7 Ways To Avoid Spending A Fortune On Your Natural Hair

African american woman with curly hair holding moneyThe recession is over, or so they like to say. If that’s the case then why in the world does a sixty dollar jar of product still make my head hurt causing me to reach for some Tylenol with the quickness?

To be frank, I believe that paying that much money for a hair product is ridiculous, I don’t know what kind of potion they have in that jar but chances are it is way too magical for me.

Honestly you do not have to spend a fortune on your natural hair, as a matter of fact if you just tweaked your mind set a bit, set a few budget goals then you have won half the battle.

Here are 7 ways to avoid spending a fortune on your natural hair:

1. Stop With The Curl Popping Obsession

Some of us are in a vicious cycle of ‘which products makes my curl pop the most’ and every time we use the product the result is not what we expect and we end up waiting for the next big thing to purchase.

If you understand how your hair texture pops then you don’t need to buy thousands of dollars worth of product to get the pop you are looking for. Know your texture and realize that the dollar signs do not change how your curls typically behave, so for instance, a pricy jar of Miss Jessie’s might work just as well as a $4.00 jar of ecostyler gel, the big one.

2. Don’t Be Too Loyal To One Brand – Go Where The Sales Are

Some of us buy only Coach purses, only Michael Kors fragrances, only Jordan’s and the list goes on and on, sometimes we can be very brand loyal and this is no different in the hair care arena.

It would save us a couple of dollars if we were less dedicated to one brand of product but rather shop where the sales are. Many times when we step out of the brand bubble you can find some deals for some great quality products that you may not have otherwise considered.

A great tip is to use social media to your advantage, because many times there are a lot of coupon codes being shared, and companies offering giveaways and deep discounts just for liking their Facebook page.

3. Don’t Jump On Bandwagons

‘Girl if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it!’ Bandwagons are the number one cause of over spending in the natural hair community. There is nothing wrong with supporting a new company or trying a new product but do not go overboard if you are watching your budget. If you are already seasoned to what your hair likes and needs then trying something with iffy ingredients just because everyone else says it’s great is just plain crazy.

African american woman with natural hair holding money4. Beat The PJ-ism

Product Junkieism is real y’all, and there is no better rehab than cold turkey. If you need to go on a product purchasing hiatus then do that but buying six different products for one purpose will put an unnecessary dent in your pocket.

We know peanut oil sounds interesting but if you have coconut oil*, olive oil*, and castor oil* you probably do not need the one that smells like peanuts.

5. Go Natural

With your hair products I mean. Of course an all natural regimen is not for everybody but having some natural products really doesn’t hurt and it definitely doesn’t hurt your pocket either.

Take for instance a natural cleanser such an Bentonite Clay, it is a relatively cheap product and it lasts ten times longer than an expensive brand of shampoo.

Even though there might be a bit more work involved in cleansing your hair with bentonite clay*, you get more bang for your buck if you have it in your arsenal. Not to mention natural cleansers and deep conditioners help you to stretch your other products longer.

If you are a weekly deep condition type of girl and you have a lot of hair then alternating between DIY conditioners from the kitchen or natural products one week and your store bought conditioner the next week will allow your products to last and your dollar to stretch

6. Nail Down Your Regimen

This is probably the most important thing you can do for yourself in every aspect of your journey. But since we are  talking about finances if you know what you need then you can budget properly and not over spend.

This is not always easy and we can appreciate that in the beginning of your hair journey as you are learning what your hair likes and dislikes, you will have much trial and error which might require more spending. But as time passes and you get intimate with your tresses things will taper off every time you re-up.

7. Get To Know Common Product Ingredients

Why? because sometimes packaging can fool you but if you just look at the ingredient list you will probably notice that some of your cheaper products have the same ingredients despite the shiny pink label with ‘all natural ingredients’ plastered on the front.

Understand that products and the whole hair industry has one bottom line, and the color is ‘green’. Make educated choices that fit your budget, shea butter is $3.00 for a big ole jar so if it has shea butter as an excuse for a hefty price tag, chances are you aren’t missing anything.

Here’s a great tip, mix some $0.59 V05 conditioner, with some raw shea butter*, and some olive oil* – best moisturizer you could never buy! Use more conditioner than oil and shea so that you get more of a moisturizing effect, and use the shea butter* for consistency!

Your Welcome!

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