I Added Just The Yolk To My DIY Deep Conditioning Mix And Had The Softest Hair Ever

egg yolk

I tend to use the same deep DIY conditioning mix for my hair every week which is usually some sort of mayonnaise mix with apple cider vinegar*. I have been hearing a lot about protein sensitivity in the natural hair community, but my hair seemed to flourish with a lot of protein, or so I thought.

One day I had ran out of mayonnaise so I decided to try something else and to my surprise my hair loved it. Here is what I did:


Tresseme Naturals Conditioner – Enough to make the mix pliable
Apple cider vinegar* – one teaspoon
Egg yolk only – Replaced my mayo and whole eggs in my original mix
Oil – Any of your choice

I mixed all the ingredients together applied it to my hair and put a plastic cap on as usual and went about doing my chores.

After I washed my hair I sprayed my leave in, applied oil and a butter to seal the moisture. I then stretched my hair with cornrows, and left it to air dry. When I took the cornrows out my hair was so soft and silky it was almost unrecognizable.

Sometimes we get so used to one set of results that you take it for granted that your hair can look and feel better with change.

After getting such great results I decided that since I use a lot of protein maybe it is about time I add some balance to my routine just in case my hair needed it.

My thoughts on the treatment are that my hair just needed the fat in the egg yolk and had enough protein already from the weekly protein treatments.

With that said if you are protein sensitive as some people are, I suggest you try using the egg yolk instead of a whole egg to put your hair in a happy place where it feels balanced.

By the way, you can do this mix this with any conditioner of choice and add a little bit of oil if you like for silkiness and shine.

Comment below and let me know if you have ever added just the yolk to your conditioner mix and had great results?

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