Recreating My Most Popular Natural Hairstyle With A Million Views! *So Cute, But So Hard*

Hey! Hope everyone is doing so gooood! I've been working a lot more and haven't had time to post like I want to..I haven't even't had a chance to edit my bday content yet, so while I am working on that here is a video I was suppose to post the week before my bday. Hope you likeyyy :)

Oh hex, okay, uh uh. I know i did not just oh my gosh. What the heck is wrong with me, hello, so a while back ago. I got a comment that said that i should try out my old hairstyles. I should try to like recreate them, and i thought that was a brilliant idea. I forgot who said it, but i'm gon na leave this somewhere around here um. So that's what we're gon na do today, um. I actually just discovered that i hit a million views on youtube and it's kind of weird, because it's so late, it's like so old. It was back in the old jess hairstyle days, um back when my i'm never gon na self-degrade myself, like that, i had a degrading comment. I'M gon na be nice to myself, but yeah the younger jess. When i look up my most popular video ever on my channel, it is my summer natural hairstyles video, which is really interesting because um i only had two hairstyles in that video, so i don't know why it was so popular, but you know also fun fact. I got paid like nothing from that video, because the music that i used was copyrighted, so uh use if you're a creator or youtuber or whatever make sure you use video that is uh, not copyrighted, because um you make no money. Okay, anyways! I liked the first hairstyle the best and it seemed like a lot of people like the first hairstyle, so i'm gon na be recreating that which is pretty easy, pretty simple, so i'm gon na go watch your back. This should be interesting, so you guys could see me kind of also like get a reaction of my old hairstyle. I mean my old videos as well as me doing my old hairstyle on some old hair. No, this is kind of a fresh wash today, all right. Let'S get it started, i'm not gon na be playing the music in this because i learned from the first time i learned my lesson: okay, so we're just gon na i'm about to mute this video we'll just watch it. Oh my gosh, it's so funny! I know i'm talking a lot and i said i'm not gon na be talking a lot, but really quick so funny, because this is where i started like it's crazy to think that i started my whole youtube career, slash journey. Just in my cousin's room. I that's when i was living with my cousins. I was in college and i just started wearing out my natural hair and i wanted to do some cute stuff to it, and it's just weird to think that i was like where i was. I was just like a girl in college and it was just like trying to be creative and make my natural hair a journey and experience more fun by trying out all these cute hairstyles and i didn't even have like a full production. I didn't even use like any lighting special lighting or nothing. I didn't have a ring light um. The back is like i just didn't do that much like i do now and it's funny because it's simple, but it has so many views, which also makes me feel like. Oh my gosh, and i'm doing all this work for nothing. It'S just crazy. To think that you, just for me just having a single camera and just filming and not caring about the perfectionist of it yeah, but i enjoy doing that. So you know i'm. I will suffer the consequence of taking days to film and edit a video, even though most people don't really care, but i just like it for myself: okay, i'm rambling. Let'S go hi guys! Look at this hair. My hair is like kind of shrunken right now. It'S not as long as, but you guys know like how long my hair is that's. When i also used to wear makeup, you still lay the face, the infamous eyebrows that i loved, but also i had a love hate relationship because i would overdo them and remember. I look like a caterpillar at one point yeah. I know you guys know and i thought i would look good and people would tell me that i was doing over doing it. But you know you go through phases and you learn about yourself and what works and yeah. Now i don't wear makeup, which is crazy. I never thought that i would come to this point, but it's it's been great. Makeup is great. No makeup is great. Whatever the heck you want to do, but i did look pretty cute, so i always think one day. I want to try to recreate the whole thing, but then i think about how long it took me and i'm like never mind. One thing that wearing no makeup has taught me is made me lazier when it comes to doing makeup, because i enjoy the pleasures of not spending an extra 20 15 30 minutes on my makeup right after i just did my hair for a good 20. 30. One hour, you know what i'm saying like it's a lot. Okay, it's a lot all right. I need a comb, i need a comb and yes, i still use my nose to guide my parts. I mean especially my middle parts, people always. I also notice that i read all the comments and people always feel like. Why is she starting at her nose and it's like obviously i'm trying to get a perfect part? Okay: okay, i need to pause this because i'm already like i always tell myself, don't try to be perfect jess but oh, but i don't know, let me try one more time. Oh that's not perfect! I mean that's, not it's not working as well hold on and think flap it and it's getting dark the lighting. Let me fix this lighting real, quick. Okay! Is this straight? Oh, my gosh she's gon na annoy me. You know what we're just gon na keep it at that, because i'm gon na be here all day. I don't know if this is a perfect part, but no it doesn't. Let me try one more time, one more time. Okay, that's a little better, all right goodness that took about five minutes. It still takes me. Multiple tries to do a part yeah. I know i make my hair cells look, easy, which i mean they're easy for me, because i'm used to doing hairstyles, but they do take a lot of retries and i don't ever get the one like per. I don't get the perfect part by doing it once i always edit it out how many times i do it or just fast forward it, because it will be a super long video, if not make three sections okay, i could do that. I could do that girl. I could do that: okay, um, i still think my middle part is not straight and it's gon na pee me off. Oh. Why why why i give up? I can't even do the first freaking part, because i'm still worried about perfection right, gosh, darn, flower, gaster, okay, so next three parts also. This helps me as a guide because i have like, if you see my hair, you can see like. I have a point on these sides like i have little points so: okay, so um yeah. That helps me. So i will do that. You know what the thought of the fact that i don't know how much a million views pays you, but the thought of the fact that i could have got paid by this and made pretty good money and i'm not getting paid kind of pisses me off kind Of makes me upset, but yeah. I thought it would be um kind of cool to say that i made it to a million and i guess it's great and all but um. I guess when you're not reaping any benefits from it. It'S just like. Oh yeah. It'S great to say that i can say that i had a video that made a million views on youtube, but um, that's about all! I have to show for it. You know: okay, i'm really just rambling, okay, anyways! Let'S continue! Let'S speed through this right now. Okay, i have my three parts. Now: okay, the sections were too big, so i'm making them a little smaller. Oh okay, okay, wait! Wait! Let me see what you're doing what you doing well. This is so weird watching a hair tutorial with me myself from myself. Okay, i literally can't talk. I can't speak, what is it? What is english say? I stopped it right. There crap, i think, my parts, it's a little too big, so i'm gon na have to i mean it doesn't really matter that much probably not, but i want to get it to as close as possible. I'M over this. Oh my gosh, it's not turning out good! Oh all, right, let me tell you the key to mastering a hairstyle is really really really really this patience. Okay, it's patience. I got already frustrated because um i don't do hairstyles, often i'm starting to do them a little more thanks to my patreon. So i'm kind of starting to get back into the groove, but i got frustrated multiple times because i i the thing about hairstyles with me is: i would do a hairstyle and then don't do it again after that, because i don't know like i don't know why And maybe because i don't have the patience to try to recreate them, because when i want to recreate them, then if i don't get them to like perfectly match it, then i get frustrated. So i just don't re redo that i rarely redo that same hairstyle. Unless it's like an easy, quick one, so yeah with this one, i found myself getting frustrated and the more frustrated i got the lower my patience got so then i was just messing up. I kept messing up, i mean, as you could probably see. I don't know how much i'm going to show that but yeah, but when i started to just like breathe and calm down and say just like focus and just not be like, and so in a rush also, then i finally got it so there's a little tip For you all right, finally, let's move on, i feel like it's still thicker than it needs to be, but whatever dang i'm doing it like that. Why did i do it in such a weird way? Sometimes i think if my tutorials turn out weird or maybe like i'm parting, it doesn't seem as like put together. I don't know how to describe it but like how i'm parting is weird, but i think about it and so a lot of the times when i'm doing hairstyles. I have an idea of what i want to do in my mind and then sometimes, as i'm doing the hairstyle. I change my mind on how i want to do it so then yeah, it kind of looks like i'm all over the place or i don't know like i'm doing things in like weird ways or weird orders, wait what the heck did. I just put oh hex. Okay, uh uh. I know i did not just oh my gosh. What the heck is wrong with me. This time must have been so confusing to watch. I'M thinking what i'm thinking. I should keep these, because this is gon na, be like the two but okay. You know what why no one told me that this thing was confusing as heck. You know what am i going to do now, because now this looks too small to do. I guess i'm just going to have two small ones then, because i'm about to re-part that that's wild to me, i don't know. I can't believe i just played myself like that. You would have thought i had you know. I saw it coming because i'm the one who did the hairstyle, but clearly it's been a while, and i told you i i rarely repeat my hairstyles wow, i feel real played. What should i do should i just keep it going, because this is going to take me so much longer. Oh, let's see also remember to brush her brushing my baby hairs out, because if i don't then they're going to get stuck in this with my ponytail that i'm gon na make my little whatever and uh, then i'm not gon na have baby hair as much baby Hairs out, it depends on if you like, if you care about having baby hairs, obviously but yeah, okay, okay! So now comes the a very, not exciting part, which is it's exciting, but it's not exciting. We'Re talking um we're going back, we're going bazaki to the annoying thing that i'm so scared of, because i swear i swear, i'm not gon na swear, but if these rubber bands play with me or be playing with my emotions tonight, okay, so i'm gon na find, Hopefully i have some blue ones. That'S like that baby, blue. Those are really cute. That was also just a really cute color for rubber bands. To be honest, but it doesn't look like i have those ones. Let me let me look through my trash bag. You want to see this is where i put keep all of my hair accessories in this big old trash bag. Can you tell how organized i am i'm like so organized okay? Looking through my trash bag? Okay, i think i see one okay, so i'm not about to do this to myself, because you know, if i wasn't thinking, i would just see one grab it and be like oh cool i have. I do have a blue one, then put that in my hair and then end up finding out that i only have like two blues and then get pissed off, so i'm gon na go through and try to find um. I did three rows. Here'S some easy, quick math math that i have to do to myself. Okay, i got it. I can do this. I remember bad math was not my strongest two in my strongest class, but i got this so if i have three rows, i have three sections and then i have two rows in each section. Do you guys know what the answer is? How many rubber bands do? I need for my full head of hair for my full style with that information. If sally has three okay, i'm gon na stop playing um. Let me think about this okay, so i have three sections and then you have two rows on each section. That'S three times two boo, that's six right six times: two is twelve! So twelve right, you know what would be really funny, but not really funny low-key, humiliating if that was all wrong, but i'm confident myself, it's 12. okay! So i'm gon na go! I'M gon na! Take some time to like look through and find 12 rubber bands to make sure i have these ones, even though these are ones are the sketchy ones because they're they're thin - and i know i i just don't - want them to pop on me, but i'll be back. So i only found two of the baby blue. Unfortunately, so i was like what's the next best, what is the next best color that, like pops, like the baby blue, does because i think also the beauty of that hairstyle was the style was cute, but it you know it was a rubber band style, but i Feel like what made it pop was the baby blue um. So i did see this blue. This is like a turquoise blue. I don't know if you can tell if you can see what it looks like, but i just feel like it's not hidden in the way you know saying. Yo, look. Look at me. I'M trying to be sound like the cool, kids, okay, it's not hitting it's not giving what it needs to give. I literally do not sound like myself. I do not talk like this. I'M like i was never good at like, like you know the terms or the slaying or whatever you would call it. That'S in i just never really like i. I just feel, like i sound like a old granny trying to like be hip on the times and the terms and stuff. So let me stop okay anyways. It just wasn't popping the way i needed to pop. So i was like what is the color that will pop, especially with my outfit and i was like uh: pink pink will be, cool pink will be cool plus, i think hot pink has been in for like the winter colors. Don'T quote me on that? Probably, probably not, i don't know, okay anyways, but we're gon na just use that these rubber bands, though, be really sketch. So i'm going to try, i'm just we're going to pray and hope for the best with these babies. Okay, we're going to hope that they stay intact, because if not, then i'm not redoing this whole hairstyle. Let me tell you so you just gon na have to see some busted okay, so this is not working out. These are a lot tinier than my other ones and then uh uh, i'm starting to get like honestly like irritated, because i did not think that this is going to be as complex like. I was literally so excited to retry this hairstyle because it looked so simple, but you know this is not. This is not working out, because if i do two of these, it's not going to be as chunky like, i actually did do them smaller. So that's really annoying because that's not the look, even though it still may be cute. You guys know i'm a perfectionist and i want the style to look similar. So now i have to re-part ciao. When i tell you, okay, we're just gon na move on. I'M not even talking anymore, let's move on since i took forever i'm gon na speed through the rest of the hairstyle. So i'll see you when i'm finished it's pretty much the same at all over you just. Do this one two, three, four five, six more times: okay, i'll see you on finish. So of course, like i expected so far, one of them has popped, and you know i did say i wasn't gon na redo it. But since it's the one on the outside - and it's only one actually there's been two that's popped. Both of these, i think, are popped, but they're not popped like this. One is popped, so i'm going to just redo this one and try to hope that i can just hurry up and do that really quick before anything else. I had to rush through my baby hairs because i don't know when another one is going to pop. It'S not a matter of if it's a matter of when dealing with these things, so i'm just going to have to improvise with not the most perfect baby hairs. By the way i didn't leave out as much hair, as i probably should have, because i didn't have much baby hairs to work with, because a lot of them got you know, chanel got ta, take all the bobby pins out. It'S not perfect, but uh. Oh my gosh right, so i could either rock the style like this like this with the puff um, my hair still got more puffy because i was parting, my hair, which messes up the curls and makes it frizzy, which is okay, so yeah you can rock it Like this or you can wear it like this, all right, i'm over this look, okay, so we're just gon na end it right here. I did not feel like refreshing, my hair, because i'm not it's late and i don't like going to sleep with wet hair or having wet hair at night, um, plus i'm just not in the mood for my hair to be wet. You know you ever had that moment where you just don't feel like having wet hair. You know so i'm gon na rock my volume, which is my beautiful volume, and i don't even know what i did to my hair at the top. I don't really know. What'S going on, if you were to ask me, i'm pretty clueless, but i say i don't care, but i continue trying to do something make something of this bird's nest. I have going on here: hey, okay! There we go. I don't know i i don't know, but um it's been fun, it's it's. This is. This was interesting. This is very interesting. Okay, i ended up saying i was you know, recreating a style and then i decided to kind of freestyle it do it. My own. I had to do i usually like to do this and try some different techniques. I don't know, but we'll do like a 360 for you, i'm not mad at it. I'M not mad. The back may be looking all kind of crazy, but it's okay. If the back doesn't look cute, because when you turn you could just turn your head nobody's gon na be talking to the back of your head. Okay, i hope not don't talk to that person. If they're talking to the back of your head, they a little um. They may be a little you know. Also. Can you see that that pops annoying but anyways? If you watch me to the end comment pink for the pink, you know, if you would like for me to recreate another style thumbs up this video, okay and then make sure you comment pink. So i know that you like it in your watch until end, because that's the only way, i know if you guys are filling my videos: okay, anyways, bye, okay, so i'm gon na show you how i edit really quick. My do. I think it's okay to be attracted to people while you're in a relationship. We are going to be talking all about dating how to get over a breakup. My boyfriend and i started couples therapy

JessCreationss: Hey! Hope everyone is doing so gooood! I've been working a lot more and haven't had time to post like I want to..I haven't even't had a chance to edit my bday content yet, so while I am working on that here is a video I was suppose to post the week before my bday. Hope you likeyyy

RXNÉESOLEIL: PINK!!!! Dang! Congrats on 1 million on that video!! That's amazing! Crazy that it got copyrighted tho! Starting a petition for everyone to watch the full ads on your videos! I did it for this one! Also I loved watching you recreate this because I definitely understand the struggle of trying these styles so it feels comforting to know I'm not the only one! It ended up coming out super cute anyway tho! ALSO! HAIR GROWTH!!! And that's on your hair routine!!!!!

JkawaiiNeko: Thanks for trying out my idea Jess! ❤ loved it!

Gabrielle Saldanha: Só eu que não entendo nada, mas continuo aqui pra aprender os penteados kkkk ☺️?

Gellyan Sedney: Heyy jess i have a question Is rice water good for your hair?

Adelaide Ann: Omg the video was copyrighted so sorryyy but thats awesome tho 1 MIL views is A LOT !!

Evelyn Toney: Sorry you didn't get pay for your video, Love the hair style ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Paloma Benicio: Amooor

Ashley gallo: Pink :)

Kierra S.: PINK

Laura: You are beautiful

kieana blackmon: PINK

Tawanna: PINK

Excellanxt Greer: PINK

Z: Swooned

Diamond Gilliam: Heyy

Sonja Childs: Pink

Eleanor O connor: kddddd

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