Do Not Ignore These 9 Symptoms Of Distressed Hair

African American Black Woman With Big HairYou have seen the error of your ways and you have made a resolution to approach your hair care differently.

You have been pouring over countless hair blogs and you have learned so much that you are dubbed the hair care expert in your own circles.

Since starting your healthy hair journey, you have diligently avoided the deadly sins of hair care and made sure to observe all the best practices that should set you on the path to achieving your goals.

But you still have bone dry hair, still encounter a myriad of SSK’s and you have constant breakage. This may cause you to lose faith in the process and do away with your regimen.

But have you ever stopped to think that it could be an indication of a deeper underlying issue that went unnoticed?

All the things we do to our hair are bound to have an effect one way or the other. It stands to reason that what you are now experiencing are symptoms of distressed hair.

Why is it surfacing now when I have embarked on my healthy hair journey?

Chances are the signs were there but you did not recognize them. The fact that you have started a HHJ doesn’t necessarily mean that the effects of the damage done won’t surface over time.

What you are experiencing could be as a result of severe damage that will require more than just a quick fix. Often times, such damage requires a process of renewal.

Distressed hair is a state of acute damage of the hair and/or scalp, which results in prolonged symptoms if not addressed promptly. Distressed hair does not just have to do with what you do or don’t do to your hair in a short space of time. In fact it goes straight to the issues of your overall health.

If you find yourself in this particular situation, do not ignore these symptoms of distresses hair, as it could be the deciding factor in whether or not you are able to attain healthy hair.

1. Bone Dry Hair

If your hair is perpetually dry as a chip, has a rough texture and is brittle to the touch, you may have distressed hair. This is an indication that there has been some erosion of the cuticle layer, which results from excessive use of heat (frequent blow drying, curling and flat ironing), the effect of natural elements such as sun and wind or the use of harsh chemicals in hair products.

2. Ultra Soft Hair

Sure soft hair is great, but if it feels like mushy cotton that’s a red flag! Extra or excessively soft hair is usually an indication that your hair is begging for a dose of protein.

Remember, protein is integral to the structural makeup of the hair. If your hair is lacking protein it’s strength has been diminished and you are now susceptible to mid-shaft popping, split ends and other types of breakage.

Hair may also become ultra soft when over moisturized or conditioned or kept wet for extended periods of time.

Single strand knots and split ends3. Single Strand Knots And Tangles

If you have a barrage of SSK’s on every other strand the bells should be going off in your head. SSK’s happen when your hair is overly attracted to itself as it bends and twirls onto itself.

They will usually occur in excess when your hair has been allowed to dry and shrink completely before styling. These knots often occur when hair is extremely dry, when you are not detangling enough or from rough handling.

4. Constant Breakage

Hair that breaks with each breath you take (hyperbole intended) is really bad news. Everyone experiences some degree of breakage without detriment to their overall hair journey but if your strands are popping on the regular it is a sign that your hair is weak and needs reconstructive repair to strengthen it.

5. Curls That Don’t Bounce Back

This is an indicator that your hair has lost its elasticity, its vitality, its bounce and it is hanging on for dear life but barely.

This will most commonly occur due to overuse of heat tools or in some situations due to excessive manual stretching of the strands when braiding or twisting the hair often. The ends may appear limp or scraggly when you inspect the strands and they are easy to pop at this stage.

6. Color Fades Quickly Or Absorbs Too Fast

If you have a color retention issue this indicates a rather critical level of damage since it tends to stem from a porosity issue. This is something that a good color stylist will spot before applying color and recommend that nothing be done until your hair is back to health.

7. Itchiness And Shedding

It is normal to shed up to one hundred hairs daily but if the rate at which you are shedding increases significantly from your average rate then your scalp is distressed.

Unless you diagnose and attempt to solve the problem quickly you may end up with bald spots or thinning in some areas. In many cases excessive shedding is caused by scalp issues such as eczema, psoriasis or undue stress on the roots caused by manipulation during styling.

Think about how itchy your scalp sometimes feels after having your hair braided tightly. If shedding results from this and is left unchecked, it could lead to traction alopecia.

African American woman looking worried8. Dull Hair

Dull lifeless hair may be a surefire sign that your hair is severely dehydrated. It could also be that you have product buildup. In either case your hair is signalling that something is not quite right and needs to be fixed quickly.

9. Very Oily Hair Or Scalp

While sebum can be good for hair, too much can be a sign of seborrheic dermatitis, a condition characterized by overactive sebaceous glands.

Such a condition may worsen depending on the type of shampoo or topical treatment applied. If you find your scalp itches excessively, flakes, has soreness and dark spots then this may be the cause. On the other hand, it could be stress and anxiety that is causing the oily issue.


More often than not, a combination of these issues will be present rather than just one for those of you with distressed hair owing to the fact that they may have been overlooked for quite some time.

Perhaps because you didn’t know they were that serious or because you thought that some quick fixes would address them. To start off with, you may want to get a hair analysis done by a good stylist so you can have a precise diagnosis specific to you.

► You can start by ensuring that you restore the pH balance of your hair. There are natural products that can address this such as Aloe Vera juice* or gel.

► Keep your hair hydrated using layering techniques like the LOC method to keep dryness at bay and deep condition often to keep the balance in check.

► Know your hair’s porosity levels with this simple at home porosity test and follow recommendations depending on the results.

► A cleansing detox juice thrown into your regimen could help you restore the balance from the inside and create the right environment for healthy hair growth. There is a reason that some natural hair salons offer these as part of their offerings so take advantage of them.

► A weekly leave-in mask or conditioning your hair with a teaspoon or two of olive oil* added is good for smoothing the cuticle.

► Ensure that your diet provides the vitamins and minerals needed for overall wellness and your hair will be taken care of as well.

► Use heat protectant* when heat styling to protect your cuticle and keep heat use to a minimum.

► Trim off SSKk’s, keep your hair moisturized and opt for stretched protective styles to guard against them.

► Use a protein rich conditioner to restore elasticity.

When all is said and done, prevention is the best answer for distressed hair so be good to your hair and health and you will keep these signs and symptoms at bay.

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