Back To Basics - Detangling Technique

Are you being too rough with your hair?

I get this question a lot: ‘I have been natural for a few years now and no matter what I do protective styles etc, my hair just doesn’t go past shoulder length. What can I do to retain my length?’

Lets get back to basics for a minute here. If you are natural then you in essence have full strength hair and if you are not retaining length then the problem is likely to be manipulation i.e. combing or brushing.

Your hair may be full strength but it is still the most fragile of all the races hair types. Are we a bit spoilt from having straight hair from being relaxed previously or is it all these silky weaves* that we are constantly wearing and handling that make us think that we can treat our own hair roughly and get away with it?

Even as a relaxed head, how you comb your hair will determine your success of failure in growing those locks. I am a youtube junkie and I watch natural and relaxed sisters alike as I absorb their collective wisdom. I can’t tell you though how many times I watch cringing as a lady yanks through he hair with the wide tooth comb*. Just coz it’s wide tooth doesn’t mean it can’t cause breakage!

This is something you all probably know by now but even the best of us (and I catch myself at it sometimes too!) can forget and start combing our hair from the roots down to the ends. Whether you hair is straight or curly, natural or relaxed, the rule is that you should always start detangling from the ends working your way to the roots.

You can either use detangling conditioner*, a detangling leave in conditioner* or just plain ole water and oil to help free your hair of tangles. If you are natural then you probably have a few single strand knots and even with your hair wet, these pesky visitors can cause their fair share of friction causing breakage.

Watch this video on how to properly detangle your natural hair from someone who knows her stuff Naptural85

See the other articles in the back to basics series here >>

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