3 Tips You Can Use To Keep Your Child’s Hair Moisturized For The Cold Season


We are headed into the colder months and as our little ones brave the weather many of you are wondering how to keep their hair protected and moisturized. For this blog post, I want to give you three sure ways to keep your little girl’s hair moisturized all winter long.

1. Use the LOC method

The LOC method utilizes liquids, oils, and creams to keep the hair 100% moisturized for longer than a day or two. Be very deliberate when you moisturize your child’s hair, using enough sections to coat the hair with product.

For the liquid use water mixed with conditioner in a spray bottle or aloe vera juice* mixed with water or any leave in conditioner* that you prefer.

For the oil, stick with the purest oils*, you can find so that her hair can be nourished by the healthy oils*. If you are using olive oil*, try to pick the one in the darkest bottle on the shelf. The darker the bottle the more nourishing the oil.

For the cream, choose any brand that has a product that is creamy in consistency and not too heavy. For Kinkier textures you can try shea butter* or a whipped mango butter that will keep her hair sealed.

2. Protective style

For little girls, it is very important to preserve the ends of the hair as much as you can. This means doing braids, twists or buns that will preserve the length of the hair from the harsh weather when it arrives. Find a simple protective style that works for her and for you.

3. Use quality products

I have touched on this but I want to emphasize that sometimes when we use commercial products that do not have great ingredients you find yourself doing your child’s hair very often. You might even find yourself complaining that her hair is constantly dry regardless of how much of product A you use.

If you cannot read the ingredients on the label of the product it probably has more artificial ingredients than your child needs. Use products that you create or products that have a high reputation on the market. If you follow these three tips, your child’s hair should be perfect all Winter long.

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