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What'S up everyone, my name is alex kuras and i'm here at florida international university here in miami and i'm going to be going around asking college students if i can give them a free haircut in exchange for a really nice conversation. So with that all being said, let's jump right into this video talk to a teacher. What'S going on man, how are you my name is alex? I was wondering if i could give you a free haircut yeah. Yes, sir, you got 25 minutes. 20. 25. I don't know, depending on what you're trying to get, are you busy right now? I'M sorry. I know i just stopped. You really yeah awesome. Let'S do it, let's go hell yeah. So what's your name and uh? What are you doing here at fiu, so my name is lewis. Why am i doing fiu? So it's kind of interesting right now um, i'm waiting for a doctor to come in the school of medicine, because i'm doing tomorrow, some saturday, okay, stem celery is where a bunch of us volunteers go to a low-income school or in under-appreciated, maybe school, and try to Do some stem related uh activities with the kids to try to like inspire them to go into medicine or any any kind of field like that? Interesting, so, are you a doctor? What do you do so? Are you a student? I'M not student anymore. I was a student last semester. I graduated with my master's degree in biomedical engineering: okay, real nice, yeah, bio biomechanical. You said biomedical biomedical, yeah, nice and uh yeah right now, i'm studying for the mcat trying to kind of just learn everything. So i could get a good score and go to medical school, really yeah nice man, my girlfriend's, applying right now: good luck to her yo. She uh she got accepted into a school okay uh in alabama, but she's on the wait list for like five different schools. Here in florida and she wants to stay absolutely she's local right, she was born in yeah she well. She was born in cuba, yeah, my parents are cuban. I was born here, so they met each other. Here they came from cuba. My dad used to he was doing a phd in nuclear engineering there in nuclear engineering yeah. Did he work for the government uh? Well, they kind of make you uh. He was doing it for the school at the point in time um. He had like a bunch of publications and stuff and they were like trying to pressure him to stay and he never liked communism. He never liked uh. How many people do you know? I actually know a couple people that do ironically and some family members of mine: do you think it's because they're so used to it that that's why they're, okay with it socialism could be good on its own, but you don't have to say cuba's good. Cuba is a very poor example, so when they say that it kind of discredits every single cuban who's come here risked their lives right right, um, trying to get a better life like it's so disrespectful, but whatever right like, i hear you and i think it's tough, Because a lot of people don't understand how difficult it is for a family to just leave their home country, you know get on a boat or hop through countries different countries to make it here literally yeah. My dad i was mentioning earlier. He was uh doing his phd in nuclear engineering. They took him to mexico for a conference yep and he had to escape a bunch of security guards. The cuban security guards, because you're like paid sick, the property of the state, uh-huh um, and if you leave like it's illegal right um and he had to escape them to then go and catch a ride to the border of mexico in the us and jump. The border wow, you have to also think about like these people like risk their lives. Right, like you were saying, some people come on boats, um just to leave their entire family behind yep. It'S tough, my uh, my girlfriend talks about that stuff. All the time you know her father came here first, and he was here for at least two years with uh her and her mom. You know they were in nicaragua at the time because they left cuba to go there, because it would give them a better opportunity to jump ship and come here. And then they went straight from nicaragua to mexico, and he was here for like two years without seeing them. I can only imagine how hard that part is people who leave like their kids and their and their wives or wives, leave their husbands and their kids. For example, um behind that just must be so so difficult right on a positive note: yeah, are you dating anyone? Yeah yeah? I have a girlfriend here. Her name is melissa, she's, a teacher she's, a teacher as well my girlfriend's teaching high school right now, oh chemistry, my girlfriend's teaching, high school chemistry, who's, your analogy, who's, your girlfriend. You got the same girl, my girlfriend's peruvian. I already knew from there. I can't go for his watching like no. He caught me that would have been the funniest youtuber ever right. Could you imagine? Oh yeah dude i'd cry. I mean instant popularity right there, you, you would just shoot up to a million views. At least the ranks. Yeah that'll be nuts, that's funny. Your heart would be broken for a bit. But, oh absolutely i'd. Probably just leave you like this. Oh no. I i mean get the disrespect. I did nothing, you didn't even do anything. I was just here walking by going to my car, that's hilarious, she's, doing biology. I confuse it a lot because she uh she did chemistry here. Teaching for chemistry. She did a bio degree. So, okay, a lot of women here are not very uh, they're very um. What would you say, latina yeah in the sense of like uh? They have dominant energy to that sense like they, i guess they're kind of feminine but like they definitely um. Take on that dominant role, sometimes why do you think they do that uh? I think it goes into like hispanic cultures and um in general in the law of hispanic cultures. It'S not very good to show emotion. It'S considered like a very big sign of weakness. As a female as a female um, you don't have to experience it as much for sure, but i think they still do get an end of it from what i've learned the culture with women - and i guess just miami cuba, wherever it may be just down here In miami women are definitely in my opinion, they seem to be more of like the head of the household. For some reason, the guys are very relaxed uh they do whatever and the women are always cooking and cleaning doing this. Doing that doing this, doing that, like they're the ones that are just running around like crazy, you know chickens about their head yeah and is that is that true? Would you say that's like very true with with a lot of the women down here or is that just like a fallacy um, i think it's starting to change, but it's definitely very common still, because that's a stereotypical, uh hispanic household, that's like hispanic culture in itself. The women do all the housework - and i guess here in my uh miami, maybe because it's america and and the mindset's starting to shift from that - you see a little bit less of it: okay, um, but because miami is its own bubble right. You come here and i think the majority of the people here are hispanic right. I think it's like 66 percent or something it's a very large percentage. Yeah you don't get the same culture that you would in, like maybe jersey, right now. Jersey in itself is its own. Like mix of cultures right, it is yeah, it's a blend of like everywhere. I definitely think the hispanic culture in new jersey, at least south jersey, where i grew up like philly area right, it's smaller, it's like you, know, 10, when you're looking for a woman. What is it that you're looking for as a man as a man? Yes, sir? I'M just looking for someone that that is supportive and can empathize with you just someone that you can talk to and and have a connection with. That is genuine that you feel like will be by your side, whether you're down or up. Why do you? Why do you say genuine? Do you feel like it's? It'S not as easy to come by genuine women nowadays, no, it's not like genuine conversations. I think there are people in this world that will take advantage of you and will do anything they can to get something from you. Okay, um. You know i had a bad experience with an ex okay. I wasn't a good person to me uh. This was high school right so whatever, but i've had a lot of friends. Who'Ve also had bad experiences with x's, and generally the trend is uh. They don't really like you. They just want you for some xyz reason, or they want a temporary um satisfaction right like right to not feel alone or something to fill a void. That'S going on at the exact time. That'S obviously not all women right right, but that's why that's something i want to look or i look for right. I have a girlfriend who, fortunately does have a genuine connection with me and we've been together for nearly five years now so right. It'S awesome. Five years, yeah nice man yeah, thank you. It'S definitely uh. You know i watch a lot of jordan, peterson and, and it's definitely something that needs to be uh brought back to life. Oh durham, peterson is that the psychologist uh yeah yeah yeah, he's got some interesting. Takes on things? No, maybe it's a it's a thing with society right, not not. Everyone has a genuine connection nowadays. Why do you think people don't have a good connection nowadays? It might be the culture and define culture when i say the culture in the sense of um, you have to do anything to like get on top. You have to do anything to get by it's a very competitive society that we live in right. So, if you're not like fighting someone to be on top you're, probably on the bottom type idea, so sure if you want yeah, of course thanks guys uh alex. Yes, i cut my own hair and now i'm doing like a new series where i go around giving strangers free haircuts. Oh my gosh, i love that alex k-o-u-r-a-s. Oh wow, 80k. Yeah! Congratulations! What do you think about technology? You know in the in the future like what do you? Where do you see it going where i see it going, i'm so i'm a biomedical engineer. So i'm going to speak a little bit on. I guess that behalf. I think technology is gon na move more and more towards uh augmenting our lives, okay in a medical capacity, but also in the um in the social capacity. So i don't know if they're talks or rumors or whatnot, but the google glasses that they were thinking about. Doing at some point or people were talking about where you could like see a virtual screen on the lens yep, i think we're going to get towards that point. Either. Musk right now was uh during neuralink the little chip to implant, your brain. That would give you like connective capabilities like computers. I guess i don't know what the what the angle was. It was with it. I saw that too. What do you think that is? Is that a good thing, or do you see that being a downfall in some ways? What'S your take okay, so i'm gon na be super biased because um i i like the idea um. I actually like the idea a lot, because i think, with the way that society is heading towards you're, just advancing your integrative capacities of your yourself to your systems right right now we use a computer, and most jobs are like in front of a computer screen. Imagine if you could just do computer work in your brain or um transfer to like a computer right like i've always said like, if only i could like take a picture of the drawing i'm imagining my head. I would be an artist, but i can't i don't have the artistic ability to transfer my mind to a piece of paper, but imagine you had a a chip in your brain that could do such a thing or could transfer your ideas instead of typing. You could just think the words that you want to say right and suddenly you wrote your entire thesis right for your doctoral dissertation with all positives comes a negative right and the main negative we saw recently with the same neuralink chip is a. I think it was a seven or eight monkeys out of 13 died right once being implanted with the chip. I feel like that'd, be pretty bad for your health. Like i don't know how your body would react to such thing. Try try um like so to me. It seems like there's a major like health component to it, and i think there needs to be a lot of research done in that sense, most definitely um. There'S a huge health risk with it any time that you introduce a foreign body to the to the human body. It poses its own, its own risk right. What'S your thoughts on uh social media, on social media and how it affects the way people i hate social media. I i use it all the time and i hate it really yeah, i'm always on tick. Tock double-edged sword, huh, it's very entertaining, but it takes up. So much of my time, like you just get sucked in and you just forget, to leave um and then two hours pass by and maybe i don't know if it's because i have ahg or not um, i do have adhd by the way. I don't know if it's for that, but okay, i have a hard time, sometimes just leaving the app right i'll just disappear for two hours, i'm stuck there. You think they do too good of a job with the algorithm and knowing exactly what you like and exactly what to play next so that you stay dude they're. Listening to your conversation, most of the time yeah right now, they probably are while we're recording this yeah. Remember how many times uh mark zuckerberg's gone to court, because uh facebook's been caught like selling your data and stuff, like that, you don't think that the someone or some app or even iphone themselves are recording audio that comes out and hitting keywords, and then sending that Signal to or selling that data to some company yeah, i just hope in this video i don't get cancelled for having this conversation right now, youtube instagram, tick! Tock! Please don't cancel me. Thank you. Thank you can't wait to see it. It'S gon na be interesting. Ah, my girlfriend's gon na probably see me later today, she's like what you got a haircut, you got a haircut. I'Ve been telling you to get a haircut for how long and you just really need to stay with your quarantine here. I'Ve i've shaved my head already like twice in this quarantine, really like completely like bald completely bald once like straight down, i didn't go with a razor, basically as low as a trimmer could get it didn't. Look good. It looked good well, my channel got really popular because of covid, because i teach people how to cut their own hair. I'Ve tried to learn how to cut my own hair. I'M not going to lie to you, but the one thing i could never get is like fading right or or doing these side cuts like how you're doing i don't know how it's coming out, but i think it's going up good, that's the hardest part. I think because i've cut my own hair, like like decently, like seven times now, right um, but it always is just like. Okay, i'm gon na go like a 13 on the side. On on that trimmer i have and then, like maybe, 18 millimeters yeah. I think it's 13 millimeter, okay, um and then like a 20 on the top 22 on the top millimeters and it just looks decent like it's. Obviously i cut it myself, so it doesn't look like a barber cut it right or professional color, but it doesn't look like i cut it myself. If that makes sense, is this something that you would consider doing more if you, if you felt confident if i felt confident for sure i cut my hair all the time, if i could, i just don't see the point of having to go to a barber shop For an hour at a time, sometimes on a busy day like i, i've always been super busy right like between trying to go to medical school. Before i was doing a lot of research um. I still do research right now, but research in education, engineering, education, right um, while also doing my master's degree at the same time like when am i going to go to a barber shop, got my hair and then have to pay like what 50 bucks? Sometimes 30 bucks to 50 bucks, depending on the barber, depending on where you go exactly when, and it's going up it's going up, but it's going up if gas is going up, this is going to go up everything's going to go up everything's going up right. So you also have to think about, like with gas, going up right now. That means the ships that bring in things they have to pay more for gas too. So that means that the cost of the products are going to have to go up that they're, bringing in because they're going to the ships are going to charge the company more money. How are you doing when do you have class right now? No, it's three! Three! Yeah, it's three yeah. If we're about to skip class right now, if we're doing a video like this, it's free yeah. You got to give me at least another 15 minutes to clean them all up. You leave come back in like 30 minutes. I don't know if anything like yeah yeah for sure just message me and i'll check my phone debating his life choices right now am i about to skip class his eyes little, it's funny. If there's one thing, i've learned from doing this, this series - it's you you get to know people so much from like a deep, a deep level, even from like a few few things like a few sentences like it's, it's so funny like how easily people are willing To open up when you talk about like just simple things like that, oh yeah, what have you gotten from me so far? No, no you're good you've been great dude you're, very open to talk and explain things well speak clearly, and i love it and i hope my uh, my viewers love it as well, hopefully, because i'm having a great time. To be honest, i love doing this. Hey man, it's really fun. Actually, i'm kind of enjoying myself too yeah, yeah yeah. I mean i feel like a lot of people, it's cool to talk to a complete stranger about just life and things because you know it's just a different perspective. You can debate if you want to it's a totally different perspective for sure a whole bunch of different things, yeah, what's uh one thing in life that you might regret or might have regretted doing growing up. How old are you again, i'm 24 24 i'll turn 25. At the end of the year, have you regretted anything in life so far, even though you're still young? The one thing i regret in life is uh not applying my bright future scholarship? Oh really yeah. It was a this and when i was in high school um, i was a typical student that are not typical. I don't know if this was typical. I was the type of student that never had. The study never had to play an effort and got good grades and got good grades like absolutely zero effort. I'M talking like, i never studied um and i never applied myself and because i never applied myself, i never valued how good my sat score was, for example, right like i didn't realize that the state of florida would pay 75. My tuition, if i just filled out a piece of paper that said i got 1680 at the time really on my sat and the score has changed now, but before 1680 was no, it wasn't a 168 1780. I think i don't remember now. What'S what's like the highest score on, i don't even remember it used to be a 2200, i think or 2400, but that was like really high. If you were between, i think it was 1680 or 1780. I can't remember now to 2000 the safeway would pay 75. If you're above 2000, it would pay 100 wow wow. That'S that's! That'S really good! I don't think new jersey had that yeah, it's crazy. It'S! It really rewards people who do well. If you fill out the piece of paper right, i didn't. I forgot, if you fill out the piece of paper, you'll do very well yeah you'll get that money. I was so lost in what i wanted to do. I didn't know if i wanted to go to medical school anymore, um my whole life. I grew up wanting to be a doctor right really like your whole life. My whole life since i was like four or five years old, my it really all started. When i saw my godfather with cancer, he passed away a long time ago, but he um he had really severe cancer. Like remember - and i still remember the image clearly to this day - staples in his head because he had brain cancer and they try to operate and remove some of the cancer from his brain wow and he had just a bunch of staples there. A bunch of blood there and i said i want to be a doctor, because i want to help people and you know, help them beat cancer, help them beat whatever the heck is going on with them. So i want to be a problem, solver yeah. Well, that's why i went to engineering in the end, but when i finished high school, a lot of people told me i wouldn't be a good doctor because i didn't apply myself ever and that really was demotivating and i really just didn't feel like doing anything for A while, so i didn't even care about going to college, i would just was going to college because my parents wanted me to, but i didn't care anymore once i got into college and i started like seeing, i was really good at it. I said. Well, let me try a little bit more, so i swapped into biomedical engineering, because i was really good at math said you know if i'm good at math and i like biology, why not right? When i was finishing my bme degree, i had to decide right. Am i going to try medical school again or i'm just going to be an engineer? I did an internship and i didn't like the bureaucratic nature of a nine to five sitting behind a desk, doing solidworks drawings or emailing. My bosses at you know x projects on this time or whatever right. I really hated that and i felt like i wasn't doing anything with my life i felt like i was. I wasn't helping people i wanted to feel fulfilled exactly, and i remember listen. I remember all you guys watching i remember being in high school or even middle school and they put up a chart where, i said associate's degree bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctorate. This is what you'll make and, if you're not at like this certain level, you're not going to be anything in life like it was just like, so they cut cutthroat to the lake. I was just like it was like. If you don't go to college you're, basically not going to be anything, that's basically what they said, and i don't know if it's because of the where i grew up the neighborhood, the location, it's so false and it couldn't be more far from the truth. You know if, if you don't, if school is not for you and you feel like you can excel in another craft, go do that like you, don't need to follow social norms and that's why i'm you know i like doing this. I like making youtube videos. I like being a real estate agent and talking to people and seeing what they're doing, because there's so many avenues to make money, especially in miami. Oh, my god, it's crazy and it's like you, don't need to follow social norms because of it becoming more apparent. As you get older, sometimes you think to yourself yeah. I could have gotten way more from a trade craft. Exactly imagine i went to school for uh like fishing or plumbing they make they make so much money yeah with what a two-year technical degree right. You said: leave the top right leave it alone, because you're growing it out yeah, i'm growing. Now, if you wanted to like clean it up, if it's messed up, um yeah i'll see, if i can, if there's any like loose strands, even out, i'm kind of excited i've, never gotten a short side fade whatever. We want to call it right. Uh yeah like a regular, fade yeah. So i'm i'm curious to see how i look at. I thought he was talking to me for a second jesus. Oh am i conceited, or what geez you've had like three people approach. You today already just just say: hi yeah! No, that's awesome and i i wish there not that i wish there was more of that, but i just want more people to be okay with talking and speaking out yeah. I feel you man, i really hope your channel grows. I 80k subscribers. Hopefully you could get to the 100k. Hopefully you can make it your full-time job. If you want it to be yeah, that'd be that'd, be something special i'll. Tell you that much yeah, i would take it to a whole different level if it was my full-time job. Whole another level, as we were just saying what made you trust me, what made it to cut your hair right now. In all honesty, i didn't trust you at first. If i'm gon na be very bland. I just um, because i already cut my hair bald twice. I really lose nothing and getting another haircut. I would just go bald again. I i don't care enough. I decided you know why not. Let'S just have a conversation. I i saw like one of these tick tocks before of some guy doing on vero beach, okay. California. I was like you know that was kind of fun. It seemed like they had a good conversation. Why not might not have a conversation? I'Ve grown to trust you now a lot more after our conversation. After our conversations - and you seem like a very genuine person, that's i'm really excited to see how it comes out. I'M surprised no campus, but they stopped us me too. I was really hoping. Nobody would do anything and uh. No one said anything how you look: man, oh yo, whoa, that's fresh man, looking good you ready for the weekend. Oh that's sick! Oh thank you! Bro! You, like it man. You want a camera angle around the hair to see how it came out. Yeah yeah i'll do a little 360. yeah. It came out really good i've. Never i've, never gotten a haircut like that. That'S now i appreciate you trusting me today there he is my man. I am subscribed here. We go hit that subscribe button. You guys, let's hit 100k louis yeah bro. Thank you. Thank you so much in no time for real all right. Okay right now. Let me know when you get your youtube chat. Brother, yes, sir, we'll be in touch all right. All right take care, but thank you all so much for watching today's video, if you did like today's video make sure you leave a like and share this video with a friend also make sure you guys click on that subscribe button down below, i'm so close to Hitting 100 000 subscribers, and it would be an amazing milestone to reach, with the help of all of you guys and don't forget, to leave a comment down below letting me know what your favorite part of today's video was and also check the links in the description. As well, but you guys thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you all next time. Peace,

Alex Kouras: Private Livestreams & Self-Haircut Course (Save Your Time & Money): I hope you enjoyed the video! Comment below what you want to see next. Let's hit 100K subs!

Armando: Nice vid Alex, this has to be the best conversarion by far, or maybe it's just because I love hearing cuban immigrants stories

Supreme Trimmer: He going to be walking into class with a fresh cut

Orel Orel: Good job man !

Taabni Mohamed: Waw Good job bro

Soy Yo: awesome haircut

Jonathan: fire fade

Jill Riter: nice haircut!

Igor Gershwin: Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 146 sentadillas son unos QQGIRLS.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados Saludos desde la Cd.. de world los mortalesv abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k


همتا جانی: Son unos SEXBABY.Uno de los mejoresf conciertos Mañas no 1 se l

kaya lima: Nice

Saint Raphael:

Musa Tosun: Nothing original about thisstraight up copying from vicblends, even the conversations are like how vicblends conducts it

Oswaldo Ortiz: Copying Vic blends I see

Chris J: First. From Australia

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