3 Black Hair Products That Have Stood The Test Of Time

These days longevity is not the rule, but the exception. Shelves are lined with products we’ve never heard of. By the time we do hear of them or take the time to read their label to find out about them, they’re gone from the aisle the next time we go to pick up a few new bottles.

This short life span is part of the reason why when we find a product that works and that we can find on a regular basis, we DO NOT CHANGE. The loyalty becomes impenetrable.

As a brand, that type of loyalty is gold. It’s what all the work is about. Customers who come, stay, and then come back again. Think of all the brands and black hair products that you’ve been seeing your entire life. You know where to find them, you know how they work and you trust them. They’re staples.

Below we’re going to look at 3 black hair products that have stood the test of time.

Lusters’ Pink

This brand was started in 1957 by Fred Luster. He was a stylist in Chicago. This brand and its products have been around forever. At least, that’s what it feels like. The iconic pink bottle has been something I have seen, used and had used on my hair for so long, it isn’t even funny.

The Pink Oil was so popular back in the day that it was almost blasphemous not to have a bottle or two in your stash of hair products.

The brand took a bit of a back seat when it became ‘uncool’ to have weighed down or greasy hair. Some of the products produced by the company because labeled in pop culture as being the culprit behind greasy relaxed styles.

Recently, the brand has revamped its products, ingredients and its packaging. They’ve also taken advantage of the gap in the market created by the surge in the natural hair movement. Women who wear their natural curls now have a line of products presented by Luster’s Pink.

So, it looks like they are definitely still in the game and they’re here to stay.

Murray’s Pomade

If you don’t know what Murray’s Pomade is, you have to be not of this world. I feel like Murray’s is what Mister used in his hair in the movie The Color Purple. In my mind, Murray’s Pomade is what all the Temptations used in their movie too.

The product is such a staple it’s crazy. I see college aged guys who are into the 360 waves using this product. I see grandpas using this product. Women with short cuts use this product to hold styles in place. Murray’s is universal.

The orange colored tin can will live through the apocalypse.

Murray’s Superior Products was founded in 1925 by C.D. Murray. He was a barber in Chicago. Apparently Chicago was the place to be if you were black and had a business idea that concerned black hair care.

The official name of the pomade is Murray’s Superior Hair Dressing Pomade. My guess is that part of the longevity of this product, has to do with the fact that it simply never runs out. Have you ever seen the bottom of a Murray’s Pomade tin can? I, have not and I have 2 tins under my sink right now.

Yeah, Murray’s is not going anywhere.

Dark and Lovely

Dark and Lovely is actually under the umbrella of Soft Sheen Carson. But, when you read ‘Soft Sheen Carson’ you don’t get the same vibe as you do when you read ‘Dark and Lovely.’ Right?

Dark and Lovely was introduced in 1972. The brand Soft Sheen Carson was another Chicago born brand started in 1964. Dark and Lovely was created for and marketed specifically to black women. Originally, it was a hair color line only. Later, the Dark and Lovely relaxer joined the product line.

The Dark and Lovely hair color box is something we all expect to see when perusing the aisles of any beauty supply store or mainstream store. Just the same, we have all seen the logo brandished across the front of bottles and boxes in our stylists’ supply stashes.

Anytime you ask about hair color, there will definitely be at least a few responses that include suggestions to use the Dark and Lovely line of products. They are a go-to for many women who color their hair at home.

The variety of colors they produce are everywhere. Whether you’re in Walmart of Ulta, you will see a full line of multiple hair color options made just for women of color. This is part of what has made them a standard in the black hair community.

Although Dark and Lovely’s history doesn’t date back as far as the others on this list, they are still just as embedded in our minds and bathroom cabinets. Who doesn’t know Dark and Lovely?

These black hair care products give us confidence when styling our hair. They’ve proven their importance and have stood the test of time. Which ones do you own?

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