylist friend extra doses of gratitude! Or, if you’re feeling bold and want to try out a style, who better to try it on than your best friend? She’ll forgive you if it ends up looking a hot mess and you can laugh about it later. Practice makes perfect!

5. Venting Sessions

At some point in the night, it’s going to happen. You are going to talk about your hair journeys and the struggles you’re facing. This is when you may need to pull the tissues out because it’s going to get deep. Encourage your sisters and let them know that they are beautiful no matter what their work environment or even some family members may say. This is the time to support each other and hear more about why your sister decided to wear natural styles in the first place. She could have a deep story that you never knew. All it takes is for the right setting for that story to be pulled out.

6. Photoshoots/ Videos

Okay, now the real fun can commence. You’ve been waiting to snap your selfies all night. It’s time for a full out photoshoot! You know those images you’ve seen on your timeline with the group of curlfriends all rocking their ‘fros.

Go the extra mile and bring some makeup and extra clothes too. This is a time for YOU. You don’t have to worry about the kids, about work, or about school. Have the time of your life! You deserve to just be free every once in a while.

What would you like to see at a hair party?

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