4 Keys To Being Hair Confident


Hair confidence is something that a lot of women struggle with and the result is a perfectly beautiful woman forsaking events because she does not have confidence in a new hairstyle, new color, new big chop or she is completely new to natural hair.

The root of the problem is the same for the most part: so many women struggle with feeling insecure and having low self-confidence. I have struggled with low self-confidence myself for awhile, and so I know first hand that there is no shame in admitting that we all have insecurities.

The most important thing to realize is that we all have strengths when it comes to our hair and looks. Your hair may not be as voluminous as your neighbor’s or best friend’s, but your hair is soft and manageable so focus on your strengths.

Hair confidence is the assurance in one’s self in one’s hair in any way that could involve length, volume, and/or the hairstyle in which the person wears.

It takes courage to still go out on the girl’s night, the public speaking event, or even the gym while your hair is not as fresh as you would like it to be.

Whether it is half-done, not detangled, in an “unprofessional” style, or has damaged ends, you don’t worry about that stuff because you know at the end of the day, you make the hairstyle and it does not make you.

Hair has little meaning without a person’s head to attach itself to, and with that said you have value regardless of the hair style you wearing.

Some keys to being a hair-confident individual

1. You should exude confidence even after having a hair “mishap”

I have spent hours and hours behind a mirror trying to do an updo for a fashion show or an afro or a twist out for a performance and the hairstyle came out not how I expected, but I pulled myself together.

I would somehow always end up receiving a lot of compliments and giving five-minute how-tos in a bathroom. A person who has confidence in their hairstyle and their identity is going to be secure in their identity no matter what the hair on their head looks like.

So, even though the hairstyle did not turn out the way I had hoped, I still got compliments because of two things: 1. The hairstyles actually looked cute 2. People are attracted to confidence.


2. You should not overly obsess about getting your hair to look “perfect”

Having hair-confidence is a balanced approach. You know that your hair did not turn out as clean and neat as the YouTuber or another stylist you see on the street, however never let em see you sweat.

Instead, you take it in stride because as a hairstylist you are growing and learning and as a person, you know that your hair is a big part of your life, but it is not the most important part of your life.

Your beliefs and values should be more important than any hairstyle. If you find that you are taking a cornrow out several times this means that you need to practice more.

It is okay to fail at a hairstyle; it is not the end of the world and besides, next week you can try the same style again until you get it right.

3. You should not compare your hair to others 

If you are hair-confident, you can admire another’s hair all while believing that you still are #slaying. If you find yourself looking at other people with not admiration but envy ask yourself why?

A person who is fully secure in themselves will not look at others as competition, as an enemy or with envy because they know they are killing the game.

It all goes back to believing that your hair looks good on you and you are wearing it well. Besides the fact that I love that Donald Lawrence song, I think this is very true advice. Believe that what was given to you is for you and looks good on you.

In conclusion, You should be secure in the fact that you are a human being with hair and that you are valuable without extensions* or add-ons. You do not need to obsess and watch three hours of youtube for you to believe that when you walk outside of your house you will be recognized.

Of course, we have the need to be accepted, so how about you satisfy your own need for acceptance? Yes, accept yourself. Here’s another cliche: If you do not love you, who is going to? No one can replace you loving yourself and none can replace you being confident in yourself. You do not have to be perfect at all of these to be hair-confident, but be proud and know that you are on your way to success.

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